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I watched the video when this first came out and to be fair to the copper she wasn't exactly helping herself was she?! In the waiting room you could see him trying to escort her to a cell so she folded to the floor just to be a pain in the ***. So the copper drags her - fair enough because she's only small. Then they get to the cell and she's still not cooperating so he just chucks her in. Maybe a bit heavy handed but it didn't look like he'd pushed her with the intent of her falling flat on her face. She just landed badly.


Perhaps he was heavy handed, but at the end of the day the silly old bint didn't exactly help herself did she? She caused trouble and got hurt. The way I see it if she'd have just walked to her cell it would all have been sorted and she would have been fine. It's not all the coppers fault. :good:



at last someone else that thinks people should take resposibility for themselves, well said sir

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I thought there was nothing wrong with a clip round the ear or a slap,keep the feral youth of today in check ?



A clip round the ear - yes - but due to his actions and judging by the blood on the floor he went way over the top ...


well its 3 of us who thought that was the way it looked. All I can say is you've got to admire the people who deal with idiots like this day in day out and keep their cool.


keeping thier cool being the important part of the sentence though Alex, would this man have done the same if it was a man of equal size to himself? from the reports i would say no...which in my book describes a coward....

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Guest CraigBenson

If it had been a member of the public that had comitted a similar assalt, they may not have been dealt with as harshly. He was a Police Sergant and was there to uphold the law not break it. She may have been a pain in the ****, but that doesn't excuse that assalt. We expect high standarsd of the Police, and rightly so. They must be seen to be accountable. They have a tough job, but should be seen not to be above the law. They have a great many powers that can have a detimental affect on the lives of law abiding people, they must use them with caution, and above all apply common sence, and curtasy.

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A cowardly bully, who got what was coming to him. There have been hints that this was not the first time he resorted to violence against people who were in his charge.


The District Judge and the Assistant Chief Constable had him bang to rights and condemned him. They will have more knowledge than me or most other people. His own colleague turned him in. That says it all.


The punishment is harsh, as he has ruined his future - who would want to employ a woman beating coward, but he has brought it on himself.


To anyone who defends him - why?

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Apparently she has had 2 operations already on her left eye and is likely to lose sight in it - the treatment is on going. You couldn't pay me enough compo for the loss of an eye.


She was on the LBC Nick Ferrari radio show this morning. Sounded entirely normal and middle class. She denies being drunk or being asked for a breath sample and all we know is that:


1. she wasn't charged or prosecuted and so is no guilty in the eyes of the law

2. the only person who says otherwise is now a convicted criminal.


And for those of you that watched the clip and missed the 6' 3" ex squaddie copper (yes that's 6' 3") hit, arm lock and hurl the 5' 2" woman who was 59 years of age into a cell floor with completely disproportionate force and the ensuing blood spill, then you better get to specsavers.

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Apparently she has had 2 operations already on her left eye and is likely to lose sight in it - the treatment is on going. You couldn't pay me enough compo for the loss of an eye.


She was on the LBC Nick Ferrari radio show this morning. Sounded entirely normal and middle class. She denies being drunk or being asked for a breath sample and all we know is that:


1. she wasn't charged or prosecuted and so is no guilty in the eyes of the law

2. the only person who says otherwise is now a convicted criminal.


And for those of you that watched the clip and missed the 6' 3" ex squaddie copper (yes that's 6' 3") hit, arm lock and hurl the 5' 2" woman who was 59 years of age into a cell floor with completely disproportionate force and the ensuing blood spill, then you better get to specsavers.



:good: you tell em mungler

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best option is to see if it shoots ok, if it does then leave it if not then go back and kick up a fuss



Apparently she has had 2 operations already on her left eye and is likely to lose sight in it - the treatment is on going. You couldn't pay me enough compo for the loss of an eye.


She was on the LBC Nick Ferrari radio show this morning. Sounded entirely normal and middle class. She denies being drunk or being asked for a breath sample and all we know is that:


1. she wasn't charged or prosecuted and so is no guilty in the eyes of the law

2. the only person who says otherwise is now a convicted criminal.


