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unusual photography


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Not sure if these are any interest to anybody, but there has been a lot of interest in photography on here recently and Green grass and a few others have put up some superb images, My main interest in photography is underwater, exsp. macro stuff. Have been to a couple of competitions in Bali and Indonesia on both occasions coming second which i was dead chuffed with. anyway if anybody is interested I can put up some more.








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Not sure if these are any interest to anybody, but there has been a lot of interest in photography on here recently and Green grass and a few others have put up some superb images, My main interest in photography is underwater, exsp. macro stuff. Have been to a couple of competitions in Bali and Indonesia on both occasions coming second which i was dead chuffed with. anyway if anybody is interested I can put up some more.









Nice pics mate! The nudibranch looks great. I got a long nosed hawk fish last yr in Sharm with my canon ixux but looks like you have a Digital SLR.

Edited by Ashbiker
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indeed it is, a cannon inside a housing with two external flash units


very hard work to get good shots but fascinating, I just love coming up and seeing them on the computer, in the old days with film you never knew what you were getting, now if you dont like the photo you can go back and shot it again, also end up taking 10 to 20 of each pic with dif settings to make sure you get what you want.



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same toy as mine, but GG mentioned the talk photography site i have been visiting,,,and its been recommended that i add a nifty 50 lens for portrait work to my collection......

im hoping to get some pics of the geese tomorrow evening but not sure to add the wide angle or the 100-300 lens to the camera at present but the gees ewill be about 40 to 50 yds up....

but nice pics Doc

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same toy as mine, but GG mentioned the talk photography site i have been visiting,,,and its been recommended that i add a nifty 50 lens for portrait work to my collection......

im hoping to get some pics of the geese tomorrow evening but not sure to add the wide angle or the 100-300 lens to the camera at present but the gees ewill be about 40 to 50 yds up....

but nice pics Doc



Would have thought something a bit longer than 50mm would have been good for portrait work, but I am no expert on it.


I am sure the site you use is good. The underwater photography world is quite small and we tend to know each other. there are some really brilliant photographers out there. most are only to happy to pass on any help and information they have


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There are some incredible looking pictures there Doc! Allthough I love my photography I am not into the underwater stuff I have to admire those that are, there seems to be so much diversity of colour underwater. It would certainly make a refreshing and welcome change to see a bit more of your Underwater work, it looks like stepping into another world!


Just a quick comment to Spaniel - In the days of 35mm film work the 135mm lens was the one most generally used and accepted as the "standard" portrait lens - This might be slightly different nowadays with a DSLR.

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Lovely shots, particularly like the nudi-brach, I'm on my iPhone at mo but will have to post some of my diving shots. Only got a little housing for my ixus and not my eos though


Same here. The eos housing is not only too expensive, but also bulky to carry around.

Are you guys coming over for the NEC Dive show? There are some good digital clinics and I shall be there on sunday 31st Oct (as am out shooting on sat).

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