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Young Vixen just after Zeroing!


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I wasn't best pleased with the last fox I shot with my .222 the other evening as the shot placement was not quite where I wanted it (Only a couple of inches out and a clean kill but even so not where I wanted it and another inch off could well have meant I had a runner on my hands - something that I do not like to have happen - respect for your quarry etc!) so I needed to know if it was the scopes that had taken a knock or if it was my shooting that was a bit off, so I took me Bruno out yesterday evening to check the zeroing before I tried to get a few rabbits with the "Hummer". I went to the farm where they have all the poultry as I am usually quite sure of getting a few bunnies and there are a few good and safe places to zero up at ranges out to about 200 yards.

I set a target out (Printed on an A4 sized piece of paper) and let a couple of shots go at it firing off the bipod on the bonnet of the 4X4 only to find that there was nothing whatsoever wrong with the scopes so it had to be poor shooting on my part. (See the first photo which is the target I used. It was set out at 120 good sized paces which I believe is about 100 yards so I am quite happy with that)

Anyway, I packed the .222 away and went off with the "Hummer" in search of a couple of rabbits which fell to the 17 gr Hornady V-Max Blue Tips quite quickly and easily so that was that and I was ready for an early night. I was just packing my "Hummer" away in the 4X4 when Paul (The Farmer) turned up at the poultry house where I was parked. We spent a few minutes chatting about the general vermin situation (Which I thought we had fairly under control) when lo and behold Paul spotted a suspicious movement on the banking about 250 yards up above the poultry house. On careful checking this turned out to be a fox, no doubt out hunting for it's evening meal. Well that was it and the gloves were off, this was war as I had just been saying that I had the fox situation under control and this cheeky little so and so goes and tries to prove me wrong. With Paul watching I got the Bruno back out and slid 3 rounds into the magazine and set it on the bonnet of the motor on the bipod while I gripped a squeeker between my teeth. A couple of quick squeeks and the cheeky little beggar was trotting down straight towards us totally oblivious to our presence. I let it get to withing about 100 yards and gave a quick loud "bark" which stopped it just long enough while it turned it's head sideways to try to locate where the noise had come from. The shot was on so I gently squeezed the trigger and let a 50gr Softpoint Partizan bullet go which hit it just on the bottom of it's ear and dropped it on the spot. (Please note-I would not have normally chosen to use a head shot on a fox except for the fact that I had just checked the zeroing so I was feeling confident and the fox was at a close enough range to warrant it, plus of course if the truth be known I was just trying to show off to the farmer)

On closer inspection this looks like one of this years vixens, especially if you look at the teeth shown on the photo of the head. (Sorry about the blood, I tried doing the photo on an angle that left it looking as blood free as possible). She was in quite good condition even though she was a little on the small side (Shown up against the rear wheel of my 4X4 to give you an idea of size) but at leats that is yet another fox that will not be touching the thousands of free range chickens they have on that farm and I have a farmer who is well impressed with my calling and fox shooting technique. It's brush is now nailed to the poultry house door with the others that I have "culled"! Plus of course I get all my eggs free which are mostly double yolkers as a bonus, so everyone concerned is a winner - Except the foxes!!!!

I hope you have not found this write up too boring!


Edit-Just as an afterthought - I have also had another young fox in the cage trap this morning but I after the last lot of "controversey" about a cage trapped fox I have chosen not to give ant graphic details as there was no skill in shooting that one! Please note that edit is not pointed at anyone in particular sp please do not be offended!




Edited by Frenchieboy
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Thanks Steve> I like to pride myself on my marksmanship and I always worry if I do not get perfect shot placement on live quarry. It can be quite upsetting if you know that you have left a runner! If i am going to be honest I should think that I use just as much ammo checking the zeroing on my rifles as i do actually shooting at live quarry!

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Thanks Steve> I like to pride myself on my marksmanship and I always worry if I do not get perfect shot placement on live quarry. It can be quite upsetting if you know that you have left a runner! If i am going to be honest I should think that I use just as much ammo checking the zeroing on my rifles as i do actually shooting at live quarry!

Im the same have an nice 150yd range i have set up on one of my shoots , and practice at least once a week not just from the shooting bench but bipod, sticks and free hand i fire about 20 rounds a week at targets , i do reload which keeps the cost of amo down (and lets me slope away when eastenders / corie comes on :good: )

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I have a range finder and 100 paces is almost bang on 100 yards so you may wish to check for yourself......... another interesting fact is a size 9 wellie is 12inch, yes a foot, no it really is a foot in length


I know what you are saying but it depends on how long your legas are I surpose! :lol::lol::lol:

I paced it out at 120 (large) paces so I "estimated" it to be the best part of 100 yards, it could have been a bit more but I would rather "guess" it a bit on the short side rather than have anyoner think that I might have "underestimated" or exagerated! To me a few yards either way is neither here nor there, I only start worrying when the wife starts asking how short my inches are! :lol::P:lol::blush:

I will get a rangefinder some time or another, maybe the wife will read this and get some inspiration for Christmas - I can live in hope! :yes::lol::lol: !

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Excellent write up as always my friend and photo's to boot- I love to see photos being a budding David Bailey lol


keep uo the good work- Ive sold my 222 in favour of a 223


Les :blush:


Les amte, You say that you sold your .222 in favour of a .223, do you have the .223 yet and if so how does it compare to the .222? I am only asking out of interest as it may be of help to others - I am very happy with the performance of my .222, that's why I am waiting to get the barrel shortened and screw cut and a bespoke moderator made and fitted. Even if I did decide to "upgrade" I doubt if I would get my money back on the .222 as it is quite an old rifle, the fact that it is surprisingly accurate doesn't always come into the value of rifles!

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Hi FB, I think I've said before that I'm only into shooting with air, but I do take in all I can from all shooting disciplines and like others, I really enjoy your "full length" posts. In them somewhere are hints and tips for all shooters, long term or still learning, like me :look:

Your ethics are spot on too :look:




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Hi FB, I think I've said before that I'm only into shooting with air, but I do take in all I can from all shooting disciplines and like others, I really enjoy your "full length" posts. In them somewhere are hints and tips for all shooters, long term or still learning, like me :look:

Your ethics are spot on too :look:





Chris, I try to be as open, honest and helpful as possible. If any of my posts help you out then the effort in putting them together (Especially the videos or photos) have all been worth while and I thank you for your kind and encouraging words! Some of my posts (And mannerisms) might upset some people and others might have different views than those shared by other shooters, if that is the case then I will openly appologise but we are all entitled to out opinions, maybe all of us (Myself especially) should try to learn how to be more tollerant of others opinions and more understanding towards thier lines of thoughts.

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