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CZ stock for .22 standard barrel .

mr who?

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As above really guys , Ive got a stock for a CZ 452 standard barreled .22 , but wouldnt take much to sand out the barrel channel to make room for a heavy varmint barrel , floating it at the same time .


Asking £70 posted (recorded) and can supply photos on request , or will have a go at posting them tomorrow when my wife can give me a hand (Bill gates Im not!! :yes: )


Pleasae feel free to ask any questions , Many thanks for reading .


All the very best .


Andy .

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As above really guys , Ive got a stock for a CZ 452 standard barreled .22 , but wouldnt take much to sand out the barrel channel to make room for a heavy varmint barrel , floating it at the same time .


Asking £70 posted (recorded) and can supply photos on request , or will have a go at posting them tomorrow when my wife can give me a hand (Bill gates Im not!! :good: )


Pleasae feel free to ask any questions , Many thanks for reading .


All the very best .


Andy .


Photos now added guys .


Andy .





Edited by mr who?
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