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hello all,


right i have a braw wee spaniel, shes about 12 months old and she does everything perfect except quartering she doesnt do that very good but anyways she works great only problem is whenever a gunshot is fired (6mm caps) she wont come near me, i started her on the gun myself by throwing a dummy and then letting a shot off and letting her run in but she doesnt come back with the dummy at all just runs about but without the gunshot shes perfect .. any advice?




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Launcher is still the sharp crack of a blank compared to a shotgun.


Just be careful when beating, if she's put off now you might never get her over it. If in doubt, leave her at home - TBH at 12 months, wary of gunfire and not quartering properly I wouldn't be taking her anywhere near a beating line but that's just me, each to their own.


Hope you get on ok with her.

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i had the same problem with a cocker bitch that gradually got more gunshy ,at 12 months she was really scared of any bangs in fact petrified, we think she was scared by a bang in the house whilst she was sleeping, then started to asscioate it with guns even though she was intoduced to them at 6 months gradually and was doing fine.

we started all over again with two people and the starting pistol fired once from 200yds and then carry on with the walk she got used to that after a couple of weeks we reduced the distance,eventually i would show her the pistol when i got her lead out for a walk and she would associate it with walk time,then i would fire it before we left always gauging her reaction.

by the time she was 18months she was right back on track but it did take patience she sees a shotgun now and she gets so excited you would not believe she was ever gun shy.

it was a massive relief and also very rewarding.

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yeh i tryed it with lewis with the dummy launcher, still does the same.. hopefully shes fine next week when a head off to a beating line with her :hmm:



I am no expert on dogs but would think this is a major no no. If she is not happy with the launcher etc there is no way she will fine next week. You might be keen to have her work on the line, but if she is not upto scratch I'm sure teh keeper will soon ask her to be removed, as keepers are not normally known for their tact :hmm:


Take your time witht he dog and give her some training. As said there are some good pointers pinned on here. I just think you are keen to get to the beaters line with your new dog, but your dog is not ready. The dog is probably a bit on the young side yet anyway. (have been there with my dog too)

Just my observation

Edited by Ballymac
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beating is actually quite a good way to get a dog used to the noise as you're at a distance from the guns with game to distract the dog and keep it interested. Obviously you don't let it off the lead to start with or try anything too fast but as a gentle introduction it can work to combat gunshyness.

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dont take her beating m8 sounds like you have a gun nervous dog not gun shy this is were alot of people go wrong there is a difference if she is shy there is no quore sorry to say it uv got a pet if it nerveous there is but be very cAareful can so easierly turn shy id be thinking along the lines of not taking her beating but see if keeper would let u stand one drive maybe if u live close enough u could pop for her between te last drives of the day stand far enough away as the bang was a dim sound and throw her a ball or a dummy or even give her alot of fuss remember get down to her hieght sit on floor with her or neel reely make a big thing about it m8 if i can help in any way pm me

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right had her on the beating line on the long lead .. working perfect and lifted about 30 birds, same on the 2nd drive and the 3rd, 4th let her off the lead because she was doing so well.. then she ran off about 50 yds in front of the line and flushed a huge bunch of birds but the keeper didnt mind but i was annoyed, then the 5th stood behind the guns and she was so focused on marking the fallen birds she didnt mind about the shots so i think acuple of days like that the same and shell be as good as gold :look:




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My pointer is gun shy ,I take her out with the 6mm starting pistol , this is not too bad as long as she is busy she is okay , when I go shooting with her I use a moderated .410 she is not keen on that even though it is not loud , I will persevere, she will hopefully learn that seeing the gun means a good run ,OFF TOPIC 2 of my uncles live in Cumbernauld , Philip and Jimmy Sherlock do you know them, Jimmy has been there for along time and is well known, CHEERS!!

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My pointer is gun shy ,I take her out with the 6mm starting pistol , this is not too bad as long as she is busy she is okay , when I go shooting with her I use a moderated .410 she is not keen on that even though it is not loud , I will persevere, she will hopefully learn that seeing the gun means a good run ,OFF TOPIC 2 of my uncles live in Cumbernauld , Philip and Jimmy Sherlock do you know them, Jimmy has been there for along time and is well known, CHEERS!!


Hi mate, philip and jimmy :unsure: where abouts do they shoot? in cumbernauld ?



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right had her on the beating line on the long lead .. working perfect and lifted about 30 birds, same on the 2nd drive and the 3rd, 4th let her off the lead because she was doing so well.. then she ran off about 50 yds in front of the line and flushed a huge bunch of birds but the keeper didnt mind but i was annoyed, then the 5th stood behind the guns and she was so focused on marking the fallen birds she didnt mind about the shots so i think acuple of days like that the same and shell be as good as gold :yes:






good to hear, the fundamental with beating is there are lots of birds to take the dogs mind off the shooting, plus they get to see game shot and most of the time you're no where near the guns. I've seen it work with a fair few dogs and my current one isn't that keen on close shots but loves beating just not sure she'll make a hide or peg dog, that said she comes out lamping every time I go and has done since I got her. Sees the .223 come out and she goes and sits by the door then sleeps on the back seat most of the way round just getting up if I take a shot as she does rather like foxes :yes:


The basics are your dog now associates a good fun day with shooting so shouldn't be quite as fussed at the next lot of shooting rather just looking for birds, but that said don't push too hard and you need to focus on the steadyness and re-call before she clears off up the front again. Most keepers know what its like having a young dog so let you have a mistake or two as long as its not a regular occurence.

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I found a good way was to take a dog to a clay ground with some ideal distraction like a tennis ball..you can start out about 100 yards or more away and try to work your way nearer..not to fast mind..keep it short to say 5 to 10 min then back in the car and off site..repeat once or twice a week..good thing clay grounds tend to use lighter carts,thus less crack and have sound breaks here and there so its possible to keep it muffled at first ...Have a lab that doesnt bat an eye at a shotgun...but pull out a starter and she would turn to a jelly .


Edited by PWD
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:lol: all training must be rigth before taking a dog to the beating line all that will happen is bad habits and my dogs about 2 years to 2.and 1/2 years before i take my dogs ........ take your time :yes: and a good dog you will have ..... :lol: Edited by jack123
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I got my dog at 14 months and he was gunshy. I used a cap gun for 2 months. I started at feeding times first, then walks and in the house and then then during training. Got some strange looks while I was walking the dog mind! Started off gradually and ended up firing 6 or 7 caps over his head, he soon got used to it. Then progressed to standing away from a shotgun and by the time I tried him sitting behind me, he took no notice.

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