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need some life advice


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Too bloody true.


At my age women are like Tesco car parking spaces... They are either too far away, with kids or disabled :D


:lol::lol::lol: Not heard that before.


I think I can answer your dilema with a question or rather a series of questions:


Is your girlfried fit, have massive norks and put out (dirty stylee)?


Be honest, you're amongst friends.


Without fail Mungler, 10 points for perseverance, 0 points for success.

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Ooooooo to be 20 again..you lucky lucky **** you want to know if you should stay with a lass that is firm slender and more than likely energetic..or move in a house with blankets shuffling at night..... is it me :w00t::w00t:

at your age you should be eating it..at our age, we wish we did....


Youth is wasted on the young as they say :lol::lol:

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With all due respect! IF you have to ask other people how to run your life and make life decisions for you then perhaps you should move back in with your parents :unsure:


In my opinion you need to make your OWN choices as this is a dangerous habit to get into (taking others advice) You may move in with her and it goes pear shaped then you end up blaming those who advised you to and fall out. Also there IS the contrary wise issue of moving in your mates and again a mine field if you all fall out over something trivial you could not only lose a lodger but a friend for life.


There are a whole multitude of problems that could arise durin this issue but You are supposed to learn from your own mistakes not those of others. What one man says works for him may not work for the other 99.9% of the populous.


I think now is as good a time as any to use your own instinct and come up with a decision of your own!


Best of luck

Edited by Lord Geordie
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What you need is two rentable housee next to each other, move in with her in one with your mates and beer on tap in the other next door.


TBH - there are too many factors to come up with an answer, give it a go and see what you think after a few months.


I met my other half at 17 we got married when I was 21, now 28 with two kids and everything is cool.



Edited by reddan
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For a start, please don't treat any opinion you get (here or anywhere else) as anything to go by. It is you, and you alone that will have to live with the decision you make. Remember, no decision is final, and there is always time to change your mind. Don't listen to me or anyone else. Go with whatever feels 'right' and if some time along the way you realise you fancy a change, go for it. Your dilemma you are facing I believe is not a major one or even a life changing one. You are young, (I hope) ambitious and healthy, the world is your oyster. Look in your soul and see what is most important for you right now and go for it. If tomorrow brings a change in your priorities, you should not be hesitant to follow them. The last thing you want is to be locked in a life that is stagnant and is governed by what others think is right for you...

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Also there IS the contrary wise issue of moving in your mates and again a mine field if you all fall out over something trivial you could not only lose a lodger but a friend for life.




If I ever fell out with a mate over something trivial and we were no longer friends, then they weren't a friend in the first place.


I have dozens of male mates, known them for 15 years and none of us have ever fallen out to that extent, even the ones that lived together.


Falling out is either sorted by drinking or throwing fists in the sub-30's male. If after a **** up or a punch up you haven't sorted the issue, you weren't proper mates in the first place!!



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What a laugh i have had reading all of the above comments!


Thank you all for the advice. Believe it or not it has helped!

I know i cannot base my decission around what people say on an internet forum i was merely trying to draw from years and years of experience and what other people had gone through.


Im going to have a long hard think and some chats with people to decide what to do.

She is a lovely girl - Pics coming soon ;)


...But i am 20 have alot of lad mates and can see us all renting being a right laugh for the obvious reasons.

Thanks again guys :)





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fella im doing exactly the same with my pals in abou 3 months!

if she loves ya she will understand. its not like she wont be staying there all the time anyways. im 23 mate and i just want to live a little before i settle down.

I AM NOT SAYING DUMP HER! far from it, just do what you want mate and have a giggle! there will be 4 of us in a house and we are looking forward to the ladys coming round and makeing the dinner while we watch the footy lol. :yp:


i wouldnt advise taking your guns with you tho mate. :)


john boy

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Ooooooo to be 20 again..you lucky lucky **** you want to know if you should stay with a lass that is firm slender and more than likely energetic..or move in a house with blankets shuffling at night.....


That is the funniest line I have read for ages :lol::lol::lol:


Still laughing as I type this LOL

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