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reloading question...

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i have started reloading .38 and .357 rounds the last week or so and have read on here a while back that some people write their own loads onto their own licence

to keep the bobbies happy when you come to renew


now i have loaded 450 and shot 300 odd since the 20th september (down the range 2 or 3 nights a week)

this is quite a lot i think (about the same usage i have out of my .22 rifle) as i have got the cost to 9 or 10p per bullet


these are just standard lead, non expanding


my buy and keep limits are 400 and 600


do many people write their home loads on themselfes ?


and if so what do you write ?




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also i do keep my own little book of dates and times


every firearm i own and serials

everything i buy and sell to do with the guns (ammo, heads, powder.. etc)

when and who i buy/sell to and their name and cert number

when i load rounds + ammount

when and where i shoot rounds + ammounts and with what rifle/shotgun

variations (dates)


i keep this for my records only but could be used to prove my usage and also where and when i was shooting

Edited by angelotambini
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My RFD records my details everytime I buy powder so if anyone wanted to check I was reloading I`d refer them to that.


I also would soon run out of paper with the amount I reload, but I see nothing wrong with keeping a record for your own purposes.


What loads and heads are you using? Angelo

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