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so a second hand comment from a police officer 6 years ago. Lots of things don't make the national news depends if its a slow news day or not. People get attacked so frequently that it doesn't make national news even if it is race related. Doesn't mean the government has stepped in and asked for a blackout in which case whats it doing on the page you've found?


come on as conspiracy theories go this one is weak to start with

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so a second hand comment from a police officer 6 years ago. Lots of things don't make the national news depends if its a slow news day or not. People get attacked so frequently that it doesn't make national news even if it is race related. Doesn't mean the government has stepped in and asked for a blackout in which case whats it doing on the page you've found?


come on as conspiracy theories go this one is weak to start with



So seeing things THIS WEEK through my binos is secondhand? And who said the reports from the police were 6 years ago?

The pages I (and Henry D found) are not newspaper or media sites, but internet based, so I would assume they are more difficult to censor

And why are you suggesting this is a conspiracy theory? Henry asked for specifics around this incident, I provided them, and Henry, quite rightly, is corroborating facts for himself, instead of as you are doing, trying to degenerate the thread into a slanging match, which I am not rising to the bait. The facts are there for you to find out if you so choose. I have invited you to the area for you to see for yourself.

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I've been to the area thanks the sources are just trying to whip up a bit of racial discontent hence the sites its posted on, whether it was newsworthy that day is another matter, Certainly it made the BNP news but thats about it. It happened, by the sounds of it he started it which may have impacted its newsworthness and it was years ago. Can't really see the relevance of it in discussing how bad things are racially up North currently. Can't we go back to big cats and little green men you've spotted recently :lol:

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I've been to the area thanks the sources are just trying to whip up a bit of racial discontent hence the sites its posted on, whether it was newsworthy that day is another matter, Certainly it made the BNP news but thats about it. It happened, by the sounds of it he started it which may have impacted its newsworthness and it was years ago. Can't really see the relevance of it in discussing how bad things are racially up North currently. Can't we go back to big cats and little green men you've spotted recently :lol:


So because you passed through the area briefly some time ago makes you the expert does it? It wasn't reported in the BNP news, one of the links I posted was from the Kurdish net. Are they trying to whip up racial discontent too? Now who's the conspiracy theorist? He didn't start it it was an altercation between asian and kurdish youths which the 2 lads who were injured got caught up in. I told you my own sightings were within the week, and how come you didn't take Baldrick to task for second ahnd reports in an earlier post of his on this very thread when he said quote"Ask any local copper, councillor or journalist, and they'll attest that hard-working folk like you and I are being bred out in a lot of areas of the UK. It's an unpalatable truth, but research the demographic if you think I'm wrong." unquote, but then again he was saying what you wanted to hear wasn't he. And kindly keep on topic, no-one except you has mentioned big cats and little green men, and come to that it is ONLY EVER you who mentions little green men. Perhaps a little moderation in your drinking is called for?

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sadly what is happening and has been for years is the poorest and most run down areas have been traditionally where imigrants have settled as they were also cheap areas to live. They were welcomed as they provided labour to manufacturing industry when we had some that is. Most of the "immigrants" in these areas are second and third generation but have also been joined by more recent asylum seekers and Illegals etc because they would have had relatives in the area and also because of the cost of living. So we have a few areas of high populations of what shall we call them imigrants / decendants of. On top of that manufacturing here has gone breasticles up and so the low paid jobs these people did have gone so the general areas have fallen into high crime and deprived areas. Generally the areas aren't very big when compared to most UK cities but yes your area has a few but thats not to say we're over run or that racial tension is at an all time high and all hell going to break out because of an incident in 2003. For every incident you find "one of us" attacked i'd suggest you'd find more if you looked the other way and looked at Fascist racial attacks on people deemed to be imigrants.

Any way your Leader will be on telly tonight telling the nation about his plans so should give some interesting viewing.

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A total news blackout was imposed upon the events of that night by the British media. Read mine again, you stated that there were weekly "near riots" no way on this creation can the news be distorted for the past x-years on a day to day basis !

You also forgot the court case was reported in the paper, why didn`t that get reported ?


Henry, please also read carefully my earlier post which stated . The news is being repressed, for whatever reason, and that is first hand from the cops on the ground See above


Yes someone else did attack them first, they were members of the local Asian community who lived in that area first, and thus laid their claim to their "turf" Whoa, where did this come from ? Don`t try and justify an attack just because you allege that it was a turf war !

As a local, and as someone with friends in the police who are also members of the shooting community, I get to hear of these events, but NOT through the media. So, if I am reading you right, you are inferring because they are NOT reported in the media, they did not happen? And this is a media which as well know, and are told by the celebs who feature in in it regularly that what IS reported bears no resemblance to the truth Weekly "near riots" not being allowed to be reported....seriously there is some amount of paranoia here!

