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DIY Ear Plugs

Evil Elvis

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After discussing this at great length and spending considerable time and effort tracking them down, I have managed to source some cheap do it yourself ear plug kits.


DangerousDave have made our own with great results, we tried them out yesterday and they cut out ALL noise, all I could hear was the sound of my breathing. They are also very comfortable and you can wash them with soap and water...and cheap enough to make a new set each year if you have to, though the company say 2-3 years as your ears change shape.


They are easy to make AND the bonus is that the price I can get them for is the same as for one pair on Ebay, my set contains enough to make 2 sets per person!!


The instructions will be simple,concise and easy to follow.


NOW the bad part, In order to get them to a good price i have to buy at least 20 sets. (its trade)


Which, if achieved will work out at £15 per person posted, they maybe slightly cheaper but they wont be any more, if you are up for it pm me your name, I will take cheque and paypal etc but i will need to get 20 orders first.


SOOOOOOO whos interested?


If i dont achieve 20 orders all money will be refunded.I Think Im well enough known on here for people to know Im honest.


the full thread with pictures is here:


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I made myself a set out of dental grade Silicon that sets in about a minute....Was going to get a stall at one of the shows and do it..£10 a pair....might make a few quid......


There very comfy when done like this.... :) :)


P.S...Are you in Sporting Shooter this month Baz??...The bloke with his back turned at the essex masters..??

Edited by smig4373
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:) This is medical grade stuff, non toxic, and yes they take some getting used to as they block all nooise but they are comfortable, the active ones were letting noise through and after several weekends with tinitus i thought it was time i sought an alternative. :)
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I've been after a set of custom moulded plugs too, just sprung for the stuff from Midway :good:


I like Nickbeardo's idea about putting the valves from sonic's in there but I can't think of a way of doing it. Anyone ever seen or heard of it being done? Is the silicone able to be drilled/cut cleanly once its set or is it still too soft?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I recon the kit you are talking about are these types, EAR PLUGS bought them for my son who has no ear drum in one ear and he says they give great noise reduction, you get a bag to keep them in after use, and resemble rubber in structure once made, cant fault them.

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as these ones we purchased only give you enough material to make a practice one then the set you are going to use, for my son we had plenty to make an oversize one due to the operations he has had on his ear canal (looks like a mushroom lol) but as I said they work a treat, some of the kits you can buy or get with them a self tapping plastic screw to which you attach a small lanyard helps in removing them and hopefully not losing them!

but well worth the money guys you wont be dissapointed :good:

Edited by shade695
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