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countersigning an application


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All that is required is the person has a recognised and traceable standing within the law. That includes publicans - so if you have a friendly publican, as long as he is the Licencee, he can sign because he has proven who he is in a court of law when he was granted his Licence.


Same applies to passports, he can sign them too. :good:

Edited by covlocks
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A neighbour who is a local government officer signed mine but anyone of any "standing" within the community can sign.


The police realise we do not all know JPs, MPs and the like and will accept most people who have some sort acceptable profession. My FEO told my son that his boss (who runs his own small business) would be OK for his FAC. Basically, anyone on any sort of publicly available register would be acceptable.

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got my g.p. to sign mine but i had to pay the robbing scum bag




Didn't think you were allowed to pay people to sign them any more



Don't expect your GP to sign it unless you pay him, after all its not part of his core work is it. There are exceptions, my friends for example, but I would not sign a patients application unless I got paid. I use the money to pay my insurance, just in case I have misjudged them and there victims’ families decide to sue.

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Alexr Wasn't suggesting that you shouldn't get paid for doing it in your professional capacity, just seem to remember that when the paperwork came for mine it stated that the countersignature/s should not be done by someone you have paid to do it. Probably a bit blurred by time now though.

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Bad shot you may well be right, and there was no venom intended in what I said, though being called a 'robbing scum bag' does seem a little harsh, and in reality i was just pointing out that there is a risk associated with signing these things ( Hungerford, Dumblain ) As I say I use the fee to pay for insurance against this.

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Always makes me laugh when people ask there GP to sign it .

Isnt the signatory supposed to be some one who has known you personally . My gp may know about my internal organs being knackered but he knows nowt about my attitude towards guns or my ex wife or the fact that i may wish to use one against her or any other matter about my life . So in signing his name he could be taking a big risk .

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Bad shot you may well be right, and there was no venom intended in what I said, though being called a 'robbing scum bag' does seem a little harsh, and in reality i was just pointing out that there is a risk associated with signing these things ( Hungerford, Dumblain ) As I say I use the fee to pay for insurance against this.


Technically you are not allow to use a countersignature from someone who you have paid for the service.


A great many GP's nowadays have large patient lists unlike years ago when a great many patients that visited the surgery they knew very well. My GP signed all my tickets for years, but when he retired his replacement refused on the basis of ethics of shooting and the fact he did'nt know me.

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i was just pointing out that there is a risk associated with signing these things ( Hungerford, Dumblain ) As I say I use the fee to pay for insurance against this.


Did the guys who countersigned michael ryan and thomas hamiltons certificates get prosecuted and require some form of insurance to pay out any damages awarded against them?


I have countersigned plenty of certificates with no phone call from the firearms dept. I have also had friends (non certificate holders) countersign certificates

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Bad shot you may well be right, and there was no venom intended in what I said, though being called a 'robbing scum bag' does seem a little harsh, and in reality i was just pointing out that there is a risk associated with signing these things ( Hungerford, Dumblain ) As I say I use the fee to pay for insurance against this.



Harsh indeed, and I will say it seems most sensible to use the fee for liability insurance. I don't think I would be comfortable signing for someone who probably only comes in once a year or so with a cold or bad back.


Out of interest have you ever refused to sign for anybody? I know a few people local to me who have had their guns taken because the doctor felt they were not stable enough to be in possession of them. Makes me think that it is not quite as faceless a task as it may appear.

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alexr didn't mean any offence to g.ps' in general it just happens that the one who signed mine has known me for years socially and came round for dinner when he signed them I didn't get charged until i had an appointment the week after and not once before this point did he mention i would have to pay.So as such i feel justified in calling him a robbing scum bag.


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Did the guys who countersigned michael ryan and thomas hamiltons certificates get prosecuted and require some form of insurance to pay out any damages awarded against them?


I have countersigned plenty of certificates with no phone call from the firearms dept. I have also had friends (non certificate holders) countersign certificates


the answer here is I dont know, but if his GP had signed the form, there is every possibility that he would have been liable.


Also The only time I have had any contact with an FAO about this has been at my request ( see below)


Harsh indeed, and I will say it seems most sensible to use the fee for liability insurance. I don't think I would be comfortable signing for someone who probably only comes in once a year or so with a cold or bad back.


Out of interest have you ever refused to sign for anybody? I know a few people local to me who have had their guns taken because the doctor felt they were not stable enough to be in possession of them. Makes me think that it is not quite as faceless a task as it may appear.


Yes, and yes they were as mad as a box of frogs, both before and after I refussed. They had also lied on the aplication, which I had to inform the FAO.


alexr didn't mean any offence to g.ps' in general it just happens that the one who signed mine has known me for years socially and came round for dinner when he signed them I didn't get charged until i had an appointment the week after and not once before this point did he mention i would have to pay.So as such i feel justified in calling him a robbing scum bag.



If you know him socially then yes I agree he did have a cheek charging you.

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