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Quality Leather Gunslip


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Tan leather gun bag excellent quality with carrying handle and adjustable strong leather strap with a fleece padded interior. It measures 46" x 7".

This is a quality leather gunslip - you won't wear this one out. It has the odd mark or stain but will provide protection for a gun for decades. Over £200when new. I am looking for £74 posted. :hmm:









Edited by leftandright
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For Paypal my e-mail address is: ****@yahoo.co.uk (Gift please)


Since you treat this forum as though it were essentially a free version of ebay, and have been allowed to carry on with it, is it really too much to ask that you abide by our rules by NOT posting personal contact details and NOT requesting "gift" when using paypal?



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Come on guys, give the guy a chance.


I personally have bought, and collected, a rifle from Left and Right.


He's a genuine retired guy simply making a fiver here and there by buying, renovating and selling a few rifles, slips etc. He's not doing this for a living, just a hobby.


He's actually providing a service, if you don't want to buy from him then don't but leave him alone eh?

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