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Who's siding with CA next time their renewal comes up?


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NGO everytime for me :lol:



I have just had a look at the NGO website and there isn't a single mention about defending shooting. It seems to be based around game keeping and solely gamekeeping.


I have to say that although I don't always agree with BASC they are the best option.

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I have just had a look at the NGO website and there isn't a single mention about defending shooting. It seems to be based around game keeping and solely gamekeeping.


I have to say that although I don't always agree with BASC they are the best option.



I can only speak from my personal experience and I have had nothing but positive and constructive help, on shooting related problems, whenever I have contacted the NGO and that is all you want when needing advice.

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I can only speak from my personal experience and I have had nothing but positive and constructive help, on shooting related problems, whenever I have contacted the NGO and that is all you want when needing advice.


I have absolutely no doubt that this is the case. But in addition to the large advice team that the BASC has, with specialists in many different aspects of firearms, they do great work in lobbying our politicians. Love them or loathe them, politicians set the rules. It is critical that we keep as many on our side as possible - particularly as most negative opinions are due to a lack of knowledge.


What do the NGO do to protect the future of shooting? The more (shooting organisations supporting/lobbying/working with politicians) the merrier, but I genuinely don't know what they do.

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Country Alliance ... I would not touch them with a barge pole. They know bug+er all about traditional shooting and rush into things like a bull in a china shop without thinking things out. The BFFS ( I used to be a member 30 years ago ) from which they originated was at least a professional organisation. They might be good for fox hunters , but they are a menace for shooting people. BASC is not perfect , but its the the best shooting organisation by far.

Edited by anser2
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:good: You must have more money than sense !! :shoot:


Probably a passionate shooter who wants himself and kids to shoot today and into the future.


The smart thing to do is to support the two best and most pro-active field sport lobbying organisations. Surely?


CA are superb and have practically got the horseback hunting ban overturned. BASC do an excellent job lobbying politicians as to the merits of shooting.


Why on earth would you not support both if you could?

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NGO all the way. Run by down to earth people that know what theyre doing.


And as for protecting shooting. Its most definately in their interests because with no shooting there will be no need for gamekeepers. therfore 90% of the members and staff would be out of jobs!


Fair enough. So what are they doing then on the proactive front?

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NGO all the way. Run by down to earth people that know what theyre doing.


And as for protecting shooting. Its most definately in their interests because with no shooting there will be no need for gamekeepers. therfore 90% of the members and staff would be out of jobs!



True enough but more shooting takes place without the need for gamekeepers so the two don't necessaily go hand in hand.

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