And for those of you that watched the clip and missed the 6' 3" ex squaddie copper (yes that's 6' 3") hit, arm lock and hurl the 5' 2" woman who was 59 years of age into a cell floor with completely disproportionate force and the ensuing blood spill, then you better get to specsavers.


Absolutley agree....although you solicitors are supposed to pick up on details! ...she was 57 years of age at the time... :good:

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A member of the public gets a stronger charge levied against them for assulting a constable in the course of his duty, so surely any constable commiting an assult in the course of his duty should also be dealt with more firmly. The fact that they aren't is onje of a number of reasons why public perception of the police has worsened over the years. There is no excuse for someone in his position to lose his cool, particularly with a five foot nothing woman. The man was convicted of assult occassioning actual bodily harm. Receiving a six month sentence for this crime is hardly having the book thrown at him, the maximum sentence is five years for this.

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Last night i was watching motorway patrol think on bbc, copper pulled a woman on motorway for using phone she started blubbering saying i'm a copper too let me go type of thing he said nope here's a ticket for 60 quid and 3 points.


thats true, over here if the traffic branch stop another cop theyll go over the car with a fine tooth comb to do you for something, happened once or twice with my ex. she used to hide her id card and tell them she worked in a chippy, i thought it was strange til she told me why, though i can still remember as a kid being stopped with my dad or uncle in the car, if the id didnt get you through without hassle the threat of kicking the cops/squaddies ***** did :good:

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I guess as he was the custody sergent, the people that know the story would be the ones who nicked her but you sure won't hear their report with the bad pr associated to this


Errrr we have heard from the sergeant's colleagues - they were the ones that blew the whistle on him and absolutely all credit to them for doing the right thing and ensuring that our police force attain and maintain the highest standards.


It is a shame that there's bad publicity through this, but the people I have talked to have not been that fussed about the bad sergeant - there's always going to be the odd rotten apple with the sheer volume of people in the police service it's a numbers game.


However, what people have been pleased at is that he got shopped by his own. It does restore some faith. It's also good that the serving officers on this forum have stepped forward and all to a man said "out of order, not on". Good on them :good:

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And for those of you that watched the clip and missed the 6' 3" ex squaddie copper (yes that's 6' 3") hit, arm lock and hurl the 5' 2" woman who was 59 years of age into a cell floor with completely disproportionate force and the ensuing blood spill, then you better get to specsavers.



We'll see how big he is when he's banged up...?


hope he remembered the Vaseline, :good:


& keeps his Soap On A Rope :good:



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Errrr we have heard from the sergeant's colleagues - they were the ones that blew the whistle on him and absolutely all credit to them for doing the right thing and ensuring that our police force attain and maintain the highest standards.


It is a shame that there's bad publicity through this, but the people I have talked to have not been that fussed about the bad sergeant - there's always going to be the odd rotten apple with the sheer volume of people in the police service it's a numbers game.


However, what people have been pleased at is that he got shopped by his own. It does restore some faith. It's also good that the serving officers on this forum have stepped forward and all to a man said "out of order, not on". Good on them :lol:


:good: :good:


kept quiet on this thread. I, as a serving officer was shocked and appalled at what i saw.


Mung, As usual, I couldn't put it better myself. :hmm:

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For anyone who's been in that job for more than 5 minutes, it is clear that drunks or people under the influence pose a major threat to their pension on a duty of care front - someone with any sort of toxin (including alcohol) in their system need to be treat carefully - even violent drunken 20 stone scrotes - having looked at the video here is my two peneth - he clearly has the hump in the manner he storms out from behind the desk and grabs her - the dragging bit is a shambles and also shame on his coleagues for not assisting him (even though by the sounds of it he was not too popular anyway). The last straw is chucking her in the bin like he did - he quite clearly had no wish or intention to finish his career and pick up his pension - as a custody officer (and it's been a few years since I've had to fulfill that role thanks to promotion) I would be on high alert with anyone even suspected of having alcohol/drugs in their system. Also, after about six months in the job I had heard almost every single insult and abuse so it became water off a ducks back - why on earth he felt the need to get so physical is beyond me, if he's a sergy then likewise he would have a bit of service and should have gone past the 'wound up at being called a pig' stage a long time ago.


