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ignorant pigeons


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i've been out today on one of the fields i shoot on and had a decent day but the pigeons seemed to ignore my decoys. i got most of them as they were flying straight over. they don't seem to be getting spooked so i don't think they're seeing me or getting spooked by the pattern so what could i do to make them more interested in my decoys. i'm using a douzen shells, a few full bodies and a couple of floaters. i was thinking about a magnet but i'll probably start crying if i have to carry that all the way over to my pattern from the car. any advise would be greatly appreciated.

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i was shooting over rape stuuble, the weather was fine but windy. i tried several of the standard patterns i've read about. horse shoes, j shape, L shape, decoys in two groups but they didn't seem interested. i've had pretty good results on other fields where the pigeon did commit to my pattern but this one field they don't seem interested even though there are far more pigeons flying over head than the other fields.

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i've been out today on one of the fields i shoot on and had a decent day but the pigeons seemed to ignore my decoys. i got most of them as they were flying straight over. they don't seem to be getting spooked so i don't think they're seeing me or getting spooked by the pattern so what could i do to make them more interested in my decoys. i'm using a douzen shells, a few full bodies and a couple of floaters. i was thinking about a magnet but i'll probably start crying if i have to carry that all the way over to my pattern from the car. any advise would be greatly appreciated.

I had this problem other day over rape stubble and in the end found out they came closer in if i only used 3 or 4 decoys if their under a lot of pressure they soon wise up :hmm:

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