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Blood Clot.

deputy dog

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Hi all. I couldn't think my life could could get any worse after breaking my leg last February. How wrong was i to be. Been in Hospital for a week having blood tests and scans on my chest. And to my dismay, they have only gone and found blood clots on my lung :yes: . Most prob due to the break in my leg and the blood not washing out tidely. I could have dealt with having 1 maybe 2 clots. But no i got 5 of the ******* nesting in my left lung :/ . So i just came out today now, with my life turned upside down for the next year. Regular blood tests, Anticoagulant medication called Warfarin, which has to be taken for a year at least. Cant drink what so ever for that period due to the medication. Got to monitor all cuts and bruises, unusuall prolonged headaches, and a shed load of other symptoms. Cant imagin how my head is feeling taking all that in. But look on the bright side i suppose i would save loads now i'm not drinking and loose a few stone in weight along the way. But on a serious side, if i never went up the hospital to have it checked out, i may not have been here today. Thats the most sobering thought which has stuck with me through out the week, how lucky was i. :hmm::good:???

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hi ya hope you feel better soon/ i av a blood clot in my left eye two years after a hartattack they said i was one lucky bloke. it goin to two places my head or brain but it went to my eye instead been on warfarin for ten year's now al the best get well soon /trev


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My other half has taken warfarin for 20yrs.


It doesn't compromise her life much at all to be honest.


If she cuts herself she will bleed more and will also bruise easily, she also has to avoid things such as brocolli because it thins the blood too.


Nevertheless she can drink if she wants and life goes on as it always did so think yourself quite lucky and hope for a complete recovery :good:

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Sweepy has been on Warfarin since his early 30s

We had a bit of the scare the end of last year when he developed a blood clot.

But we seem to be on track again.

Make sure you keep taken the tablets. Just missing one is not good news.

And make sure you keep going back for the blood tests.

I hope things get better for you soon Babes :good:


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I've been on warfarin for 3 years now (since i was 14) and am set to be on it for life. Its not so bad the worst bit by far is all the ruddy blood tests as i hate needles and i'm even getting over that now (at first you may end up looking like a junky with track marks but it evens out). I have got onto 3 monthly tests in the past but am on 2 weekly as we speak as i seam to mess it up going high one week and low the next. I was told i could drink 4 units (approx 2 pints) and it should not affect my meds much and it must be kept constant, if you drink a pint a night then your levels will stabilise around this, but it may not be the same for you the real shame was that i can no longer each spinich and sprouts (darn :good: ) as they mess with it as well. All the best with it all and as long as you have breath in your lungs things could be a whole lot worse.




(feel free to pm me if you want to ask anything about it)

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i guess it depends what dose you're on, a friend of mine suffers with DVT, he was on 25-30mg a day, weekly INRs (that's the type of test they check for coagulation) luckily he's now cut down his dosage but he still has to be careful.

I'm also on warfarin after a valve replacement, had a worrying episode over christmas when my ears and nose kept bleeding, turns out it was the few glasses of red wine, so no binge drinking anymore! did they give you a list of the food and drink to be careful with and what they do? I was told to avoid anything with cranberries, aspirin, and not too much green veg, and to be careful which medicines i took, but eat a healthy balanced diet and they would dose the warfarin accordingly. I'm glad you're on the mend chap but don't worry, it's not that bad, just be sensible with what and when you eat, and what you do, also if you do need any medication for colds, infections, even ear drops then mention to the pharmacist that you're on warfarin and they can advise you. ATB,


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he was on 25-30mg a day


Dude thats not possible, youve got muddled somewhere in 25 years of nursing Ive never seen anyonre need anywhere near that dose!!!!


You can drink in moderation AND:


if you are prepared to spunk out £600 you can get a machine to test your levels at home on a small pin ***** like diabetics use!!! :good:

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i guess it depends what dose you're on, a friend of mine suffers with DVT, he was on 25-30mg a day, weekly INRs (that's the type of test they check for coagulation) luckily he's now cut down his dosage but he still has to be careful.

I'm also on warfarin after a valve replacement, had a worrying episode over christmas when my ears and nose kept bleeding, turns out it was the few glasses of red wine, so no binge drinking anymore! did they give you a list of the food and drink to be careful with and what they do? I was told to avoid anything with cranberries, aspirin, and not too much green veg, and to be careful which medicines i took, but eat a healthy balanced diet and they would dose the warfarin accordingly. I'm glad you're on the mend chap but don't worry, it's not that bad, just be sensible with what and when you eat, and what you do, also if you do need any medication for colds, infections, even ear drops then mention to the pharmacist that you're on warfarin and they can advise you. ATB,




Yes Gram71, what you described in your post iv be given advice an leaflets to go with it. Wont be going any where near the booze. But i am going to miss the green veg an stuff. Its lot to deal with at the moment. I know i got it, but it hasn't sunk in if you know what i mean. Every things has happened so fast iv been knocked a bit off balance. But when it all settles down now in a week or 2, i'll just knuckle down and get on with it. Not looking forward to the endless INR tests though as i hate needles.




