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Gypsy at Morrisons.

decoying mad

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As above just been to fill up and there is about 20 caravans parked all over there car park taking up more than half of it

and it aint a pretty site. asked the lad in the garage how long the rats had been there and he replied 3 days :hmm: apparently the police cant move them on until the courts serve them an order to shift :hmm: is this wright :hmm: i no on dis used land they do but this is MORRISONS not a field.

also the iceing on the cake is that the managers have told staff they should not intervene if the gypsys are shoplifting :hmm:

is this country bloody stupid or what why are we cowering to these low life :hmm:

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l was a welder a while ago and we had the contracts for morrisons/somerfieds/lidl/netto and kwiksave.. for some reason it fell to me to go round the country and with sealed envelopes for the staff of kwiksaves closing the stores (was harsh being the 1 to tell people they just got layed off) this is a measure of how spineless the upper levels of management are!


anyway after i had given the news to the stores i had to return the next day lockdown the sites and weld the gates shut,however pikers got wind of the closures so sealing the sites became a race.. i got to the 3rd site and found they were already there <just the forward guard of maybe 9-10 caravans> so i rang the law to attend and was told there will be no assistance until i get assaulted !!! i had to walk in to the camp on my 8.5stone lonesome and try to talk them out... in seconds i was surrounded by blokes n kids all of which wouldnt speak english n all jeering n shouting till a gruff looking bloke shut them up n spoke to me... over an hours negotiation later i convinced him that theres nothing of value left in the store and the whole site is to be leveled the next day<lies upon lies> in the end he was convinced and said most people would have tried to move them with the law n made them determined to stay put ,i neglected to say that was my 1st plan of action! so within 2hrs they were gone (amazing how much **** is left after 2hrs) and i went back to the guy id left in the van who had locked himself in with his phone in 1 hand n a hammer in the other... all the way home he kept saying "are you insane you? n how big are your balls?" ... must say thats as tense a situation as iv ever been in n i dont plan on doing it again.

Edited by hookbones
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The police, i.e. senior management are frightened to death of falling foul of the Human Rights Act and being accused of discrimination. Having read ACPO's guidance on Gypsies in conjunction with the Human Rights Act there is nothing to stop the police from taking action that would result in their spedy removal.


The guidance says clearly that the travellers must not be discriminated against in any way. So, as soon as they set up a police officer should go to the camp, speak to the head man and inform him the police will assist them in any way they can and the next day it has been arranged that the site will be visited by police officers accompanied by DSS personnel to assist them in making any claims they are entitled to, Education Department staff to offer advice on which schools they can take their children to and the police officers will check their vehicles and caravans in order to demonstrate the various ways that these can be 'ringed' as crime prevention advice. In addition Council staff will be on hand to assess each caravan and its inhabitants for Council tax purposes as mobile homes are liable for council tax and it would be unfair and discriminatory not to charge Council Tax when other residents have to pay it and the Gypsies are fully entitled to utilise council services.


This action is not discriminatory in any way. I did this off my own bat a few years ago in Rotherham when they camped outside the B&Q. Next day they had gone. Just as well as I had 'forgotten' :hmm: to arrange for the DSS, Education Dept, etc. There was just me. :hmm:

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A local asda that was one of the first big developments on a new retail park in my town used to get invaded by pik oops gypsies they used to boldly walk in with their kids take them into the toilet area's and wash the kids down etc then they would walk to the clothing isle's pick up a few hangers full of kids tops and strides etc and brazenly walk out, they were never confronted? in fact one of my friends who is the butchering manager there admitted that the staff were told not to intervene and cause further antagonism, the area is now fully developed and they no longer return but it is a glaring example of how they can and do exploit the unwillingness of a weak society to tackle them head on, and recognise them as the mobile low life thieves they actually are.



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A friend from home has several premises for tyre and car parts sales. The ****** parked on the land and one day the police got a call and someone had drove through all of their caravans in JCB's.


