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Depends on what calibre's you already have. Some forces, if you have .22rim like you to do a one for one variation, so you give up your .22 for the .17. :)

This is a wrong attitude i know but it's the way they interpret the law.

If you have the land should be no reason why you shouldn't get it.

Don't forget to put in for a sound moderator at the same time, to save with costs.


(Not trying to teach you to suck eggs mate). :P

This is from the firearms guidance

The rifle cartridge most commonly used to shoot ground game and vermin is .22

rimfire. If a combination rifle/shot gun (such as a German “Drilling”) is used, the rifle calibre should be .22 rimfire. More powerful rounds such as .17 Remington and .22 Hornet are suitable for ground game and vermin, and may be considered if the applicant also intends to shoot fox to avoid possession of a further

gun. Expanding ammunition may be granted for shooting vermin.

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Someone I know just got a .17hmr for bunnies as the land isn't cleared for .22lr!

The police say because they fragment they are safer than .22's as they ricochet.


So I agree with Frank, with amount of land you have you shouldn't have any problems, extended range is another reason of course....

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  mossy835 said:
thanks for replys, i should say iv have a open licence iv had for 12 years for the .22lr

You've got no probs mate :)


.22Lr for 60 yds and the .17hmr is required for longer range when the quarry become skittish and lamp shy. :)


You don't like shooting further than 60 yds because of That dreaded rick o shea :P



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