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Should Nick Griffin be on Question time this week or no?


Has been some lively debate on this, and now it's being challenged as to legality of the "impartial" BBC allowing him on at all. <<CLICKY>>


I suspect this thread could degenerate very quickly into the usual bun fight, but there are genuine issues raised here.


It's not as black and white (excuse the awful pun) as it first appears.





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Nick Griffin should appear on Question time purely to make all the other political partys sit up and realise they've got to do something different to get the public onside.He shouldnt be banned because that will only strenghen what support they already have and would be a major propaganda boost.

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I agree with Blackbart, he is a member of a democratically elected legal political party and as such should be allowed his say, no different to any other. What I fail to understand is, why people seem so afraid to give him and those like him air time, just because their views are different to those of others. I'm sure Labours views are different to the Tories etc see thats the thing with democracy, it works all ways, or is supposed to

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I despise Nick Griffin and everything his obnoxious party stand for. However, this is a democracy and they clearly have the support of a significant portion of the electorate, so yes they have a right to to be on QT.


Although the mainstream parties are partly to blame for the BNP's recent moderate success, by ignoring genuine concerns over uncontrolled immigration, I hope their reps on QT make a good job of showing Griffin up as the bigoted hate peddlar he really is. Cue the Daily Mail readers stepping to his defence :lol:

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The BNP scored 1 million votes in the Euro elections and as a democratically elected party they have as much right at the next.


I doubt Nick Griffin will do them any favours though.


I think it's worth it just to remind the main stay parties that there are 1 million votes for grabs if one of the major parties were to properly tackle with a sensible solution, the issues the BNP tackle with the delicacy of a club hammer.

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I agree with Blackbart, he is a member of a democratically elected legal political party and as such should be allowed his say, no different to any other. What I fail to understand is, why people seem so afraid to give him and those like him air time, just because their views are different to those of others. I'm sure Labours views are different to the Tories etc see thats the thing with democracy, it works all ways, or is supposed to


That's got to be a first,something we agree on :unsure:


The other thing that made me laugh was the pathetically concieved plan to bar the BNP from parliament last week by withdrawing security passes for euro mp's and saying it had nothing to do with keeping the BNP out of parliament and was just a coincidence :lol: Meanwhile adams and mcguinnes are free to roam through parliament(if they would swear allegance to the crown,which they wont.)Now i may be wrong but i cant remember mr griffin trying to blow the cabinet up,bomb soldiers,blow up buses in london or even shoot one squaddie...as for the other two !!!

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If they're frozen out it will only make them stronger. Look how stupid the government looked when they put a block on Sinn Fein being heard on the news - having to listen to someone ad-lib Adams became an amusing art form and achieved nothing.


They have elected representatives who have a right to speak on behalf of those who voted them in. Either make their party illegal or allow them a platform to speak, they'll do all the damage to themselves without any help.


I'll be watching it :lol:

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That's got to be a first,something we agree on :unsure:


The other thing that made me laugh was the pathetically concieved plan to bar the BNP from parliament last week by withdrawing security passes for euro mp's and saying it had nothing to do with keeping the BNP out of parliament and was just a coincidence :lol: Meanwhile adams and mcguinnes are free to roam through parliament(if they would swear allegance to the crown,which they wont.)Now i may be wrong but i cant remember mr griffin trying to blow the cabinet up,bomb soldiers,blow up buses in london or even shoot one squaddie...as for the other two !!!



was bound to happen sooner or later, and in the space of the same day I find myself agreeing with your second post too, I'd better go lie down now :unsure:

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I have no time whatsoever for Nick Griffin or the BNP, but you have to accept that they are addressing issues that the other parties skate around.


Immigration is an issue, which Labour play with, doing absolutely nothing whilst the UK goes down the pan. The BNP might serve to wake up the mainstream parties.


Worse still the BNP might come out of Thursday with more support.

Edited by Gordon R
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I bet On Thursday the BBC will put Pro Labour and that in the Audience, I bet he wont get a say on anything.


And I support the BNP. Come on who's gonna be the first to say Im a Racist? First prize wins a gollywog

Edited by The BFG
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cant see what the problem is , the british goverement sat down with IRA terrorists and now they have members in the northern ireland goverment so whats the difference in letting sum one from the bnp have their say on tv , nelson mandela is classed as a hero by sum people but they forget he was a terrorist

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I bet On Thursday the BBC will put Pro Labour and that in the Audience, I bet he wont get a say on anything.


And I support the BNP. Come on who's gonna be the first to say Im a Racist? First prize wins a gollywog


All question time auduiences are hand picked (ever seen the questionaire you need to fill in) dimwitleby a labour stooge

will do his best to interupt, brow beat etc and give free reign to the other guests in an attempt to belittle griffin, but I think griffin is well hardened to it all and if he sticks to his guns it will do him no harm at all! oh and whilst I may not wish to vote for him, I can identify with some of the bnp concerns and idea's? love peter hain saying he should not be on the programme as as he(griffon) is not democratic this from a man who's leader was not elected, giving us a PM NO ONE wants, and from a party that wont allow a referendum as promised on europe and who's mentoring guru is a corrupt, bent non elected piece of dog poo yep democratic is mr hain.


cheers KW

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:look: :look: :look: What KD says.


I see no reason whatsoever why they shouldn't allow him on to represent his party. What are they frightened off - that we actually listen to the guy and then decide to vote for him? Well here's the thing like - duh - I have a brain of my own and I don't need either labour, tory or liberal tits telling me what I should and shouldn't be listening to - I can make my own mind up.


How dare these numpties who have totally ****holed Great Britain turn around and say what should and shouldn't be on BBC - we damn well pay for it through the licence fee we pay and it is about time they realised that.


I hope Griffin asks why labour have Gordon Brown at the helm when he wasn't even elected - at least Griffin was!


Pushkin :lol: :unsure: :unsure:

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