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I was rooting for the 'Black Stars' tonight, they played so well and really deserved to get through to the Semi-final. What really annoys me is another piece of total blatant cheating. When is Fifa gonna do something about cheating in the game. First we had Henry (who didn't get any punishment or neither did his country) and now we have Suarez who if Uruguay beat Holland will play in a World Cup Final. I am sorry but it is about tims that Fifa started clamping down on this.


If Suarez hadn't have handled that Ghana and the whole of Africa would now be looking forward to a World Cup Semi-Final for the first time in history.

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To an extent I agree, certainly with some of the play acting that has gone on. But the punishment for the handball on the line was a red card and a penalty, which is pretty devastating for any team which concedes it. Obviously Ghana missed the penalty, and it happened in the last minute so Uruguay weren't made to play with 10 men, which is why it seems grossly unfair. But I'm not really sure what more the ref or Fifa could do in this instance, the rules seem pretty clear and were followed.

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you conveniently forgot to add that the free kick that lead to the handball was not a free kick, and that the penalty awarded for the handball was missed, Uruguay were the better team anyway.



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To an extent I agree, certainly with some of the play acting that has gone on. But the punishment for the handball on the line (professional foul) was a red card and a penalty, which is pretty devastating for any team which concedes it. Obviously Ghana missed the penalty, and it happened in the last minute so Uruguay weren't made to play with 10 men, which is why it seems grossly unfair. But I'm not really sure what more the ref or Fifa could do in this instance.


Fine the player for a blatant act of cheating and also ban him for the rest of the tournament. The ball was going in, without his fist away it would have been a goal. There needs to be a panel in place to look at such incidents and punish them due to the severity. I would also heavily fine the player for the Ivory Coast who got Kaka sent off earlier in the tournament. Pretty devastating? I think it would have been more devastating to concede a goal with no time remaining.

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you conveniently forgot to add that the free kick that lead to the handball was not a free kick, and that the penalty awarded for the handball was missed, Uruguay were the better team anyway.




Yes the free kick may have been dubious although I never got to see a replay of it. I actually thought Ghana had the best chances especially in extra time.

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At least the Black Tigers can go home with heads held high unlike that shower we sent.I hope it impacts on these deadbeats in the new season. They just dont get the fact that they have let us all down. Well done Ghana.

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I found the whole "we've all fallen in love with Africa and want Ghana to win no matter whether they play best on the night" attitude of the commentators both annoying and patronising in the extreme! There was definite air of the old colonial "aren't those little black boys doing ever so well? attitude coming across.


As far as Suarez(sp?) is concerned, I don't think any other player would have done differently and to suggest that he should have additional punishment is ridiculous, the last minute of extra time - he had just made a clearance and it came back at him, it was an infringement but instinctual he was punished and at the time thought he had sent his team out of the world cup - would anyone have blamed John Terry in a similar situation if England ever made it that far?

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I found the whole "we've all fallen in love with Africa and want Ghana to win no matter whether they play best on the night" attitude of the commentators both annoying and patronising in the extreme! There was definite air of the old colonial "aren't those little black boys doing ever so well? attitude coming across.


As far as Suarez(sp?) is concerned, I don't think any other player would have done differently and to suggest that he should have additional punishment is ridiculous, the last minute of extra time - he had just made a clearance and it came back at him, it was an infringement but instinctual he was punished and at the time thought he had sent his team out of the world cup - would anyone have blamed John Terry in a similar situation if England ever made it that far?

Speaking as a person of colour I feel entitled to give my support to my homies ,not only that but I like their physical direct style of football.

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Now I know nothing of football and I haven't been watching the World Cup.


But from what is described here, that a goal was clearly prevented by a foul, then surely the simplest thing would be to award the goal.


In fact, if a goal was awarded every time a foul was committed then it might go some way towards cutting out the "professional foul" and they'd actually start playing football instead.


I might possibly enjoy watching a game now and then too.

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Speaking as a person of colour I feel entitled to give my support to my homies ,not only that but I like their physical direct style of football.


I wasn't suggesting that anyone should not be entitled to offer support to any team just that I felt the attitudes portrayed by the commentators were akin to supercilious old style colonial attitudes - I found comments like "we've all fallen in love with Africa" etc a little dodgy - force fed too much pc nonsense in my youth perhaps?


As an aside though I think I may have received a lot of uncomplementary posts if I had suggested that as a "white" man I was supporting any team because of the ethnicity of their players or are you actually a Ghanian national and I'm misreading your post?

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I wasn't suggesting that anyone should not be entitled to offer support to any team just that I felt the attitudes portrayed by the commentators were akin to supercilious old style colonial attitudes - I found comments like "we've all fallen in love with Africa" etc a little dodgy - force fed too much pc nonsense in my youth perhaps?


As an aside though I think I may have received a lot of uncomplementary posts if I had suggested that as a "white" man I was supporting any team because of the ethnicity of their players or are you actually a Ghanian national and I'm misreading your post?


It makes me laugh when the press come out with "The hopes of all Africa ride with Ghana...." I'm sure that a Sudanese farmer who's crops have failed again, stock dying of thirst and every cent he makes is robbed off him by tribal warlords doesn't give a toss about a country he's never heard of playing a sport he knows nothing about. Get a life!

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