I would would just like to take the oppitunity to thank you Gram and all the othe memebers who have posted their support and advice they have given.


All the best


Gareth :good:;):lol:

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Hope you are feeling a bit better mate, like you said though, at least it was discovered in time and treatable.

Try looking on the bright side, if you can't drink just think of all the money you will save. You could even earn extra cash by going as a non drinking driver over the festive seasons! :good:;)

You can always rely on PW members to cheer you up when you're feeling down, can't you! ;):lol::P


Take care mate!!!!!!

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Look on the bright side DD. You've caught it in time and got it sorted with no major lasting effects. You can still get out, do what you want to do and lead a normal lifestyle pretty much. At least they stopped in your lung and not your brain!


I hope you get over this soon. In the meantime be strict with the medication and make the most of not having to eat sprouts! :good:

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look on the bright side mate, its better than the alternative, youre very lucky they caught it. my dads partner died a couple of months ago from a clot on her lung, doctors never picked up on it, they were out shopping one day and she collapsed, couldnt do anything :good:

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Hope you are feeling a bit better mate, like you said though, at least it was discovered in time and treatable.

Try looking on the bright side, if you can't drink just think of all the money you will save. You could even earn extra cash by going as a non drinking driver over the festive seasons! :good:;)

You can always rely on PW members to cheer you up when you're feeling down, can't you! :o :lol: :o


Take care mate!!!!!!


Thanks Frenchieboy. Feel rough as pigs gutts if the truth is known mate. But yes i am fortunate that they did manage to pick them up. As for being a T Totaller for the next year or so. Iv been planning what to do with the money saved from my none drinking situation. Thinking of what to do with a lot of extra cash floating about. My woman says i nice holiday :o :hmm: and i'm thinking a nice browning or berretta ;):P . And as for the PW members cheering me up, well all i can say is i appreciate their support as well as yours :hmm: :hmm: . Its going to be hard for the first few weeks but i'l get used to the whole scenario in time. All best mate and thanks :hmm::P

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SNAP! i caught an infection after some complications with some other meds..


For me it is a congenital heart defect.


Don't worry about the not drinking DD the first few weeks will be hard but it will only get easier.


All the Best with it all,



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Sweepy still drinks ;) just not as much as he used too. :good:

And also not before a blood test. ;)

When the boys where little they used to think it was great fun to watch Daddy bleed

When he cut himself shaving.

And if he really annoys me i just nip his nose and watch it go black.

It will then stay like that for weeks. :lol:


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Dude thats not possible, youve got muddled somewhere in 25 years of nursing Ive never seen anyone need anywhere near that dose!!!!

that's what he told me chap, apparently warfarin doesn't work so well on everyone. My brother in law has a similar condition and warfarin wasn't shifting the clots so they used to inject into his tummy everyday, similar needle as diabetics use for insulin, can't remember the name of the drug only that i had something similar after my op while in hospital.

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Yes Gram71, what you described in your post iv be given advice an leaflets to go with it. Wont be going any where near the booze. But i am going to miss the green veg an stuff. Its lot to deal with at the moment. I know i got it, but it hasn't sunk in if you know what i mean. Every things has happened so fast iv been knocked a bit off balance. But when it all settles down now in a week or 2, i'll just knuckle down and get on with it. Not looking forward to the endless INR tests though as i hate needles.




I would would just like to take the oppitunity to thank you Gram and all the othe members who have posted their support and advice they have given.


All the best


Gareth :good:;):lol:

thanks mate, it's just one of those things that get thrown in our paths from time to time, the best we can do is deal with it and not hide our heads in the sand. I take it from the info in your post that it's the hospital doing your INRs, most GPs have those finger plick testers which is a godsend! I picked up a "needle phobia" while i was in the hossy too, some of the stuff they pumped into me was verging on drain cleaner to try and kill the infection, messed up a lot of veins in the process, being on a relatively high dose of immuno suppressants and steroids didn't help either, in the end i had a hickman line fitted because all the veins in my arms had tissued, if it's regular blood tests then that's not too bad, i still have to turn my head and look away tho. take care mate,


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that's what he told me chap, apparently warfarin doesn't work so well on everyone. My brother in law has a similar condition and warfarin wasn't shifting the clots so they used to inject into his tummy everyday, similar needle as diabetics use for insulin, can't remember the name of the drug only that i had something similar after my op while in hospital.


Heperin? (spelling)



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