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foxing again ! in the herefordshire countyside.

jamie g

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went out over my firends ground again last night this story of the nights shoot is his. i took it off a different site we go on because its easier then writing it out myself :good::good:


Well as it's firework weekend myself and jamieg decided to let some of our own rockets off in the shape of 6MM BR and 22-250 rounds.


We had planned to go over to Jonty's but he couldnt make saturday night so we decided to try my area out again, this was sort of last minute as the weather didn't look to good.


Jamie got to mine for 7ish and we set off


We arrived at the first spot where i've seen and shot foxes in the past but none in the last 5 visits but as we were passing i thought you never know.


Scanned round with the night vision binos but saw nothing so decided to try the vixen call on a Mini Colibri which i bought off cos.mos on here last week, a few minutes past then i spotted a fox some 150 yards away coming towards us, binos off lamp on but he turned and disappeared back into the woods


Lamp off binos out and a bit more calling and i could see another in the wood line then the anther came out of the wood again which might have been the first fox we saw.

2 foxes so this looked good

One come back out into the field around 200 yards away from us, this time she was making her way down the field to our right she came in to around 160 yards so on goes the lamp, dam i thought shes off again so i sort of did a loud barking noise and she stopped for a second in which the 6mm 75g V-Max put her to sleep.


It was bang on 200 yards and when we picked her up her lung was lying beside her so a well placed shot


At this stage we had only been out 25 minutes so was looking to be a good night.


As we got to the next farm i phoned the farmer to say were about, He said he has locked all the gates because he had diesel nicked in the week so this stopped access to the two big fields in which we saw 5 last week


I had an idea, i drove round and managed to get into the field from the other side of the farm and scanned before going into the field, at this stage there was fireworks going off around 500 yards from where we were but this didn's put the foxes off as i spotted one around 400 yards into the field.


We drove into the field to get closer and at around 200 yards away i could see him through the nv making his way into the next big field where i spotted another 2,

We drove in and i could see 3 of them so jamie was ready to go, so on goes the lamp and he decided to take the safest shot which was the furthest.


Not an easy shot as the fox was facing us and looked a long way off, bang! and the shot was off, i could actually see the bullet at one point on it's way to it's target, fox goes down and the bullet had hit her bang in the front chest area, nice shot i said and ranged it, it was 230 yards but looked further before taking the shot.


An hour in and 2 foxes in the bag and at this point we had seen 5.


Next patch of land we saw another fox but he wouldn't come out of the woods although i could see his eyes through the night vision, we tried a few calls on this one but he was staying put so on we went..


I drove into a field in which jamie shot one last week and scanned but could see nothing.

Got the caller out and started calling and within a 5 minutes i spotted one but he just made his way down into the filed which at this point was not a safe shot so we decided to leave him.


Then the rain started so we drove to another farm and sat in the truck for a while but it looked like it was in for the night so we decided to pack up.


A good start to the night and a couple of foxes in the bag and only been out for a couple of hours, if the rain kept off im sure we would have had another each or more..



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hi mate was a good night again. shame about the rain and mist coming in. but least there are lots about.


to be fair it dont bother me if i dont get a shot. i just like to be out in the fresh air. you been foxing much

Edited by jamie g
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Seems like you're having some great nights out down your neck of the woods, I'm pleased for you! Great write up guys, it helps the reader to get a real feel for the situations! Thanks! :good::):good:


hi Frenchieboy i remember seeing one of your old posts. you said your mate has a farm down this way. does he shoot good numbers as there seam alot about at the moment :hmm:

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