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Abs chuffed


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Been taking it easy with Skye, lettin her be a pup n not pushing her to anything. Have been introducing her to water slowly, not making her go in but trying to encourage her to :lol: Well today we got to kenfig pool and she ran right in first thing, up to her shoulders but had the usual that as soon as feet off the ground back to shore she comes ???


Anyways I found a good stick and started to throw it in, next thing I know she was off, properly swam out, got the stick and swam back. Ran around like a lunatic, 2 huge shakes all over me :lol: n then brought me the stick :lol: Well it was a pleasure to see something you have been working towards coming together like that :lol:


Did about 7 or 8 retrieves in the water, she loved it then walked home. She's flat out now by my feet kipping :hmm:

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