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AYA stock

darren m

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Remove the woodscrew from the rear of the trigger guard and then carefully unscrew the trigger guard from the action.

Turn the action upside down and remove the large screw from the centre of the bottom of the action. With the action still upside down remove the small bolt that goes through the “Hand” of the stock.

Turn the action the right way up, push the top lever over and unscrew the large screw that is located underneath it.


Remove the trigger plate (which should now lift out and then gently part the action from the head of the stock.

If you haven’t got screwdrivers that fit EXACTLY, then don’t attempt to do this as you will ****** up the heads.

Better to spend a couple of hours grinding the blades of a set of decent screwdrivers to shape before even thinking about trying to remove any shotgun screws.


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cheers lads -- when removeing the stock , will i have to watch out for anything falling out ie. trigger mech etc .


And what are all the little engraved screws for with the smaller screws locked in to them ( sort of ) for :rolleyes: found on the sides of the action .

Darren .

Edited by darren m
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The triggers and anti-rattle spring are both fixed to the trigger plate, and will all come out in one go, so there is nothing to worry about as far as things falling out is concerned. If this is a No4 boxlock, then those little screws are there to hold the cocking levers and the hammers. There should be 3 large screws on each side with 3 little ones to lock them in place.

Unless you are confident that you can take these parts out and re-fit them, then leave them alone because they are under spring tension and need to be compressed before removing them.

I made a tool from a couple of bits of brass and a small “G” clamp to do this, but I have taken many shotguns apart and have plenty of experience with this.

Unless you really need to remove these parts then leave them alone.

Nothing is more embarrassing (and expensive) than having to take a gun to a gunsmiths to have them put it back together again for you. :rolleyes:


Edited by Gemini
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