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Criminal record and SGC application

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I am close to applying for my SGC but I am unsure about my criminal record's affect on it.

I was convicted of theft and fraud in a magistrates court when I was 18, I was fined£125.

I am 39 now, whilst it is considered spent under the rehabilitation of offenders act I obviously will be declaring it on my form.

Does any conviction rule out the issue of a SGC/FAC?


Apart from a couple of motoring offences I have had no other contact with the police since then.


Thanks in advance for your advice,


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Does any conviction rule out the issue of a SGC/FAC?

Look up the actual detail but anyone with a custodial sentence of 3 months is banned for 5 years, 3 or more years is banned for life from owning any firearm (inc Air) or using them at clay grounds etc. If you are CA member as indicated by your signature they will hopefully be able to advise.

Edited by HDAV
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I am close to applying for my SGC but I am unsure about my criminal record's affect on it.

I was convicted of theft and fraud in a magistrates court when I was 18, I was fined£125.

I am 39 now, whilst it is considered spent under the rehabilitation of offenders act I obviously will be declaring it on my form.

Does any conviction rule out the issue of a SGC/FAC?


Apart from a couple of motoring offences I have had no other contact with the police since then.


Thanks in advance for your advice,



You'll be fine, just be open and honest. At the end of the day, most people have done something silly in their lives but there's no point punishing them for the rest of their lives for it. In fact, give your local FEO a call and just explain your situation and say that you don't want to waste anyones time and he'll probably tell you to stop worrying and get your application in asap. Contrary to popular belief, FEO's don't really want to stop you shooting. You wouldn't beleive the lengths one went to help my brother, PM me if you want the details.

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You shouldnt have any problems. I got into bother 15 years ago, and firearm withdrawsn. If you have been agood for 8 years, which is the law in NOI, not sure abou the mainland you can reapply, which i did And successful. So dont hide anything, declare everything, even road offences, ie driving with no insurance etc, EVERYTHING.

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I am close to applying for my SGC but I am unsure about my criminal record's affect on it.

I was convicted of theft and fraud in a magistrates court when I was 18, I was fined£125.

I am 39 now, whilst it is considered spent under the rehabilitation of offenders act I obviously will be declaring it on my form.

Does any conviction rule out the issue of a SGC/FAC?


Apart from a couple of motoring offences I have had no other contact with the police since then.


Thanks in advance for your advice,




For firearms, ROA 1974 does not apply as per section 21. All offences MUST be disclosed on form 103 as specified in the notes section relating question 14.


Convictions resulting in a sentence over 3 years are an automatic exclusion.


That said, your case should not present a problem. Refusals will be made for any acts of violence or serious betrayals of trust.

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Hi paul. Just as the other posts have said. Make sure every detail is entered on the form and you should have no problem. Withhold any relevant information and you will. If in doubt tell them. Simple as that. Anyone with holding any information so as to procure a Shotgun or Firearms certificate is an offence and could be liable to prosecution. Hope this helps :good:


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Thanks for all the reply's chaps.

Pretty much as I thought but obviously best to ask people with much greater knowledge than I.

I had already put it on the application form but thought I had better check.

Just need to find a countersignee now.


Will a teacher do, I see that the list on the form is not absolutley set in stone?


Thanks again,



Edited by Gnome of the Woods
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Thanks for all the reply's chaps.

Pretty much as I thought but obviously best to ask people with much greater knowledge than I.

I had already put it on the application form but thought I had better check.

Just need to find a countersignee now.


Will a teacher do, I see that the list on the form is not absolutley set in stone?


Thanks again,




Teacher will be fine mate. :good:

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Excellent chaps, thanks again.

Not worried at all now as I have complete approval from the good lady wife!


Just one quick question about section B on the application form.

Cabinet is on order and will be about 4/5 weeks.

Do I just put the address where they will be kept i.e. my home address or do I put the location within the house where the cabinet will be going as well?


many thanks,



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Excellent chaps, thanks again.

Not worried at all now as I have complete approval from the good lady wife!


Just one quick question about section B on the application form.

Cabinet is on order and will be about 4/5 weeks.

Do I just put the address where they will be kept i.e. my home address or do I put the location within the house where the cabinet will be going as well?


many thanks,



Just your home address

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I put both. When the FLO came round the for the interview I showed him where I would put it. Got license before cabinet was installed and had a quick re-visit once it was installed.


You're lucky there. Some of the officers round here bring jemmys to see if they can prise the cabinet from the wall! I kid you not!

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I am close to applying for my SGC but I am unsure about my criminal record's affect on it.

I was convicted of theft and fraud in a magistrates court when I was 18, I was fined£125.

I am 39 now, whilst it is considered spent under the rehabilitation of offenders act I obviously will be declaring it on my form.

Does any conviction rule out the issue of a SGC/FAC?


Apart from a couple of motoring offences I have had no other contact with the police since then.


Thanks in advance for your advice,


I had a criminal conviction mine was a firearms offence some 32 years ago but still got my fac and sgc sounds worse than it is as mine was for using an air rifle in a public place ie i took my dads air rifle down the river when i was 14 and was caught messing about with it but all the same it still says firearms offence on my record



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I had a criminal conviction mine was a firearms offence some 32 years ago but still got my fac and sgc sounds worse than it is as mine was for using an air rifle in a public place ie i took my dads air rifle down the river when i was 14 and was caught messing about with it but all the same it still says firearms offence on my record



:blink: :o

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Heres a question for you all!

When is a Police Station not a Police station?

When your trying to hand you SGC application in to it! :o

LOL some regions you have to post it to the FEO dept PO Box, that's what we have to do local stations don't even keep forms....

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LOL some regions you have to post it to the FEO dept PO Box, that's what we have to do local stations don't even keep forms....


Off the Herts Police site


All fees should be paid at the time of application. If you hand in your application personally, at a police station, please ensure that you are given a receipt and that the fee details are entered on your application form


Double checked with them by phone as well!

I wouldn't have minded so much if it wasn't the station that houses the Hertfordshire Constabulary Firearms Licensing Department. :blink:

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I took it to Harpenden Police Station, where the FL dept is based.

It was only a small detour on my way home, and I thought take it straight there rather than taking it local and them send it on!

Only to be told by the nice lady she could not check the form (which I knew) and she could not issue a receipt!

I explained it was on the website and I had called to confirm i could take it to any Herts police station, she told me to take it to my local police station :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

All this whilst standing in the police station! And to top it off a member of the public chipped in "it's all done by phone now"!

Still it's in now, I have emailed the team to confirm they have received it. I will call the end of next week if there is no reply!

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