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British aid worker killed.................


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Yup, we have done the usual thing about how she shouldnt have been there, but now the press are saying she stood a better chance if the US special forces had left her alone :yes:


Is it just me, or is anyone else just getting fed up of watching the news.


A: Daft bint should have been at home in the kitchen anyway.

B: Would you rather take your chances with Terr-ban or have a load of SEALS try and help you.

C: Why pass blame for her death to the rescuers? Im sure there will be relatives and friends looking to make a claim against somebody.



Bit early for a rant i know, but ive to go to work. :lol:

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To be honest I have been thinking about this since i heard it on the news yesterday.

Not to sure the reasons why she wanted to go out there, but in the end she was only trying to assist the innocent people caught up in the war or is it conflict..


As i understand it threats on her life were made last week and the decision was made that her only chance of survival was a rescue attempt.

Sadly those animals (lowest of the low in my opinion) decided they wanted to not only blow themselves up but decided it was a good idea to take this innocent women with them......very sad.


But i say fare play to the Americans and the rescue plan, something needed doing and they had the boals to go in and attempt a rescue plan, placing their own lives at risk at the same time....


As for these murdering scumbags the sooner they are removed from this planet the better

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IMHO no blame can be apportioned to the US SF involved.


The problem is that it was about as bad a hostage situation as you could imagine, from the rescue planners point of view.


She was being held by people who would definately fight, would definately kill her if they thought an attack was in the offing and who were very, very unlikely to bottle it and release her.


Threats had been made to kill her sooner rather than later, and lastly one of her captors nearby was fitted with a suicide vest. This meant that at the first sign of SF in the area, it was pretty much a done deal that the vest would have been detonated. Short of "turning" one of her captors and getting help from inside the group (an extremely tall order given the people involved and the timescales), she never really stood a chance.

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I guess there's not really much you can do to threaten people who are quite happy to die? It's a sad fact that if you're going to go into places like this then you have to face the fact that you could very easily be harmed. She died doing something good for the world, you can't fault her for that.

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the aid workers (and I'm not talking about cowboy journalists or religious oafs who want to spread their word) but genuine aid workers working alongside our troops are as vital as anyone out there, if she was in uniform she would be a hero not a "daft bint" perhaps the big question that needs asking before putting anyone at risk do we need to be there? as the region will be the same in 30 years time IE a still a bunch of tribalistic stone age mud skippers, regardless of our intervention.



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IMHO no blame can be apportioned to the US SF involved.


The problem is that it was about as bad a hostage situation as you could imagine, from the rescue planners point of view.


She was being held by people who would definately fight, would definately kill her if they thought an attack was in the offing and who were very, very unlikely to bottle it and release her.


Threats had been made to kill her sooner rather than later, and lastly one of her captors nearby was fitted with a suicide vest. This meant that at the first sign of SF in the area, it was pretty much a done deal that the vest would have been detonated. Short of "turning" one of her captors and getting help from inside the group (an extremely tall order given the people involved and the timescales), she never really stood a chance.


Surely a valid question arising then is why did anyone go in at all? Has a bit of a whiff of gun-ho yanks to me but I thought I read that UK officials sanctioned the action? Bad deal all round I guess, sounded pretty doomed either way.

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Has a bit of a whiff of gun-ho yanks to me



If we took more action and less "discussions in paliment" we might not be in the state we are now in this country...


I personaly think the americans are at least pro-active and take the bull by the horns, we are so held back by red tape that we have our heads firmly planted in our behinds....


It wouldn't at all surprise me if a suicide bombers family sues britain for unlawful burial or something ridiculous in the future!

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Surely a valid question arising then is why did anyone go in at all? Has a bit of a whiff of gun-ho yanks to me but I thought I read that UK officials sanctioned the action? Bad deal all round I guess, sounded pretty doomed either way.


Yes, it is a valid question, but not one I can give any answer to. My guess would be that they were not aware that the individual guarding her was wearing a vest and decided that their best option at the time was to go.

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Yes, it is a valid question, but not one I can give any answer to. My guess would be that they were not aware that the individual guarding her was wearing a vest and decided that their best option at the time was to go.



or they thought they might be able to take him out, yanks can be gung ho but everyone behind a pc has an opinion without having been there. Its pretty sad but we're not dealing with normal peple

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Yes, as you say, none of us were there in the US SF briefings before the mission, and so anything we say can only be speculation.


As if to confirm the above, it has just been announced on the news that she was actually killed by a grenade thrown by one of the rescue team. Oh dear.

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the aid workers (and I'm not talking about cowboy journalists or religious oafs who want to spread their word) but genuine aid workers working alongside our troops are as vital as anyone out there, if she was in uniform she would be a hero not a "daft bint" perhaps the big question that needs asking before putting anyone at risk do we need to be there? as the region will be the same in 30 years time IE a still a bunch of tribalistic stone age mud skippers, regardless of our intervention.






