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goose, mallard and teal


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hi guys i got a few days off work and was invited to stans (on here) for a bit of a duck flight he popped over and picked me up as mine off the road at the mo anyway we waited 4 hours in the cold wind only to see a hand full of wigeon fly past well to high for a shot so we called it a morning and headed back for tea and breakfast at stans house would like to say a big thanks to stans wife for great food and drink we went out to hit the woodies and only managed a few not really worth mentioning and a few crows too so not too bad anyway headed out for evening flight and tryed a new spot and with in about 20 min we had both bagged a mallard each so i was happy lol then just as the last light was going the teal come but i was the only one to bag one as they was too high when going over stan anyway back to stans house in which i stopped for the night so we could be out for the geese earl next morning we went to a field of late winter wheat and set out around 15 -20 goose decoys there was only one skein of geese to come our way that morning of which we bagged 4 out of the 9 we sat for another hour till it was really light and the called it a day i have already plucked and drawn the 3 birds i brought home as am now back at work till xmas eve so wont get a chance to do them so thats it guys hope i havent gone on too long lol so a big thank to stan and his wife carol and next time i will bring the wine even tho u said not too lol hahaha


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Nicely done Sir,


That mallard took a hammering and the teal looks like it died of fright.


A nice 3 bird roast for christmas dinner is it?






yeah the mallard was hit hard full choke as it lifted awat from me the teal was shot going away

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