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George Digweed - 110 yard teal


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I love the comments about loads of shooters could be another George Digweed. Just what is stopping them emulating him. Apart from being blessed with a unique talent, he has grafted his socks off to achieve all this.


We have had many World champions:-


The truly excellent Duncan Lawton, Barry Simpson, John Bidwell, AJ Smoker Smith.


Whilst they have won a fair bit, no-one can compare with George's record. As for his size, perhaps posters could say what an ideal size for a shooter is. I didn't realise you had to be weighed before shooting.


If he was American, he would be feted like Tiger Woods.


Why don't we just applaud the fact that he is British.

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I love the comments about loads of shooters could be another George Digweed. Just what is stopping them emulating him. Apart from being blessed with a unique talent, he has grafted his socks off to achieve all this.


We have had many World champions:-


The truly excellent Duncan Lawton, Barry Simpson, John Bidwell, AJ Smoker Smith.


Whilst they have won a fair bit, no-one can compare with George's record. As for his size, perhaps posters could say what an ideal size for a shooter is. I didn't realise you had to be weighed before shooting.


If he was American, he would be feted like Tiger Woods.


Why don't we just applaud the fact that he is British.

Totally agree Gordon. Not only has he a god given talent but a will to win that sets him apart from the easy beats. That's why he wins so much - he just hates coming second. THAT'S WHY HE'S A WORLD CHAMPION, not because he gets sponsored.

What a guy.

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Personally, I reckon the guy is an absolute "one-off" legend.

There may be other talented shots who don't get the chance to fulfil their potential but they would have to be exceptional to get near Digweed. He's earned the right to utilise all his sponsorship and endorsements through winning all there is to to win and then winning them all again.

He's similar to Phil Taylor the Darts Legend (similar shape too!) in that he keeps on raising the standards and achievements bar.

His record over the years will never be matched.

Let's appreciate him for the true champion he is and give him the praise he deserves.


p.s. I heard he is a decent cricketer who appeared in Wisden for taking 9 or 10 wickets in an innings. Anyone else hear that?


Spot on he did 9 wickets he was one hell of a cricketer....


The man is a one of a kind, yes there are good shots out there but George has worked at it for his success and it has paid off time and time again.


Faulds again spot on!!

Edited by Shotgunspud
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I am not knocking him ,but yes he put alot of graft in but like all things it was easier and cheaper to do things in the 80s .


I for one is not as talented as some but even if I was I could not do now what he done in the 80s as it just cost more FACT.


The cartridges alone the fuel costs entry fee etc.


Yes I think we need to admire our champions of the country BUT we must also try to get other top sportman into the sport.


And to say there is not another potential Digweed waiting in the wings is nosense there will be a young boy/girl who has also Digweeds skill that could be harness ,with the correct teaching but the sad fact is in todays world you need massive amount cash,


As sheer hard and graft in 2010 will not work its only a factor .




Cheers OTH

Edited by Over the hill
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There well be another talented youngster out there who could emulate George, but it is delusional to think it would definitely be in this country. We have many fine shooters, but George is the best there has ever been, so the chances of us unearthing another are very remote.


No-one would be more pleased if we did.

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There well be another talented youngster out there who could emulate George, but it is delusional to think it would definitely be in this country. We have many fine shooters, but George is the best there has ever been, so the chances of us unearthing another are very remote.


No-one would be more pleased if we did.


So are you saying by all chance that Digweed is one in 10 billion EG the world population.


Cheers OTH

Edited by Over the hill
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  • 3 weeks later...

So are you saying by all chance that Digweed is one in 10 billion EG the world population.


Cheers OTH

To have the combination of determination, drive and raw talent with the opportunity to learn to shoot from a young age? Probably. What was good about shooting in the 80's? From what i have read cart costs as a % have come down, yes fuel is expensive but its never been cheap. Tom Daly's family put everything into his training routine. I wonder how many people have dived from a high board (fewer pools in the UK with a high board than clay grounds thats for sure) compared to the number that have tried clay shooting? To be a world champion at anything and stay on the top for so long is huge achievement its not like after his first world championship everyone else gave up and stopped shooting!

You may not like his attitude but to say it was easy for him as it was the 80's is nonsense!

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So are you saying by all chance that Digweed is one in 10 billion EG the world population.


Cheers OTH


Yes I am, because he is that person. The proof is there for all to see.


I can prove he is the best ever - can you prove there is another out there? Not a chance of proving it.

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looking at the vid and Digweed its all about dedication time and yes money comes into it. If you have talent, and a can do attitude backed with the want to succeed you can make it in any chosen sport. From my own journey through shooting it took me 8 years to make the international team and that was training 6 days aweek 7 hrs a day eat sleep shooting. I eaven took up yoga to improve my bretahing and relaxsation skills...


Digweed will have given up things that the everday person wouldnt do and thats in the pursuite to be the best... some people just have that drive to be the best they are a chosen few and thens there people who have to work at it thats how it is.


I believe there are young people out there with Digweed talant its finding them and giving them the wright coaching, skills, mental devlopment and most important enjoyment of the sport dont go out there and want to shoot to be sponsord but do it because you enjoy the sport and want to be the best you can be.


These are my views and dont take them any other way. Its all about having a big smile on your face when that clay leaves that trap, you pull that trigger and you hit the clay nothing better than that... :)



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training 6 days a week and 7 hours a day!!!

what were you shooting to do that.?? must be rifle or pistol.


Morning Berretta,

On the range for 8:30am didn't finish till 5:30. 30 mins for lunch then 30 mins for the food to go down before we started back on the ranges again. My shooting was Rifle, pistol, gun and bolt action.


I use to Clay shoot to break up the week a relax found clay shooting very enjoyable but didn't have time to take up full time. By time my son was born in 97 I retired from competion shooting due to money and family commitments but it was like loosing my right arm never missed it. Now my son would like to try so looking to get back into but Clay is going to be our thing.


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How on earth could you afford to shoot six days a week?


I was very lucky and humble that my work was wrapped around shooting and having good sponser who understand shooting takes time and constant practice. I only trained 8 months of the year the rest was working flat out to bring the money in.


What i can say is it takes alot of dedication, time, effort and giving up alot to get to a high level so my hat goes of to everyone that dedicates part of there life to somthing they enjoy and belive in like Digweed and many others out there. I never forget where i came from and kept my feet firmly on the ground and that was a good driving force coming from a mineing family from Sheffield where times where very hard in the 80'


I used to have time of as well it wasnt 6 days all the time... but we had to keep fit and beable to run 5 miles a day and lift weights plus eat well make sure our bodys where in good shape and our minds where healthy and focused for the long days of shooting and copeing with the stress of competion. I loved it thats why im looking at after christmas to visit a Clay site and get back into shooting with my son...Come on 2011

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Is this the same Mr Digweed who shot a record bag of pigeons over a pre baited feild? Or the same as goes to a round of clay shoots on weekends with his free shells and makes any one else entering the pool shoot waste their money? Most certainly not jealous, met him several times and he is so far up himself its untrue. Billy big spuds

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