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AS IT SAYS IN THE TITLE............  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. AS IT SAYS IN THE TITLE............

    • RABBIT
    • PIGEON
    • RAT

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thers a sparrow hawk or a goss hawk not sure wich that keeps tasting collor doves in my garden its had 2 in the last 4 weeks and eats them at the top of my garden.


fantastick to see :/ I love wild life ;):D cant beat a bit of ferret either m8 :D


beats being stuck in a factory 8 hours a day, :D :<


get a barn owl m8 like the one in the video links part of this forum,


just like to thank the people behind this forum its great, :thumbs:

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I voted rabbit

They are good to eat as said already, they are the most challenging of quarry because the hole is no place that pellets can go, its very satisfying to see a large buck rabbit drop dead after a well placed pellet, it practises field craft to the maximum and after so many bolt down the hole the satisfaction is amazing!


Thats my opinion but everybody has their own opinion and their own favourite pests.



Edited by 9828842
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I voted squirrel, as it's the main quarry i shoot and they most aggrovating, they are quite hard to stalk and they always stop and start. They also climb trees and wait until you're gone! :< They are good sport and i hate em with a passion, i hear you can eat 'em but i've never tried.



MH :lol:

A friend of mine called heath used to eat squirrels however he came from market weighton so maybe that was it. :thumbs: He used to cook em in his oven whole with all the giblets and walk round the print shop with it like a piece of chicken. Grim :lol:

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I voted Pigeon as at the moment they are all I can shoot, the company I work for has just bought a new building and it is infested with ferals, droppings were a good few inches thick on the floor! I have to shoot at night when they are roosting up in the rafters. I like to use Bisley pest control, I switched to these and the difference is amazing no flyers at all they get about 2-3 flaps of the wings then they are on their backs legs in the air. Result :lol: Before I was using domed pellets and most go right through the quarry allowing it to fly away and die from internal bleeding somewhere. Try Hollow points they rock! :thumbs:

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Corvids are a real task thay are smarter than other people give em credit for and to get close enough to one to get a good clean shot in in the open is damn near impossible.


They are very cunning and wise and I personally find them a very good advisary


Other than that rabbits are nice as are pigeons they make a tastey meal ???


Getting a smoking oven in March for me B-Day near 3 feet tall 2 feet across can smoke 20 trout in one go but i am gonna try smoked Rabbit and smoked pigeon first ???


Lord Geordie

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