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Getting New Guns in the UK


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Its the "Obama syndrome" there are going mad in the USA buying everything, guns, ammo, and reloading materials, really worried about potential bans so my RFD says.

Beretta are working harder than ever, most manufactured goods, going to the USA they are not the only company hit by this prob.


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Thats what I have been told as well but I don't really believe it, its the excuse that the dealers like to spin you because it sounds good. However my friend John who worked as manager of a gunshop in Daly City California has lost his job recently and tells me that two other big gun shops near by have gone bust as well because people are not spending like they used to, its because they haven't got the money. Its a shame for him and his wife obviously but its a shame for me and my friends as well. We used to buy a lot of stuff through John at a fraction of the UK cost. Another gun shop I have visited several times, La Fontonelle Gunshop in Omaha Nebraska is up for sale I heard recently.


So who do you believe? Its hard to imagine people who are struggling to keep a roof over their head going out and buying up $2000 Berettas but thats certainly the story the RFDs are telling us.



I think myself the distributors in this country are feeling the pinch too from the credit crunch and are delaying ordering things and keeping the money in their bank accounts till the last possible minute instead of buying stock. Nobody is holding any stock of anything any more, its the same in my business.

Edited by Vince Green
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Cancel the order Pav ???


I walked into the Beretta Gallery the other day to have a look at an Xtrema 2... They didn't have one to show me, but did have the new A400 S/A


Wow... what a gun! I couldn't believe the weight (or lack of) the thing!


Well worth a look at one!



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Why put one on order?


I would just go to a shop that has one like Essex Gun or John Forsey.


I am all for buying local if they have/can get what I want but if they haven't/can't then I'll go where I can get one.


A toss up between 2 months wait or a mornings drive? no brainer as far as I am concerned.



Not a bad price either

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Why put one on order?


I would just go to a shop that has one like Essex Gun or John Forsey.


I am all for buying local if they have/can get what I want but if they haven't/can't then I'll go where I can get one.


A toss up between 2 months wait or a mornings drive? no brainer as far as I am concerned.



Not a bad price either



I chopped in my .223 when the .243 arrived, was told I would have the new shottie "very soon" ???

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was told I would have the new shottie "very soon" ;)


From a 'sole' importer than can be anything from 3 weeks to 6 months!! I waited for a Steyr rifle from Sportsmans for 5 months and was told every week that it would be in the next week/couple of days ??? They seem incapable of telling the truth and just saying they have no idea when it'll be in ;)



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Alanl50 has been told the truth by his dealer for the most part, although it is a little more complex. I shoot in the US at least once a year and each time I do I place a large pre-order for ammunition before I leave.


For the first time ever last year, I had to purchase from a store more than 2,000 miles from where I stay. The shortage is mainly concentrated on certain common calibres, particularly 9mm, .380 auto, .45 ACP and .357 Mag for pistols and .223 and .308 for rifles and is worse in some states than others.


There is also a massive shortage of semi automatic rifles, particularly those such as the AR15 and AK47 pattern, where all flavours are fetching record prices. I've heard many stories of people literally buying a lifetime supply of ammunition, circa 250,000 rounds, all at once. The manufacturers have apparently switched production to favor the common calibres in an attempt to meet demand.


The fear centres around the fact that Obama once suggested as a Senator that a good form of gun control would be to apply a heavy tax to ammunition. This of course, has started, and more importantly, maintained, a panic. This, coupled with the pressure on production for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has really caused problems.


I have not heard or seen anything to suggest that shotguns such as the Beretta Xtrema are being purchased en masse. However, I think it is safe to assume that such orders would take a back seat when manufacturers can produce other weapons, more suitable for personal carry and home defence (the main movers at the moment) and sell them instantly in huge volumes.


My friends tell me that availability is now starting to get better but there is still a backlog. Still, a good excuse to purchase something new in an available calibre I guess! As long as you can buy off the shelf.

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I had trouble getting a rifle from BWM a while back. I ordered it and it took months of grumbling to get anywhere. When we finally did speak to them about it I was told that my rifle was still in Belgium and hadn't even made it here yet. I cancelled it and bought something else!


My guess is that because the UK has such a tiny demand for firearms the manufacturers choose to please the biggest spenders first. You can't blame them really.

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My guess is that because the UK has such a tiny demand for firearms the manufacturers choose to please the biggest spenders first. You can't blame them really.

Agreed. The UK market in comparison to North America is minuscule. They can't negotiate good terms because they don't sell enough to matter. The upsurge in demand post Obama has made a difference but even before they elected him it was difficult to get anything firearm related in the UK.

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I questioned the shotgun aspect in America with my RFD and as previously stated, handgun ammo and common calbre rifle are taking a pasting, but shotgun sales have gone right up, they are buying everything incase of the Obama issue,


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