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Lodger fleece me out of £620

jonno 357

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As topic. He is a nice lad and got himself into a shed load of debt and has been a model tennant


Do I give him a a good hiding and show him what life is about or turn the other cheek


Oh and he is 6 3" and tidy but soft as **** :oops: Not bothered about that but Im the same size but im 43 and he is 20 and not as musclular as him but has he got it ? :lol:

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Nip it in the bud, either call it a loss and kick him out for non payment of rent or kick him out and take him to court, either way just have it our with him and be direct.


EDIT:- Or you call it a loss let him get away with it then expect the same trouble again.

Edited by CZ550Kevlar
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Tell him that he has to start repaying you £100 per month on top of his rent.


If he slips up once get him out.


Alternatively start proceedings to get him out although do it legally not by force otherwise you'll end up paying him compensation as well and that will really hurt.

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I know it's often just idle chat but there are some strange posts on here at times - this being one of them. I imagien he can't be that much of a 'nice' lad to screw you over for that amount - there's loads of options open to you and I'm sure you must know them without airing it in public, especially when it suggests you are going to possibly give him a shoeing(not saying he wouldn't deserve it though).


Hope which ever path you choose you get back what you want. :good:

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I did a foolish thing and got a new pin number for my debit card and left it in my computer desk :blink: He has gone and drawn out the money out of a cash machine. He hasn't admitted it yet but when i challenged him he went drip white he was shaking like a ****eing dog


fraud officer is sending me cctv footage of outside bank and a still image of the person that took the money. I gave him the scenario to own up but like peter he denied christ


Told him he can own up give me my money and he jogs on or i get the footage and still image and I hand it over to the police


He bottled it and stood there for must have been 3 minutes in silence I could see him thinking and shaking. It was brilliant :lol::lol:

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I did a foolish thing and got a new pin number for my debit card and left it in my computer desk :blink: He has gone and drawn out the money out of a cash machine. He hasn't admitted it yet but when i challenged him he went drip white he was shaking like a ****eing dog


fraud officer is sending me cctv footage of outside bank and a still image of the person that took the money. I gave him the scenario to own up but like peter he denied christ


Told him he can own up give me my money and he jogs on or i get the footage and still image and I hand it over to the police


He bottled it and stood there for must have been 3 minutes in silence I could see him thinking and shaking. It was brilliant :lol::lol:


well it sounds like you have him bang to rights. so no need for violence.

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Fraud oficer told me you can't clone the chip its impossible and the system has flagged up it was my actual card that was used. While i was nights me must have taking my debit card out of my jeans and got the money and put it back without me knowing. Fraud officer remained impartial but kind of laughed ans said someone could have broken into your house got your card withdrawn the money prought your card back and locked up on the way out :lol:


She said most who do this were a hoodie but forget to cover the hands up :rolleyes: people where rings watches tattoo's


there not that clever :lol:

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well its stright theft for him to do that...


i would givre him the chance to pay you back if he just denies it hand it all over to the police,throw him out and keep his deposit..and his belongings i.e tv ect...


dont risk your job or licence being hasty its not worth having the police turn up and take your firearms and charge you with somthing over £620..

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Well i got a txt from him an hour ago he has confessed to stealing the money. He has been very foolish he does have a good job and he does work hard but the gambling bug has bit him and maybe the temptation was just too much :/


He txt me saying he would pass on his new address when the police need to contact him. I've thrown him a life line I don't think i could be responsible for ******* a young lads life and job up for £620 so if I get the wonga back case closed. Given him two weeks to repay the money or I go to police with the still images and cctv footage


He's sending his girlfriend to pick his gear up tonight he can't bear to look me in the eye


You live and learn !!!!!!!!!!!

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