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etiquette with a semi


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Hi all, whast the normal?


will be my first time shooting clays with a semi, it locks open after the last cartridge so it can be seen to be empty, but what about moving between stands, bag, flag? muzzle up/down?


only been on 3 clay shoots and that was once sharing an o/u that my mate carried anyway, and then using an old o/u that I carried broken over my shoulder


so whats your advice with a semi?


will embarass myself enough with my ability, dont want an obvious faux pas to embarrass me further


its nervy enough that Im going to a shoot where I dont know anyone, and never been there before.

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ok thanks guys, damage isnt really an issue, if a bit of falling clay hit mine, you wouldnt know, and at least I could say that I broke one with my shotgun! LOL


will take the case and bag between stands


the shoot is a small open affair, 50 bird sporting £10, sounds cheap enough to me, and although Im crapping it, at least nobody knows me to laugh at me too much :blink:

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as been said.

bag it when your not in the stand.

most clubs like you to have a visible safety flag or plug as well.


its an easy habit to form to put the flag in after the last shot in the stand.

you know your gun has the bolt back but its not visible from distance, whereas a flag or plug is.


personally like the plug as you dont need to bring the bolt forward to hold it in place like you do with the flag.

just squeeze it and pop it in................... :blink:

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As has been said by most, bag it seems the best option. My friend was advised at one ground that if it is a really short walk to the next stand and he didn't want to bag it, as even in the bag there is no proof it is unloaded, he should carry the gun in his clay vest pocket, barrel pointed vertically upwards, breech facing out and open, preferably with a plug/flag visible.

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In my experience most people are quite safe between stands with their auto`s because they carry them in the slip/bag.

The problem that very few spot is when the shooter has shot the last pair on the stand and then turns to walk out of the cage with the gun then pointing at everybody. THAT`S A BIG :yes::good:


When you have shot at the last clay/bird you should keep the muzzles up range/out in front.

Tip over the gun to see it`s empty and the bolt is locked back.

Then without hitting the overhead bar of the cage, put the gun into an up right position like a guardsman with the open chamber facing out so people can see it.

Then walk out of the cage and put the gun slip on by still holding the muzzles in the air and putting the narrow end of the slip on the muzzles. You can then point the muzzles in a safe direction to bring down the muzzles and do up the zip/buckle.


And always carry the gun slip with the narrow leather end down or the gun can bust the zip and fall out. I`v seen it happen on several occasions. :D

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I have sling on my Beretta 391 so it is never an issue. It just points at the sky between stands.


People who try to carry them barrel down over their fore arm always end up pointing them at other peoples legs.


Buy a sling and you wont need any silly bits of orange plastic :good:



True enough but this thread is about ettiquette, not about looking like a hillbilly off to shoot his tea. DOUBLE :lol::good::P

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Your under and over pal shouldn't be wearing it over his shoulder either, The number of times iv'e had a gun butt in the ear is quite suprising, bag it or keep it over your arm and as coach says pointed end down in the slip when you are in transit. Enjoy from Auntie.


Who's talking about under and overs :lol:


I meant people walking around with an autos over their forearm, desperately trying to keep it pointed at the ground and failing.


A sling keeps it pointing towards the sky, job done :good:

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cheers guys, I have bought one of them butt plugs, erm I mean saf t plugs LOL, and also just put a sling on it, so plenty of options


Im guessing that loading 5 or 6 up and blasting in the hope of hitting a clay is also a no no LOL


dont worry only joking


Im no stranger to shooting, all my normal work is gallery rifle, target rifle etc, but different disciplines have different attitudes and protocols, always nice to get a bit of a headstart on the proceedings


going to get some cartridges tomoro and have a word with the guy running Sundays shoot at the same time.


I have made myself a lil deal, if I can hit 20 out of 50 on sunday, then I will treat myself to a half decent o/u multi choke for clays


my semi is setup with iron sights etc for slug shooting. moving a gun and pulling the trigger is a totally alien concept to me, but its fun :good:

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I'm surprised it took until COACH's post for anybody to mention watch where the guns pointing when it's in the slip (O&U or semi).


Personally I would rather see a semi on a sling with a flag or plug than in a slip - at least if I can see the flag or plug I KNOW it's safe, I don't if it's in a slip :good:

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I'm surprised it took until COACH's post for anybody to mention watch where the guns pointing when it's in the slip (O&U or semi).


Personally I would rather see a semi on a sling with a flag or plug than in a slip - at least if I can see the flag or plug I KNOW it's safe, I don't if it's in a slip :good:


I'd go with WGD on this ! a semi going back into a slip could quite conceivably go back into that slip in a loaded condition. no one would be able to see that it is bolt open and how disciplined are people about where a gun is pointing when it is in a slip?


IMHO the essential safety concept with a semi that will be second nature to anyone who has fired any kind of Bolt action or semi/automatic firearm is muzzle awareness ( ie all the time that the firerarm is in your hands you are aware of exactly where the barrel is pointed. the flag or plug is to show OTHERS that you are safe !


Personally I'm not sure that straight down is particularly safe either- the first negligent discharge takes your foot off and then in the resultant pain you can be sure you are not going to be worrying where the gun is pointing for the next discharge. !

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Who's talking about under and overs :good:


I meant people walking around with an autos over their forearm, desperately trying to keep it pointed at the ground and failing.


A sling keeps it pointing towards the sky, job done :lol:

The original poster did mention walking around with a broken o/u on his shoulder. :good: from Auntie.

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I'm surprised it took until COACH's post for anybody to mention watch where the guns pointing when it's in the slip (O&U or semi).


Personally I would rather see a semi on a sling with a flag or plug than in a slip - at least if I can see the flag or plug I KNOW it's safe, I don't if it's in a slip :good:



how do you know its a semi in a slip?


personally I have the breech open so if anyone is bothered they can clearly see, though it would be slipped between stands anyway so no one would know it wasn't an O/U

What you do is go to stand breech open, shoot the stand. Make sure its unloaded and breech is open take it back to your slip and pop it in. That way you've been seen to be safe by anyone watching.

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