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best load for 243


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Iv'e got a tikka t3 lamminated stainless with wild cat moderator, my question is what loads are other people using through their 243 especially if its the same as mine. I understand that even if its the same type of rifle different ammo's perform differently, however it may put me on the right track. A friend has loaded up for me 95 grain coated nosler ballistick with hogdsons 4831 powder 42 grains I believe and match primers. The main use is foxes. Can anyone advise me please. Regards Terry.

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Hi Terry,


Your mate is into the reloading then.


Have you looked at a reloading guide / know much about it ?


I am a bit cautious when it comes to rifles & reloading (but not too much other stuff :D ) - to the extent that often I do not trust myself, let alone others at the reloading ammo game. I check, check & check again. When someone passes you a bullet and says "this is a good one try it". Yikes, too risky for me.


Do you know what a HOT load is - no not the Friday night curry type - but the "ouch, that kicked a bit" type ?


If you are referring to coated as Combined Technology Ballistic Silvertip Nosler bullets - they are top quality. I notice match primers too! The load you have, at 42g's, is max in the Nosler manual, some would happily go and blat away - I wouldn't for (more than) a couple of reasons.


What OAL are you using, makes a big difference to accuracy in my rifle (read pressure too :thumbs: )


Is 42g safe in YOUR rifle - that is important (especially if you want to shoot for a few years yet).


Are you familiar with "working up a load" ? that is a reloading practice for a reason - I ditched a few loads that way as I got a few "excess pressure" signs and did not want to go higher.


Not wanting to put you off, but it is not something to mess with in my opinion.


Having said all that I happily use 42.5g of Reloader 22 behind a Nosler 95g BT (not CT) with good results, and no excess pressure, in a Remington .243 ADL.


Have fun.


and for foxes, my load works fantastic - i tried loads for 55g & 70g with poor results - the 95's work on deer and foxes.




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Andy cheers for the reply and I take on board the issues you have put in your answer. I did look through the reload manual with my mate who did the reloading for me and did notice that the powder charge was nearly on its max. john the chap who reloaded for me has a tikka t3 also in 243 he has loaded for a good length of time going back to the handgun days too. Its just that I allways like to question other people with knowledge in areas I don't yet have, its the best way to learn and in the area we are talking about probably the safest way too. Cheers again for the comments. regards Terry.

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Hi William

I have to echo AndyCM comments, reloading is individual to the rifle and carefull working up of all loads will prevent a serious injury or damage to your rifle.


However I have had reasonable success with a number of differant loads and here is one that has inexpensive bullets (£13 per 100) and shoots reasonably well.


Powder R22 42.5g

Bullet Sierra Prohunter 100g

Brass Lapua

Primer Federal 210

OAL 2.635"

Vel 3040 Fps


The average group size is 0.454 at 100yards but this was shot prone with a bipod and I am sure that under benchrest conditions the groups would be smaller. I have enclosed the target used for devloping this load. The group sizes were reduced with higher powder levels but the load was getting hot so unfortunatley I had to back off. It realy comes down to what do you want the load for? Hope this helps.



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For foxes I use 75grn V-max Hornady’s absolutely devastating.

I first started out using 44 grns of H414 and worked my way up to 47 grns which seems very good over 50yds - 250yds. I have seen a load of 50 grns for this bullet, but as my loading manuals say 47 grns is the top load….I ain’t putting 50 grns in the case. :thumbs:


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