PS I didn't notice you ridiculing the report in the kurdish net even though it was almost verbatim as reported in the Englishman That is because it was a link to the Yorkshire post

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how do you know a news blackout was put on it purely speculation and conspiracy theory I'd suggest



you really do need to wake up and smell the coffee, news regarding racial tension has been blacked out accross europe never mind the UK, in Sweden even the horrific act of rape on swedish girls by asian gangs has been "hushed up" though there are indications that things are starting to change, in Belguim, race fuelled (by the ethnics) disturbances have been played down, and its the same in france,even to the point of instructing the emergency services not to disscuss events with the media, the great globalisation experiment of the leftie nutters ( a few on here) is failing, but dont let a few home truths stop them deniying it, here is a little read on the same subject.




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So because you passed through the area briefly some time ago makes you the expert does it? It wasn't reported in the BNP news, one of the links I posted was from the Kurdish net. Are they trying to whip up racial discontent too? Now who's the conspiracy theorist?


I seriously suggest you go back and actually read the LINK


It is unbiased and is just about a copy paste of the original YP report and if you click on the link it gives the YP report. A quick look at the "About" page sets us straight .....

KurdNet® is a Kurdish search engine and start point to Kurdish website that established in 1st of May 1998. It is an independent, non-political organization that has no affiliation to any other group or establishment.


KurdNet® aims to be a leading Kurdish web hosting provider in and outside greater Kurdistan. As a leading Kurdish search engine, KurdNet® has become the favourite search tool for many Kurds around the world.


KurdNet® also is the largest source of digital Kurdish music freely available online.


From 2004 KurdNet® start to publish Kurdistan related news and articles.


Since 5th of December 2000 KurdNet® is managed by a new team with full vision of becoming a one stop portal for greater Kurdistan.


A lot less scary than the "I am an Englishman" site by a long way !

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you really do need to wake up and smell the coffee, news regarding racial tension has been blacked out accross europe never mind the UK, in Sweden even the horrific act of rape on swedish girls by asian gangs has been "hushed up" though there are indications that things are starting to change, in Belguim, race fuelled (by the ethnics) disturbances have been played down, and its the same in france,even to the point of instructing the emergency services not to disscuss events with the media, the great globalisation experiment of the leftie nutters ( a few on here) is failing, but dont let a few home truths stop them deniying it, here is a little read on the same subject.






you'll have to excuse my ignorance but weren't there race riots throughout France not that long ago. I must have been mistaken but certainly the media I watched reported it pretty thoroughly.


Funnily enough one of the main parties fought the last election basing immigration as one of their main issues and believe it or not they lost the election.

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I have not heard that accepting only Arians is the BNP policy, if you can point me to where it says that in their manifesto I will gladly check it out, but, and correct me if I am wron, isn't the ethos behins the SNP and Plaid Cymru as NATIONAL parties, to act only on behalf of Scots and Welsh people, and if so, what is the problem with other parties doing the same.




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Should Nick Griffin be on Question time this week or no?


Has been some lively debate on this, and now it's being challenged as to legality of the "impartial" BBC allowing him on at all. <<CLICKY>>


I suspect this thread could degenerate very quickly into the usual bun fight, but there are genuine issues raised here.


It's not as black and white (excuse the awful pun) as it first appears.






You weren't wrong.

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lets stop these nasty BNP lot and stick with the "proper" democratically elected MP's er like this one HE HE you couldnt make it up!




Tory Party MP (Billericay) Harvey Proctor - Stood trial for sex offences of a sado-masochistic nature against teenage boys, and was forced to resign.


OMG look at this one!!!!! the BNP are looking positively tame against this tory beacon?


Tory Party Councillor (Folkestone - in Leader, Michael Howard's constituency), Robert Richdale - 41 year history of crime, involving 30 convictions and 5 prison sentences. Richdales enormous criminal record, which covers 10 pages of A4 paper, includes convictions for assault, theft, causing death by dangerous driving, forgery, drugs offences, possession of an offensive weapon, and sex attacks against underage schoolgirls. The Tory Party election campaign literature described Richdale as "a family man" who had a "compassionate personality"

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thought it may happen! seems the non representative lefties and their muslim cohorts are trying to stop the show going ahead, by assembling and protesting outside the bbc building , griffin it seems is already inside :good: lets see what happens and if free speech is stifled by the mindless bigots, got to be some stooges inside and in the audience.



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Henry D needs to open his eye's :good:


You have said in previous threads that dont believe what the media says? And your asking for news from the media.


If your so for immigration why dont you go to Iraq and set up a business there, Im sure they will love you.

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While I may find Nick Griffin's denial of the holocaust deeply offensive, I do think any democratically elected representitive of the public ought to be allowed to speak alongside his peers. Denying anyone that right just because you disagree with them is a very dangerous position to hold and who knows where it would end, perhaps a totalitarian state?!


I think this bloke had it right;


"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?

François-Marie Arouet (21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778), better known by the pen name Voltaire, was a French Enlightenment writer, essayist and philosopher known for his defence of civil liberties, including freedom of religion and the right to a fair trial. He was an outspoken supporter of social reform.




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