Job Sorted



That unfortunatly is all they will understand, and we are forced by the nanny state to react in this way if we want to protect our property


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That unfortunatly is all they will understand, and we are forced by the nanny state to react in this way if we want to protect our property




you can say that again



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l was a welder a while ago and we had the contracts for morrisons/somerfieds/lidl/netto and kwiksave.. for some reason it fell to me to go round the country and with sealed envelopes for the staff of kwiksaves closing the stores (was harsh being the 1 to tell people they just got layed off) this is a measure of how spineless the upper levels of management are!


anyway after i had given the news to the stores i had to return the next day lockdown the sites and weld the gates shut,however pikers got wind of the closures so sealing the sites became a race.. i got to the 3rd site and found they were already there <just the forward guard of maybe 9-10 caravans> so i rang the law to attend and was told there will be no assistance until i get assaulted !!! i had to walk in to the camp on my 8.5stone lonesome and try to talk them out... in seconds i was surrounded by blokes n kids all of which wouldnt speak english n all jeering n shouting till a gruff looking bloke shut them up n spoke to me... over an hours negotiation later i convinced him that theres nothing of value left in the store and the whole site is to be leveled the next day<lies upon lies> in the end he was convinced and said most people would have tried to move them with the law n made them determined to stay put ,i neglected to say that was my 1st plan of action! so within 2hrs they were gone (amazing how much **** is left after 2hrs) and i went back to the guy id left in the van who had locked himself in with his phone in 1 hand n a hammer in the other... all the way home he kept saying "are you insane you? n how big are your balls?" ... must say thats as tense a situation as iv ever been in n i dont plan on doing it again.


Similar story i know someone who had bought a brown field site that ****** had moved onto so he went and spoken to the top man said that he had planning to develop it and it was to start in 3 weeks. He then went on to say that he would provide them with a water source for these 3 weeks and would not get the police involved provided they were gone by the date he needed them gone by. Turned up the day they had agreed to shut off the water sources and they had all gone just leaving a mess. Behind but they were gone as they said they would be.


However there is a farmer in my village who treats matters very differently. They are always camping up on his lane and used to spark up their lighters as he went passed insinuating they would burn his house so he went down one night with a bale and set that on fire out side their caravan and they were gone by the morning. Another time he drove over another sets pick up in his tractor when they were all out side of it and he had to swerve to miss another car on a single track lane going around a corner once again they went off sharpish.



Edited by groach1234
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Not as exciting as the last post but we have had 'travellers' using the hospital to visit their 'family and fiends' then used the ward bathrooms to wash all their kids, the same at the new sports centre using the changing rooms as their washrooms.


Not they would take anything :hmm:

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same thing near me in a asda car park. i spoke to someone who worked there and they was told the same, just let them shop lift. the cheeky rats was nicking tv's going outside opening them and taking them back in and asking for there money back. :hmm:

and then the manager was telling them to give them the money. :hmm:

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Just yesterday tinkers have moved into a nice field next to Duckbay Mariner on Loch Lomond alot of family's and people spend the day out there having picnics and bbq's. Been told they wont be able to move them for at least 14 days as its the civil rights even though its a no overnight camping zone.


Sometimes I think Hitler had the right idea.

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Just yesterday tinkers have moved into a nice field next to Duckbay Mariner on Loch Lomond alot of family's and people spend the day out there having picnics and bbq's. Been told they wont be able to move them for at least 14 days as its the civil rights even though its a no overnight camping zone.


Sometimes I think Hitler had the right idea.

Trouble is how would you get them in the shower blocks?....I suppose the thought of some copper tube might lure them in.

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a few years back manchester council built them there own site,toilet blocks showers,bins,everthing they needed all on concrete standings with a security fence all around it.within a month they had stripped the blocks of all metal that could be weighed in for scrap and turned what was left into an open sewer.the council had to flatten what was left.they ask for these sites stating the lack of them are the cause of them squatting on private land.bulls...t they are pondlife that enjoy living in filth.

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A friend from home has several premises for tyre and car parts sales. The ****** parked on the land and one day the police got a call and someone had drove through all of their caravans in JCB's.


Job Sorted


I think he got the measure of them.


I know a big land owning farmer that made his money the hard way. By solid 16 hour day hard graft. Who encountered a load of the getting ready to set up on one of his hay paddocks on a sunday morning. They they all were all threats and intimidation when he warned them that he was intent on a bit of slurry spraying.


For some reason they didn't believe him. They did an hour and a half later and 3 passes past their vans with a few thousand gallons of liquid poo.

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