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Old cartridges


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i have lots of old cartridges for that i dont get any enjoyment out of and im too much of a wimp to fire them :hmm: so i was wondering if any other PW members would be looking to swap the lot or individuals for some other shooting surplus like some .410 cartridges of something? :good:

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i have lots of old cartridges for that i dont get any enjoyment out of and im too much of a wimp to fire them :hmm: so i was wondering if any other PW members would be looking to swap the lot or individuals for some other shooting surplus like some .410 cartridges of something? :good:



How many carts and what sort of price did you want?



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i have lots of old cartridges for that i dont get any enjoyment out of and im too much of a wimp to fire them :oops: so i was wondering if any other PW members would be looking to swap the lot or individuals for some other shooting surplus like some .410 cartridges of something? :blush:




Let me know what you got, I have loads of swaps, or what do you want, been collecting for years so always looking for carts, PM me with what you have



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