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Well as promised, i was out last night on the feilds again, where i got permision from the farmer i helped. Only went out for a couple of hours, the place was crawling with foxes, saw 12 in all, most were lamp shy :rolleyes: , some did not come down off the brow of the hill, aproached them from another angle but they were gone :lol::lol: .

Anyway, whos to complain, got these 4 lovelys below instead. :lol:

2 were long shots at the base of hills, other 2 were medium ranges.

I wont go into bosting about how far they were ect, as this seems to rufle a few feathers. :( :lol:

All i know is that i had a magic time and thats what its all about. :lol: 4 shots, 4 results. :(

Going to bait the area at some stage and go back at dawn, should get some intersting results. :lol:

Edited by Frank
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MARVELLOUS :rolleyes: :( :(

I still cant get out for the weather i'm praying to get out tonight :lol:

Cheers Tommy. :lol:

I hope you get out soon mate, i know how it feels like when you cant get out :lol: , i get silly and end up bying loads of gun stuff i dont need :lol: .

Not to worry, i will get bad weather soon, then you will be out posting truck fulls of foxes :lol: , you wait and see. :lol::lol:

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that is really a good bag!


Are the foxes still rutting in your country?



Thanks Hurbertus :rolleyes: .

Yes, they are still rutting, infact they are late this year for some reason, going on longer then usual, which makes it easier on us shooting them. :(

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Nice shooting Frank :rolleyes:

You will end up as fat as the foxes u are shooting from all the lamb u will be getting off the farmers for helping them out :lol:

I think im ending that way anyway John :( .

But, with all this walking across feilds ect, im sheding it fast. :lol: :(

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well done frank, so whats the count this year so far?



ive just started nagging the old man to go out this evening, think i might have convinced him :( we will see :rolleyes:

Thanks Nick. The count so far is 83 approx, poor compared to other years :(, due to time, weather ect.


Good luck for tonight, be sure to post any pics of any sucsess. :lol:

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PROPER JOB Frank,do you use a coloured filter on your light,we have found that red or orange work best around here :rolleyes:

Hi Rob G, i dont bother with red filters, but have been told it is very good with lamp shy foxes.

I also got told it cuts your distance down to 50 to 60 yds?

What do you think?

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Frank still havent had a chance to zero in the 17 yet. Was gonna do it this weekend but had to mount the new scope :( :( and get the .22LR zero'd. Anyluck, I might get it sorted next week as I have been asked to sort out a Fox problem on one of my shoots. Photo's to come :rolleyes:

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Frank,yes mate it does cut your light down.We have shot them at 180+ yds using a red filter.I use a tracer max light either mounted on my gun or with a hand held conversion fitted.In my opinion a filter makes a real difference,when we use a white light you can see the fox keep blinking where it is too bright where as when we use red or orange it will keep looking at you while it is running to the call :rolleyes:

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Frank,yes mate it does cut your light down.We have shot them at 180+ yds using a red filter.I use a tracer max light either mounted on my gun or with a hand held conversion fitted.In my opinion a filter makes a real difference,when we use a white light you can see the fox keep blinking where it is too bright where as when we use red or orange it will keep looking at you while it is running to the call :blink:

Intersting, i might give it a go with some lamp shy foxes and see how it goes.

Ill let you know of the results. :blink:

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PROPER JOB Frank,do you use a coloured filter on your light,we have found that red or orange work best around here  :blink:

Hi Rob G, i dont bother with red filters, but have been told it is very good with lamp shy foxes.

I also got told it cuts your distance down to 50 to 60 yds?

What do you think?

Depends on how well the diffuser works Frank ...........My Deben Tracer Pro 400m + beam is reduced to just 100m with a red diffuser on ........I certainly can't see the vitals at 180 yds but can the eyes but refrain from shooting in these cicumstances .


Had a lamp shy Fox recently .............Red did'nt work but I took the old man out and he has got a cluson with an Amber filter fitted ,,,,,,,,,,Brighter shooting conditions and 1 dead Vixen as a result (142 yds Bushnell yardage pro range finder) ...........She was'nt as spooked by the change of colour which surprised me.


Farmer Happy has she had taken a weak Lamb on a previous night and as a result was starting to get the taste.



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Deadeye ive,you are right it does cut the range down,i use a tracer max red or orange mainly for foxes tracer mini red or orange mainly for rabbits and a light from argos which i converted to run off a 12v power source with a red or orange filter to find them with.I have noticed that by using a coloured filter the fox isn't as wary.A mate of mine has been using a blue one,i havn't seen it yet so i can't comment on how it works

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Deadeye ive,you are right it does cut the range down,i use a tracer max red or orange mainly for foxes tracer mini red or orange mainly for rabbits and a light from argos which i converted to run off a 12v power source with a red or orange filter to find them with.I have noticed that by using a coloured filter the fox isn't as wary.A mate of mine has been using a blue one,i havn't seen it yet so i can't comment on how it works

I have the blue and green as well for the tracer max.Same as the red filter cuts the light down to about 100 yd beam.Most success we have had is with the red or amber filter.The amber filter does not filter out as much light as the others so when used with a dimmer a fella could get away with only owning the amber filter

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