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Where do our taxes go?


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It was the old codgers that paid the tax that paid for the slightly less old codgers education who now pay the tax for the 'yoots' of todays education, who like me are mostly bone idle. :good:


I jest I try my best, Honest, and I do repay my fair share via alcohol taxes, something that just seems to be unavoidable at university.

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I'd rather my money went to old people and the health service than to the bone idle.



When I worked in the Mental Health Sector, I used to work with section 47/49 (Sent though the courts/prison) patients, mostly for various sexual offenses involving children.


Something of the more extreme examples cost the tax payer around £200,000 per year in care, plus they get around £1,000 a month in disability benefit. Though, there food/board is already covered in the various mental units they are held in, so your tax money in their benefits goes straight towards either fags, or big bags full of designer clothes (which are worn for a month, they kept in store at their request).

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Goes towards allowing Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales to have no prescription charges!


Interestingly enough, there were that few of us in NI who paid prescription charges (more were free due to benefit claimants etc) that it was costing more to administer the payment system than was actually paid in charges for the scripts.


However, since the charges were abolished, people have been going daft and getting prescriptions for everything.

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Anyone who is fit and available for work must do some work to get a mix of wages and benefits.


Benefits are paid in vouchers which can't be spent on fags or booze.


As for the old biddys, well a really really cold winter :good:



Forced labour system? Sort of modern day gulag? Work brings freedom and all that?


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