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You hate dishonest people yet you are defending that cretin Nick Griffin and the facist party that he leads?


Which face have you got on today? as you obviously have 2



Oh come on surely you can come up with more names than that, which is he a a fascist cretin or dishonest. I didn't see Nick Griffins name on the list of dishonest mortgage fiddlers and bogus expense claimers, like Jack Straw tried to hush up so his own bogus claims didnt get out, and as for him claiming to be Jewish on QT here's a quote from the Jewish Chronicle


Although Straw's great grandmother was Jewish, it was the wrong one - on his mother's father's side. So Straw is not halachically Jewish. Indeed, in a speech given in 1995, he said: "I come from Jewish stock although I'm Christian now." So even if he looks like a shul warden, he doesn't want to be one of us. Straw's father is from Barnsley - not a Jewish place.

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Although Straw's great grandmother was Jewish, it was the wrong one - on his mother's father's side. So Straw is not halachically Jewish.


Straw's father is from Barnsley - not a Jewish place.


So as well as not being the right sort of Jewish, he's not even the right sort of Yorkshireman.


No ******* wonder he's a politician :good::lol:

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Oh come on surely you can come up with more names than that, which is he a a fascist cretin or dishonest. I didn't see Nick Griffins name on the list of dishonest mortgage fiddlers and bogus expense claimers, like Jack Straw tried to hush up so his own bogus claims didnt get out, and as for him claiming to be Jewish on QT here's a quote from the Jewish Chronicle



so we have bogus expenses or thinking the Holocaust was a good thing :good:


let me think about which is more of a concern

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Oh come on surely you can come up with more names than that, which is he a a fascist cretin or dishonest. I didn't see Nick Griffins name on the list of dishonest mortgage fiddlers and bogus expense claimers



Isn't that because you need to be an MP for that instead of a wannabe?

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so we have bogus expenses or thinking the Holocaust was a good thing :good:


let me think about which is more of a concern



I think if you listened correctly Griffin questioned the STATISTICS of the holocaust and not wether it was a good thing, and thats very big of you deciding that its ok by you that the bent mp's can steal every other tax payers money, not just yours

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“We don’t believe in free speech – for facists”


According to the Guardian, this rabble were chanting "Build a bonfire, build a bonfire, put Nick Griffin on the top, put the Nazis in the middle and burn the * lot." Guardian website If the BNP were singing about cremating Jews, how would that go down?


When the English Defence League takes to the streets, it's 'rioting' but when the UAF do it, apparently it's 'direct action' and not the same at all. They're two sides of the same coin - streetfighting mobs who waste police time and public money.

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so we have bogus expenses or thinking the Holocaust was a good thing :good:


let me think about which is more of a concern


Considering the current economic and political climate lets go for the former. It's current and something can be done about it. The Holocaust was how long ago? And can we actually do anything about it now except making sure it doesn't happen again?


Remember, in the day's of the British Empire, we stirred the pot quite effectively as well.

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I think if you listened correctly Griffin questioned the STATISTICS of the holocaust and not wether it was a good thing, and thats very big of you deciding that its ok by you that the bent mp's can steal every other tax payers money, not just yours



no he didn't but he did skirt the question very carefully indeed, as he did when questioned about the softly softly tactics of winning public support to be a means to his end.

MP's expenses are chicken feed in comparison. It is interesting though and it was pretty easy to see he was a scared not particularly literat man thrown in front of an audience out for blood. Were he not who he was I'd have felt sorry for him as he was that far out of his depth

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I watched QT last night with an open mind and although Nick Griffin was not treated fairly, he came across as a total loon and reckon most people who voted for him will be rightly ashamed. At the same time Jack Straw acted like a pompous **** and he faied to admit that his parties open door policy has caused resentment and fear in communities that no longer look or feel the same. I moved from sarf london partly as no one spoke english anymore - even the white british spoke with jamaican accents

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no he didn't but he did skirt the question very carefully indeed, as he did when questioned about the softly softly tactics of winning public support to be a means to his end.

