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Raul Moat tazer issue.


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perhaps more a case of a probably decent man losing his business due to "procedure and protocol "following a press witchunt of the police and their handling of the event, and a simple fact that a scumbag who deserved every thing if not more than he got!! managed to bring about the death of yet another man.




Well spoken.

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That link is in itself no use, i asked for some clarity to your earlier postings, the link may provide that, however a link to thousands of pages is not much help, unless more specific.


Bloody hell, I had to search for it..... :good:



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Thank you poontang i will read it.


I still see no logical reason a coroner cannot view almost any sensitive material, he is one of the most trusted persons in the legal merry-go-round.

Indeed i would think one only has to read the court transcripts of the other 2 lads prosecution, if one wanted to know how/when/where the surveillance took place and the method used.


I think Orwell describes it best the corruption of NU labour, the system and all who sailed in her.


"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

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No could call it suppression about it, either it was/is, or it was not.






What laws are you refering to, could you be more specific, generalising never really helps, and is only used when people try to hand-wave away evidence they dont like, an example being in woo woo land its always !! THEY !! who are out to get us or keeping secrets.







Laugh equally as much as those who see folk like yourself just handwave away any responsibility on the polices behalf.




And where are the black kids human rights, his mother and families basics human right to know how and why the state murdered her child/brother, why was he different to Dr kelly, why has it taken 5 years to announce an inquiry, Dr Kellys inquiry was announced within 2 hours of blair officially being informed of Kellys death.


And this is what the IPPCC thinks about policemen and teams being given time to discuss serious events between themselves before making a statement.



IPCC recommended it should be banned after Harry Stanley was shot dead while carrying a chair leg. Machover describes the conferring as "scandalous" and a decision that will "blight the whole process, leaving a suspicion for the family that they will never be able to get to the truth of what happened, because the accounts of the officers may have been contaminated by discussion of their evidence before it was committed to writing".



And you never touched on the instant smear campaign of their innocent dead victims, are these the police you want to safe guard your kids on the streets of london, where closing ranks and deceit pass for policing.


There are no excuses, we are in this situation because of weak as shiit political leadership, heads should have rolled and careers lost right at the very top, not the footsoldiers, Integrity you need to see to believe both in actions performed and words spoken.


Yes you moron, they are the police that I want to keep my kids safe - and they do a pretty good job of it - all this from some bloke in an island away from the mainland who's chief concern is probably litter and the influx of bikers once a year - your views mean very little - go and make a silver foil helmet to keep your thoughts away from the mind police who the Govn will surely send to get you.

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So basically your strategy is to shoot the messenger.


And your wrong in assuming i think the british police force is corrupt to its roots as i dont, its corrupted at the very top.

Thats why investigations only ever get so far, before being stymied.


Once bates was in place, the police service could not be impartial any more, thats why all SFO investigations that entangled Blair were always dropped.




cash for honours.


just 2 scandals Bates helped keep a lid on.


Even a country boy like me has access to multitudes of data these days.

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Once bates was in place, the police service could not be impartial any more, thats why all SFO investigations that entangled Blair were always dropped.




cash for honours.


just 2 scandals Bates helped keep a lid on.


Even a country boy like me has access to multitudes of data these days.


You've lost me there.


Do you mean John YATES?


And if you mean BAE, weren't they fined some £280m for failing to keep proper accounts? After an investigation by the SFO.

I don't think you can blame Yates for the cash for honours inquiry either. Indeed I believe he was criticised by Downing Street for being too 'robust' and tenacious in his investigation.

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Not too sure about some of the wanderings off on this thread, but:


1. Raul Moat - who cares?


2. Bloke in charge of taser company - shame, probably lots of pressure and this was too much. The company probably had a lot riding on acting as a supplier to the police force in the future, and this episode probably killed that deal for them stone dead. Multiply the pressure by 100 if the Directors had mortgaged their houses to fund their company etc.


3. All the other stuff - well, it's the same old same old. The only point I would raise is that following a fatal shooting all police officers should give their statements on their own and immediately after the event. It's the only way the process will be seen to be transparant. Sitting around in a canteen afterwards and talking about it is not on - I am not suggesting that the police officers would be tempted to make anything up or massage their individual versions to fit / suit, however, the sitting round after and talking about it would give rise to just such a suspicion in the eyes of Joe public, so best not to allow it to happen. Indeed, if everyone is just giving their version of events and the truth, then they can do that on their own and they are not actually being deprived or anything by not letting them get together and swap notes. They can give their own statements first and swap notes after.

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You've lost me there.


Do you mean John YATES?


And if you mean BAE, weren't they fined some £280m for failing to keep proper accounts? After an investigation by the SFO.

I don't think you can blame Yates for the cash for honours inquiry either. Indeed I believe he was criticised by Downing Street for being too 'robust' and tenacious in his investigation.



People are right to far offcourse now.



The Thatcher government openly redistributed wealth to the very rich with her policy of reducing the top rate of income tax to 40%. For example, by the late 1980s, the top 1% owned 17% of the wealth. In contrast, the bottom 50% owned only 10%.


When the Labour Party gained power in 1997 Blair and Brown obeyed their orders from Rupert Murdoch and left the top rate of tax unchanged. Today the top 1% own 23% of the wealth while the bottom 50% only have 6%. It is hard to believe that a Labour government would ever redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich, but that is what they have done.


You may be interested in these old national newspaper investigative journalists discussing the corruption of nu labour.


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It's hard to wade all the way through some of the drivel posted, trying to find the point where the thread took a left turn away from the subject.


MM was correct - just what does it matter? Moat killed himself. If the Police had been armed with catapults (super strength elastic or not) - what would it matter?


As for wealth redistribution - what planet did that land from?


You need to retain a sense of humour sometimes. :good::) :(

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it was a leader to take a look at what some old hacks with good sources see as the decline of all moral ethics, as nu labours corruption of the system took hold, and how those who corrupted nu labour profited hugely in status / wealth or both, even blair himself.


Its easier to look in than look out, i am done.

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I remember the night of it all, I was chatting to a mate in Canada and he asked what I was doing, I said I had the news on as there was a stand off... He laughed and said over there it would have gone... PUT THE GUN DOWN!!!... PUT IT DOWN!!!... BANG, ok lads, good job, lets get a coffee.

Sounds like we need to import a few Mounties.........................

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i have been looking at that shotgun. if the tazer is contained in the cartridge surely you could shoot them out of any shotgun? if not why not design a standard cartridge sized one because it would sell like mad.


I think because the entire TASER X-Rep case is the size of a standard 12 bore. With the 12 you fire and eject the case and with the TASER you fire the whole thing. A slight mod would be needed.

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The Thatcher government openly redistributed wealth to the very rich with her policy of reducing the top rate of income tax to 40%.



This has to be one of the biggest 'logical inversions' I've read here on PW.


They 'redistributed' wealth to the very rich by letting them keep some more of their own money?


You mean they stole slightly less from them than had been the case before?




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I think because the entire TASER X-Rep case is the size of a standard 12 bore. With the 12 you fire and eject the case and with the TASER you fire the whole thing. A slight mod would be needed.

It uses a modified shotgun designed for none lethal loads only which has a modified bolt preventing use of standard carts in that gun, doesnt mean the X12 cannot be fired from a standard gun.



Case is still ejected

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