Thats my point. The place will never change, and as soon as Team America 'wins' the war over there, its back to square one. Growing drugs, shooting women and children is what they seem to do best, so let em get on with it. Im all for peace and love, but im just not feeling it. That woman was a 'daft bint', as she knew that if you stand under a cow long enough, sooner or later you are going to get **** on the head. Aid should be doled out by military forces, not do-gooders who want to change the world. Where does trying to be a saint get you? sat in a mud hut next to bomb vest Barry. I know my odds of getting hit by a car are high, but i wouldn't walk in the middle of the road to get to work. If any of the SF lads were killed or injured during the rescue, the aid agency should be forced to compensate the soldiers families. I know its their job, but should they be put in avoidable situations?

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As if to confirm the above, it has just been announced on the news that she was actually killed by a grenade thrown by one of the rescue team. Oh dear.


before we start a bit of yank bashing please just remember who are the first to be called for when help is needed? yes the yanks, had she not been kidnapped by savages masquerading as humans she would not now be dead simples.



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before we start a bit of yank bashing please just remember who are the first to be called for when help is needed? yes the yanks, had she not been kidnapped by savages masquerading as humans she would not now be dead simples.




Sorry, tell me where exactly did I "bash" the Americans? I have nothing but respect for the US armed forces, because I have had experience working with them.

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None of them should have been there in the first place.


An army should be limited to its countrys borders, and a multi-national peace keeping force should police the world with instant sanctions and blockade of any country whose troops cross its own borders.


The blame lies squarely on american shoulders, its their greed for the worlds natural resources that drives their foreign policy/s and expansionism.

one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter, these people are defending their own home lands, and the excuse that they abuse their own civilian populaces is just that an excuse, as trade and or sanctions based on them adhering to human rights legislation would work just fine in bringing them into line with the rest of the world in that sense.


When hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, mothers fathers daughters and sons are killed by foreign forces on your home soil, you fight back, by whatever means at your disposal even if that includes terrorism abroad.


You have to try and open the eyes of the general populaces of the invading countries to the atrocities being committed in their name on your foreign lands to counter-act in a small way the gross propaganda purported as fact by government spin to the populaces of the invading countries

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as the region will be the same in 30 years time IE a still a bunch of tribalistic stone age mud skippers, regardless of our intervention.




eeeeexxxxxxactly!!! Makes my blood boil, the might of the Russian Army tried for 10 years and made not a jot of difference. Get the haell out and leave 'em to it, or Nuke it back to the Stone Age.


Preferably before my son goes out for a second tour.




Oh, and female aid workers voluteering for countries like that - they know fully well what the risks are. Surprised she lasted as long as she did tbh.

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before we start a bit of yank bashing please just remember who are the first to be called for when help is needed? yes the yanks, had she not been kidnapped by savages masquerading as humans she would not now be dead simples.




Actually its the UN.


Altho in my opinion the UN is no more than another american propaganda outlet, and firmly controlled by the yanks, or quite simply the yanks will go it alone with anyone that wants to join them, as they have stated many times when not getting their own way, the UN is a way that america shares the cost of stealing other countries natural rescources, before sharng them with the countries who back them.


You can put what the americans are doing down in many different descriptive forms, but at the end of it all, its undeniable what is REALLY happening.


Securing dwindling resources, so as to not be held to ransom over future supply, and the enrichment of the countries with the rescources, its no more than a preemptive power struggle, to remain the worlds dominant force..

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The SF were damned if they did and damned if they didn't. Just look at all the 'Why didn't they do anything' headlines when that couple were captured off Somalia in sight of a British warship.


At the end of the day she (hopefully) knew where she was going and potentially what could happen. I respect her for going there to help but at the same time i personally think she (and anyone else not trained and carrying a means of self defence) was foolish to do so.



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i dont get it. why would you go to a crappy country like tht when we have one bad enough here!? plenty of people need help who are house bound, old or inferm. surely sort out that first? Brave? yes of course but not bright IMO. as for the recsue attempt if i was her i would have been chuffed to see an attempt, most of them end up found in a shallow grave minus a head!

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eeeeexxxxxxactly!!! Makes my blood boil, the might of the Russian Army tried for 10 years and made not a jot of difference. Get the haell out and leave 'em to it, or Nuke it back to the Stone Age.


Preferably before my son goes out for a second tour.




Oh, and female aid workers voluteering for countries like that - they know fully well what the risks are. Surprised she lasted as long as she did tbh.



Ah, but the Taliban also had the might of Rambo on their side as well. :yes:

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