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clay season

duck shooter 1

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just got a shotgun and was wondering when the season is for shooting clays because i wouldnt of thought they would shoot in winter because of the early nights.could anyone help me with this?




Depends on where you shoot. Where I shoot the Olympic layout is floodlit :hmm:

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Right enough mickey taking lads ,you can shoot clays any day of the year mate .Depending on where you live there is usually a club or organised shoot most week ends throughout the year, they arent all registered through the C.P.S.A. .Get yourself along and have a look around at the various disciplines that are available . :)

Edited by Jega
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Right enough mickey taking lads ,you can shoot clays any day of the year mate.


Slightly incorrect there Sir. It is illegal to shoot on Christmas Day.

If we had a closed season for clayshooting to allow them to breed, There would be more wild ones available, so rough shooting would be cheaper.

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Right enough mickey taking lads ,you can shoot clays any day of the year mate.


Slightly incorrect there Sir. It is illegal to shoot on Christmas Day.

If we had a closed season for clayshooting to allow them to breed, There would be more wild ones available, so rough shooting would be cheaper.


Well i never knew that .Any-way they need to be kept under control especially the black ones ,the ******* are over running our native ones. :good::)

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Right enough mickey taking lads ,you can shoot clays any day of the year mate.


Slightly incorrect there Sir. It is illegal to shoot on Christmas Day.

If we had a closed season for clayshooting to allow them to breed, There would be more wild ones available, so rough shooting would be cheaper.



Any idea of the ideal breeding conditions / land type? I'll see if I can get permission to set up some breeding cages and try it! Can the orange /blue /black ones interbreed or are genetic mutations a risk?

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It's not the interbreeding you have to look out for or even the possibilty of an orange merging into a pink, but if they stray off the cpsa area into a straw bale area now that could really end up :hmm: don't go down that road. from Auntie. :hmm:



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