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What chance Eltons "son" will turn out Gay


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So Elton has a "son" and the family unit of 2 dads rich as you like shows money will get you what you want and not what nature intended, suspect Darwin will be rolling in his Grave......... is it right ??? kids need balance and the business of lezzer mums and homo dads is just wrong IMHO, I cant see Elton and David singing the virtues of women can you :hmm:

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So Elton has a "son" and the family unit of 2 dads rich as you like shows money will get you what you want and not what nature intended, suspect Darwin will be rolling in his Grave......... is it right ??? kids need balance and the business of lezzer mums and homo dads is just wrong IMHO, I cant see Elton and David singing the virtues of women can you :hmm:

I agree with you, totally Wrong,babies need 2 sex parents,whats said baby going to think when growing into a teenager :hmm:

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I give this one 2 pages.


Please use the term "homosexual" when referring to people who are attracted to the same sex, anything else will be deemed offensive.


its not intended to be offensive its about views and a debate on Rich folk being able to afford to twist nature to get what they want...... similar vien to Maddona shopping for kids in Africa under the belief she is "helping" right helping herself

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So two people who clearly love each other have had a child and are in a position to provide a loving home for that child. Ive no problems with that at all :good:



with a name like charlie brown i guess not :blink:


sorry chap could not resist it..... no offence intended :good:

Edited by pavman
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its not intended to be offensive its about views and a debate on Rich folk being able to afford to twist nature to get what they want...... similar vien to Maddona shopping for kids in Africa under the belief she is "helping" right helping herself



I'm sure it's not, but referring to them as "lezzers and homos" is probably going to get it closed. I referred to a homosexual as a sodomite (dictionary definition of a person or persons who practice sodomy) in the homosexual Vs Christians thread and it was closed shortly afterwards.


So be careful! :good:

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babies need 2 sex parents,whats said baby going to think when growing into a teenager :hmm:


It was more this and the needing balance from the OP.


I can think of far worse things than being brought up by same sex parents. The kids going to have the best of everything when there are others out there who have nothing except beatings or worse.

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It was more this and the needing balance from the OP.


I can think of far worse things than being brought up by same sex parents. The kids going to have the best of everything when there are others out there who have nothing except beatings or worse.

I Think i,d rather have the beatings

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It was more this and the needing balance from the OP.


I can think of far worse things than being brought up by same sex parents. The kids going to have the best of everything when there are others out there who have nothing except beatings or worse.



you have a point schern..... there are folk far worse off in life....... however a life has been started under non natural circumstance if i can say that,

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It depends how far you want to go with natural though. Should people who are unable to conceive naturally be allowed medical intervention? If we're talking Darwinism then the weak should be allowed to die to further the genetic evolution of humanity. If people are unable to conceive without assistance then should they be allowed to conceive at all? But try telling that to anyone in that position and see what their reaction is. It's amazing how opinions change when something is affecting you directly.

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The kid will live a much better life than anybody on this forum and there are millions upon millions of children around the world who would give anything to change places. To say that he won't have a normal life shows incredible disrespect to those children around the world who are fighting needless wars or forced into dangerous manual jobs in order to simply feed themselves.


The argument that it is unnatural and so shouldn't be allowed is nonsense.

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