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Thats irritating


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I went a bought an A400 last week from the Exeter Sportsmans

I paid £1350 and got the last one they had in, i was told no more would arrive untill November



How irritating is that?:hmm:?

Cheers lads at the sportsman

I'm obviously missing something here.


You bought the last one they had.


Why is that irritating? I'd be pleased to have had it without having to wait 4 months.



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Guest topshot_2k
I'm obviously missing something here.


You bought the last one they had.


Why is that irritating? I'd be pleased to have had it without having to wait 4 months.




think the link has been edited, they have reduced price

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Reason for edit: posting of sponsor competitor website

I find that more worrying.......far more worrying infact, can someone please point me to the list of websites that are allowed please and also the t&c's


Tis a dangerous road where posts are censored for the benefit of advertisers as this could be seen as the admin and moderators intentionally remove legitimate links that would be of benefit to the members.

Members are permitted to post links to sites and facilities that do not compete directly with our Site Sponsors (whose main business is the sale of decoying equipment).


Anyone with a personal interest in a business, is not permitted to advertise or post links, without seeking the permission of the Site Owner (Teal), this is called "good manners".

Unless Dave026 linked to decoying gear ( i doubt) or has a personal interest in "The Sportsmans" then any link to any site that sells anything similar to (who are the site sponsors?, I just see a big BASC logo and one for enamel badges.........) is ridiculous as it removes pretty much every related website even tho IIRC the sponsors (who are they again?) don't sell guns!

Edited by HDAV
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Nothing to do with my advert. I do understand the reasons for the edit as i have trouble with some of my advertisers not liking when another gun shop is advertised which i manage to talk them round as they are getting the best targeted advertising available. But if the mods dont want other links to other shops on please respect them as its very hard to get advertisers to get on board in the current climate.


And dont forget that the site dosnt run itself for free and it takes a lot of time and server costs to bring you the best shooting forum on the interweb.





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I think HDAV makes a valid point... people who have been a member for a while will know who the site sponsors are, but for newer members it might not be so obvious now that there are a growing number of advertisers who's logos also appear at the top of the page.


Maybe there should be a permanent message as well as the rotating adverts?

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A "Site Sponsor" is an "Advertiser", these are people who pay to have their advertisement on Pigeon Watch and the income helps cover the costs of the site.

We do not permit the posting of weblinks for companies that compete with our Advertisers, why should we give these people free advertising ?

You can post the name of the company, as long as it does not constitute a web address.


This is in the House Rules, which you agree to abide by when you register with Pigeon Watch.

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Wasn't the post saying he was disappointed with the service? That would surely make people more likely to go to our trusted sponsors.


I encourage everyone to stay away from sportsman gun centre. Terrible service the 2 times I have used them.

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A "Site Sponsor" is an "Advertiser", these are people who pay to have their advertisement on Pigeon Watch and the income helps cover the costs of the site.


Interesting. I thought that UKSW held some special position as site "sponsor" and the others were just advertisers.

This is probably because for a long time UKSW seemed to be the only advertiser/sponsor and terms such as:


" Members are permitted to post links to sites and facilities that do not compete directly with our Site Sponsors (whose main business is the sale of decoying equipment)."


appeared to be aimed specifically at them.


So we are actually saying that you cannot post a link to a site that competes with ANY of the advertisers, even those not selling pigeon decoying equipment. (Eg there was a recent one specialising is shooting glasses.)

Edited by HW682
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Oh dear, this has got messy.

I don't see how me posting a link to i website whos service i was slating can damage the income of the sponsers of this site but thats not the reason for the post...

It was to display my dismay at buying a gun in PERSON from a place and seemingly getting scanked for nearly £100

By paying more than they were advertising them for.

I have emailed the above mention company...

It seems a little harsh however to remove the link that was showing the lower price

Edited by Daveo26
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A "Site Sponsor" is an "Advertiser", these are people who pay to have their advertisement on Pigeon Watch and the income helps cover the costs of the site.


We do not permit the posting of weblinks for companies that compete with our Advertisers, why should we give these people free advertising ?

You can post the name of the company, as long as it does not constitute a web address.


This is in the House Rules, which you agree to abide by when you register with Pigeon Watch.


OK so all advertisers are immune from weblinks to competition? I thought according to the house rules it was just those that sold pigeon decoying equipment and were competing in the sale of pigeon decoying equipment


Now there are more advertisers perhaps the rules need an overhaul and a clarification, who decides on what is competition? The mods or the advertiser?

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I wanted to advertise on sporting gun site but was unable to as (acording to them) because they do their own reviews my site would be in direct conflict with them. I tried to argue the fact that the reviews on my site was done by the shooters who owned the guns or used the grounds and not me reviewing but they still wouldnt have it.


As an advertiser on here i have no problem with other site links as i feel the more access shooters have to websites the better it is for the sport in general.

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Whether or not a forum allows links to sponsors' rivals or not is entirely up to the forum.


Let's face it, though, this thread is already advertising the SGC (Be it good or bad), and it doesn't take a genius to do a search to find the company's website.


No point in even arguing about house rules as there's only ever going to be one loser.

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exactly that ......useless

I can only add that I e-mailed them for some advice and they couldn't have been more helpful or correct.


Having said that, I've never bought anything from them yet. Next time on the way to Cornwall I may just break the journey at Exeter....

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