MP's expenses are chicken feed in comparison. It is interesting though and it was pretty easy to see he was a scared not particularly literat man thrown in front of an audience out for blood. Were he not who he was I'd have felt sorry for him as he was that far out of his depth



Kettle? pot? black?

To be honest a potential leaders literacy is not my primary concern, it his the ability to to the job, after Leonardo DaVinci was dyslexic, so was Thomas Edison, Richard Branson is, so I'm struggling to see your point here

As to the holocaust question, I agree with Dave K, there is nothing can be done about it now save for to ensure it doesn't happen again

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so we have bogus expenses or thinking the Holocaust was a good thing :good:


let me think about which is more of a concern


Al4x can you please try to be consistent, only yesterday you said "



"erm that was 6 years ago is that all we're basing the opinion on? "


Now granted we were "only" talking about 2 lads who were viciously attacked with weapons, and then te assailants attempted to run over them, now while that may not seem to be important to you, it affects a good many people and not just those boys immediate family, but that sort of sets a precedent by YOUR rules, if we are only allowed to discuss CURRENT issues, lets keep it that way

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According to the Guardian, this rabble were chanting "Build a bonfire, build a bonfire, put Nick Griffin on the top, put the Nazis in the middle and burn the * lot." Guardian website If the BNP were singing about cremating Jews, how would that go down?


You seem unable to understand that the former, although flammatory(geddit?), isn`t against the race relations act, the latter is however.

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You seem unable to understand that the former, although flammatory(geddit?), isn`t against the race relations act, the latter is however.


However Henry, the rent a mob outside were the ones disturbing the peace and breaking into broadcasting house trying tpo suppress free speech. now who is the fascist again?

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Can`t be ***** to trawl through it, can someone tell me if someone won and if there were any blackeyes or bloody noses ?


Cheers muchly !


probably why your comments are of poor quality? you need to take in information before you can opinonate (as you do very often, from seemingly little fact )



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I didn't see it - and wouldn't have sat through any political program anyway.


Anyone who read that artical in the Sun I think - about an illegal immigrant allowed to stay because he has a cat think the way this country is going don't need SOMEONE - ANYONE to try and get us back to doing whats right for the country?


I feel an urge to vote for SOMEONE who will sort this immigration stuff out.

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probably why your comments are of poor quality? you need to take in information before you can opinonate (as you do very often, from seemingly little fact )




I meant had anyone here spat out the dummy and got into an unseemly struggle with another member ? So what info do I need, please enlighten, preferably from a neutral viewpoint/site :good:


I did see Nicky last night and as in rugby, if you go to the ground with your hands on the ball, expect a shoeing !

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However Henry, the rent a mob outside were the ones disturbing the peace and breaking into broadcasting house trying tpo suppress free speech. now who is the fascist again?


You still don`t get it, this is your quote, don`t prevaricate, just try to understand that one is illegal the other isn`t.


According to the Guardian, this rabble were chanting "Build a bonfire, build a bonfire, put Nick Griffin on the top, put the Nazis in the middle and burn the * lot." < Not illegal, just taunting him Guardian website If the BNP were singing about cremating Jews, how would that go down? < Illegal







...or not as the case may be :good:

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i hope i'm not treading on anyones toes here, but, we're already living in a fascist state, take a look back to last summer and the G20 summit [or was it G8] riots outside all the banks headquarters. It wasn't just a coincidence all the riot police weren't wearing their ID numbers. cameras on every street , web sites specifically designed for watching cctv, TV shows sensationalizing police brutality on the front line, anyone else paranoid yet? It doesn't matter who we vote for, the government still reign supreme.

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Imagine if we where back in the 1970 QT, Replace BNP with IRA (aka Gery Adams ) and Sinn Fein.


Look at where we (they are now)!


Unless I am wrong, I have not seen the BNP blowing things up to try and get their way?


Do you see am comman thread? Relgion!!!

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