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Spring watch -


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  • 4 weeks later...

Got back to this piece of land yesterday, the plan being get there for first light shoot a deer and then meet my mates up the café and do a clay shoot. Obviously anything to do with nature isn't that predictable but as it turned out ...


Got there at 8am, as always about half an hour earlier would have been better, but it was one of those morning when everything was on the move, it is only 5 miles from my house but during that journey with the amount of deer out ans about it had the makings of a good morning.

I got out of the car as quietly as possible, got all clobber together and had a quick scan round before wandering off. As I brought my binos up I saw 3 roe stood no ore than 30 yards away tucked under the edge of a small wood, they didn't run they just slowly wandered off looking back from time to time.


I panned back to where they were stood and there was muntjac doe staring straight at me :blink:

She was fairly calm so I didn't move a muscle just kept the bins on her, after a few seconds she carried on feeding, so I slowly got the rifle ready and even had time to get down on the sticks. She moved off very slowly, unfortunately heading straight away but was ready if she turned on way or the other, luckily she did, I only had a split second but took the shot. She stumbled a few paces and dropped on the spot.


As I dropped the rifle down something caught my eye, unbelievably there was muntjac buck which was stood about 5 yards to her right that just slowly walked off into the woods, I am sure I could have had the pair, but elected not to take that shot.


I gralloched her and dropped her in the boot of my car, as I had been there no more than 30 minutes I needed to kill some more time so went for walk round to what else was about. I did a quick circuit and ended up back at the car about 20 minute later.


As I still had time before meeting up with the others I used it to take the legs and head off as well. As I carried those to where the gralloch was I could smell fox, and sure enough every bit of the gralloch had already been eaten! As I turned there was a fox about 20 yards to my leftt, as the rifle was locked in the boot I could only smile and admire his cheek, I could just imagine him thinking "that's right mate, just there will do" :lol:


Despite being very young she was already pregnent with twins, just goes to show how rapidly they breed.


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Yes it's horrible out there today. I don't know what causes it, I only wish I did, but yesterday was one of those days when all of nature seemed to be out at once. I am sure the next time I go out and see absolutely nothing I will regret not shooting more than I did, but I had to keep in mind I still have to deal with the deer when I got back from the café/then clays/then pub etc - so one at time is fine for me.

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