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3shot pump


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hi i have recently purchased a 3 shot pump action. It has an adjustable choke which ya screw in and out as ya please. There is no need for spare choke tubes or a key :D . Has anyone any experience with a gun like this if so what are ya thoughts

thanks monkey

Edited by monkey
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I bought one of these just before Xmas, it's an old Mossberg with the same screw in/out adjustable choke system. I bought it as a rough and tumbnle field gun as I can't bear the thought of my Beretta Silver Pigeon getting damaged whilst out rough shooting.


Took it upto the club for it's first outing last weekend, and popped off a few shots at the clays. Whilst certainly not a great clay gun (takes longer for the second bird as you have to rack the action yourself) it proved it would be ideal for my intended purpose.


Best bit of all is the allmighty smile it puts on your face each and every time you shoot, then rack, then shoot again. :D


Fabulous. :lol:

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hi cheers to you both. I intend to use it for the pigeons and as a general gun for rough use. I agree with what ya say about the action and noise very satisfying.I once went to a local farm clay shoot with a mate we shot the flush together i used his five shot pump that was good fun i have to say. :D:lol:

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Mossberg Pumps with the screw in chokes were on sale back in the 70's.


They were regarded as a very reliable, if a tad clumsy weapon, ideal for Pigeon Shooting or Wildfowling.


The yanks call them "Cornshuckers" and some of them can operate a pump as fast, (if not faster) than most people can shoot a semi-auto.



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Monkey. I have a 3 shot Mossberg .410 pump. I recently ajusted the stock as the gun was to flat. Now I love it. If shoot Eley shell best to date. Fioochi (or how ever you spell it) dont eject the brass seems to expand and stay put.


You mensioned the screwing style choke. Yes I guy I shot with a view times had a La Wee J Franchie (Have no idea how to spell it) it was a semi-auto the choking work really good and made a difference. It had Extra full and was lethel on foxes.

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i have a binelli nova pump with i find is ideal for rought shooting and lamping but a tad annoying for clays, the best thing about a pump is when you fire unless u physicaly rack the pump you dont have to worry about a round being chambered, witch is always something that worrys me with my semi's, and when your shooting out of a vehicle you can wait to reload so that the ejected acrtridge isnt fired out into the drives head!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an evilllll, mossey with synthetic stock. However it seems not to want to cycle the rounds sometimes. I have to pump it about 10 times before it catches the spent round. I have even had to take the barrel off and poke it out - which is a ******* to do when all the crows in the nation are sitting around you :thumbs:

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