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just got into reloading does any other member reload 22-250 on this forum and what are your favorite loads or combinations at the moment my pet load is 34.5 grains of h 4895 in remington brass with federal primers and speer 55 grain soft point bullets key hole groups at 100 yards in my tikka t3 but any help or advice on other combinations would be most appreciated. :thumbs: :thumbs:

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I have several years experience reloading for the 223.


May I ask why you want to find another load when you already have a load that key holes for you ?


Please don't follow my footsteps in the search for the elusive one holer. I burnt out my first gun doing that !!!! :thumbs:


Unless you are benchrest shooting, stick with the key hole group. Then spend your time you would on reloading learning your rifles trajectory, off by heart , including windage.



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SNIPER i used a 55 grain speer bullets for that test but the bullet retained a lot of its weight which was not what i was looking for i needed a fast expanding bullet that did not go much futher than what it hit. today i found my ideal load it was a 52 grain bthp match bullets in remington brass with 39 grains of h380 with federal primer the testing goes as follows top left was 38 grains tr 38.5 mid 39 bot left 39.5 br 40 one with box around 40.5 at 100 yards.


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Tell me about it. A few years ago, i visited my cousin in Northampton.

His pal had a .22-250 and reloaded, using this bullet.

He shot a fox at dawn one morning at around 250yds, it went in the left shoulder

and the rest of the fox was..............., ill leave it all up to your imagination. :D

Needless to say, in that caliber, they literally explode on impact. :):)

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