Again with the amount of publicity this has generated, it's another kick in the teeth for the vast majority of hard working peelers out there.

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You need to ask did this policeman drag her out of a cell just to beat her up for a bit of fun ? I very much doubt it . Was she being a real pain by shouting and screaming and kicking the cell door demanding her rights and interfering with the smooth running of the custody unit ? probably . Had the policeman had a gut full of her ? probably . Did he go about removing her the wrong way ? of course he did . should she have been moved by at least 3 people using the correct restraints ? of course she should . If the correct restraining methods had been used would she have been injured ? no she would not have been . Did the policeman act in an unlawful manner restraining her ? yes he did . Did he act in a fit of temper because of her behaviour ?probably . Did she deserve the injuries she received ?no she did not . Should the policeman be sent to jail ? You tell me . I have seen this situation so many times in the past and it is easy to condem people for doing the wrong thing after the event . Somebody has to make a discision at some time rightly or wrongly .

Harnser .

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You need to ask did this policeman drag her out of a cell just to beat her up for a bit of fun ? I very much doubt it . Was she being a real pain by shouting and screaming and kicking the cell door demanding her rights and interfering with the smooth running of the custody unit ? probably . Had the policeman had a gut full of her ? probably . Did he go about removing her the wrong way ? of course he did . should she have been moved by at least 3 people using the correct restraints ? of course she should . If the correct restraining methods had been used would she have been injured ? no she would not have been . Did the policeman act in an unlawful manner restraining her ? yes he did . Did he act in a fit of temper because of her behaviour ?probably . Did she deserve the injuries she received ?no she did not . Should the policeman be sent to jail ? You tell me . I have seen this situation so many times in the past and it is easy to condem people for doing the wrong thing after the event . Somebody has to make a discision at some time rightly or wrongly .

Harnser .



I have read nowhere that she was removed from her cell and then dragged back into it after causing a rucus, from what im aware and i maybe wrong but it was when she was brought in for processing :blink:



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I have read nowhere that she was removed from her cell and then dragged back into it after causing a rucus, from what im aware and i maybe wrong but it was when she was brought in for processing :blink:



I have to say I thought that too. . Never thought she had been in the cell at that point.

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To anyone who defends him - why?



I wouldn't say I'm defending him. What he did was heavy handed and over the top. What I'm saying is that this woman would have been fine if she'd just done as she was asked. She was clearly being difficult and she did it to the wrong bloke. So he is a big bully... A big bully who was given a reason to kick off. He was out of order but she brought it on herself.


All my life I've had good experiences with the police. Even when I was arrested for quite a serious matter and was seen as potentially dangerous I was treated well because I was polite and calm. I hate these copper bashing threads where some of you just take it as a chance to have a go. They do a tough job and to be honest sometimes I'd get to the point where I'd break the rules if I had to do it. This country gives far too many rights to people who play up.


"This woman wouldn't have been hurt of she'd have been dealt with by several officers"?! She was 5'2, why should my taxes be wasted by paying four blokes to wrap her in cotton wool just because she wouldn't do as she was ******* told? It happens all the time, they can't hurt a trouble maker. You sometimes see six officers on one drunk in town on a Saturday... One copper could give them a swift kick in the nuts and get the cuffs on them for 1/6 of the cost? If you don't want to get hurt then do as you're told. It's quite simple in my mind!

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I have a number of friends in the Police and have dealt with hundreds of them. Most are brilliant. Most respect the uniform, others hide behind it. Why didn't he pick on someone twice his size? Because he wouldn't be sure of the outcome.


This man is a cowardly bully. He doesn't need defending, he needs sacking. Are you seriously saying that if you are not subservient, despite being arrested for no offence whatsoever, you deserve a beating?


The world has taken leave of its senses.

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