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Two more teenage road deaths

Fisherman Mike

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hardly a reasoned argument, in the services and emergency services there are guidelines rules and a pretty watchful eye kept on you, everything is thought through and supervised to a degree, a lot goes into minimising the dangers so hardly something that can be compared


Of course it's comparable.


Or are you saying that young coppers, paramedics, firemen etc. are fine to drive while on duty because someone's keeping an eye on them yet they suddenly change and drive like lunatics while driving to and from work with a colleague?

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As someone who has daily contact with 17 and 18 year old lads I cringe when I hear them talking about their exploits in and around cars.


At the end of the day the majority of youngsters are involved in accidents when they have their mates in the car or are racing their mates. Is a young copper really going to have a car load of mates? A young paramedic is really going to race his mates clio in his ambulance isnt he.


As for soldiers some of the worst driving I have ever seen was by young squaddies which is why they pay more for their imsurance than others.

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Is a young copper really going to have a car load of mates? A young paramedic is really going to race his mates clio in his ambulance isnt he.



Why shouldn't a young copper have a car load of mates? Surely they're not that unpopular? And of course a young paramedic won't race his mates in his ambulance. By your reasoning though he's likely to do it when he finishes work and drives home.

It's ridiculous to lump everyone together and punish them because of the actions of a few. As has been mentioned there are plenty of older people involved in RTC's, do we ban them too? Where do you draw the line? It's totally unworkable and totally unfair on the majority of decent drivers.

We're always banging on about all legitimate gun owners being lumped in with the odd nutter, yet you seem to think it's ok to do exactly that with young drivers. I don't get it. :no:

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I understand from a Traffic Policeman friend that 90% of accidents involving teenage boys in his region are simply down to the driver driving at excess speed.


I dont care too much about the Insurance costs or damage moreover the unnecessary loss of Human life which often involves innocent parties and destroys their families.


Personally I think the Driving test process should be reviewed so that young drivers get the necessary tuition before taking a test* and, because you never really start to learn to drive until you have passed your test, this* should be in several parts over the course of a year with the display of L plates or P plates mandantory during this time.


There are adverts all the time selling Tutition courses, and it appears any Tom **** or Harry can now become a Driving instructor in 6 weeks with 500 quid and the top of two cornflake packets.. Kids are being tought to a minimum standard just to get through the theory and practical of the test and in my opinion we need to go much further than that....


One of the biggest problems is that many young teenagers dont realise the consequences of their actions or indeed the penalties which are available to the Crown for Driving Offences.


We cant stop Young kids learning to Drive, or impose restraints or conditions on their licence it seems, but we can educate them properly.


If any good has come out of the recent spate of teenage accidents its that their mates might realise the futility of it all....for a short time at least...

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Sad news to hear of young lives snatched away. My nephew was killed over 20 years ago on his bike by a middle aged driver who pulled out from behind an oncoming car to overtake. It is understandable for the young to show off their cars and their "skills", what is not understandable is the fitting of noise producing devices and driving repeatedly around the same urban streets. Any one got an answer to the last sentence?



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Sad news to hear of young lives snatched away. My nephew was killed over 20 years ago on his bike by a middle aged driver who pulled out from behind an oncoming car to overtake. It is understandable for the young to show off their cars and their "skills", what is not understandable is the fitting of noise producing devices and driving repeatedly around the same urban streets. Any one got an answer to the last sentence?




The male peacock has big fancy feathers to attract its mate, the teenage youth has big speakers and a handbrake :yes::hmm:

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Lets face it, this is always going to happen. You can't legislate against morons.


I think more notice should be taken of the bad apples? You can spot them a mile off from the day they're old enough to have a moped. It's only because you have to be caught breaking a law so blatently that it can't be challenged in court that they get away with it. If I can spot a bad apple, a copper should be miles better at it. They should be able to hand out "on the spot 3 points" to people they simply don't like the look of. Most of you will know who I mean - the twin exhausted and lowered Corsa that tries it's damned hardest to spin it's wheels when it pulls out of junctions......


There will be some that say that's what kids do. Well I didn't! If these people were given 3 points for "being stupid" then they would either grow up more quickly or have to take a (harder) re-test after two strikes. You can't just blanket legislate to control kids because I know 17 year olds that I'd trust to drive an Aston and I know 30 year olds that shouldn't even be let out on a pushbike.

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