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Halfords (lack of) customer service


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Rant time!

I bought a halfords own brand pressure washer in October last year, reduced from £200 to £100. Used it to jetwash the driveway then put it away. Came to use it this Saturday, didn't work :angry:

Says on the washer to ring customer care and not return to store, which I did: shut, only work mon-fri.

Rang store, snotty kid says " errr dunno, err get manager..."

Manager takes over, asks whats wrong with it, "broke!" says I. "what have you done to it?"..."I beg your pardon!" etc. etc.

Then, manager says "what sort of detergent have you used?", "none, says me, its a jet washer!"

Manager then says "thats why YOU have broken it, you MUST use detergent all the time to lubricate it" :blink:

So I, as politely as possible, said he was talking rubbish, eventually Manager tells me to return it to the store and he will send it off for inspecting. I said its goosed and I want a replacement, but no, has to 'go back' and would take at least 2 weeks!

Yesterday I took it back to the store, the spotty yoof on the till didn't know what to do so called the manager, who eventually showed up, tried the on/off switch (not plugged in!), prodded it then says "where is the box, you cannot return it without the box"...

WHAT? then he wandered off with my receipt, to the glass office thing, where he stood eating a sandwich. His oppo looked at me, said something, Manager turns and looks at me, then sat down so he was out of view. Came back and told me I had to ring customer services!

I said " You ring them" .. "no, you have to", I say "can I use the phone then?" he says no!

So I went home and rang customer services: They told me to take it to the store :angry:

Its still in my van today, I have to go into town again, this has cost me about £15 in fuel and phone calls already.

My advice....DON'T USE HALFORDS !!!!!

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Rant time!

I bought a halfords own brand pressure washer in October last year, reduced from £200 to £100. Used it to jetwash the driveway then put it away. Came to use it this Saturday, didn't work :angry:

Says on the washer to ring customer care and not return to store, which I did: shut, only work mon-fri.

Rang store, snotty kid says " errr dunno, err get manager..."

Manager takes over, asks whats wrong with it, "broke!" says I. "what have you done to it?"..."I beg your pardon!" etc. etc.

Then, manager says "what sort of detergent have you used?", "none, says me, its a jet washer!"

Manager then says "thats why YOU have broken it, you MUST use detergent all the time to lubricate it" :blink:

So I, as politely as possible, said he was talking rubbish, eventually Manager tells me to return it to the store and he will send it off for inspecting. I said its goosed and I want a replacement, but no, has to 'go back' and would take at least 2 weeks!

Yesterday I took it back to the store, the spotty yoof on the till didn't know what to do so called the manager, who eventually showed up, tried the on/off switch (not plugged in!), prodded it then says "where is the box, you cannot return it without the box"...

WHAT? then he wandered off with my receipt, to the glass office thing, where he stood eating a sandwich. His oppo looked at me, said something, Manager turns and looks at me, then sat down so he was out of view. Came back and told me I had to ring customer services!

I said " You ring them" .. "no, you have to", I say "can I use the phone then?" he says no!

So I went home and rang customer services: They told me to take it to the store :angry:

Its still in my van today, I have to go into town again, this has cost me about £15 in fuel and phone calls already.

My advice....DON'T USE HALFORDS !!!!!



Sounds like a letter to head office time, explaining what happened, would also name store and staff involved, suspect they will resolve pronto.

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How would you stand if you just waltzed into the shop, picked another up off the shelf and dumped your knackered one and walked out with it? Would it be classed as theft if you left your details or would the police consider it a civil matter between you and the vendor and it would then be up to Halfords to chase you for the money?

I would suggest a bit of research into the sale of goods act - knowledge is power


Hope you get sorted

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No, not pressurised, I know how to work them, and it was in the garage, nice and warm!


AND, my Karcher, that was in the shed, needs a new hose/lance (which is what I went for in the first place!) still works a treat:

Think I will get a lance off eBay and a refund of Halfrauds :mad:

Edited by jacksdad
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I have lodged a fair number of complaints. I always ask for the manager. I always ask for his / her name. I then ask for the e-mail address of their Chief Executive. It normally works. If it doesn't. I then point out that I will contact their head , even if they fail to provide the address - only a phone number. I recap what I will complain about and ask them to note my name.


If that doesn't work, I follow up the complaint in writing. I have lost count of the number of sweeteners I have received from Curry's, Alliance and Leicester, McDonalds, Comet, ASDA and a whole lot more.

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I had a push bike an they built it ( I'm an engineer buy my mum insisted so that I don't invalidate warranty). 5 weeks later the rear wheel hub destroyed it's self and hen I complained to the manager, he said that I had built it wrong. He very soon back tracked when I told him it was built by his staff. They banned me from the store so I left my bike there, they rang. 2 days later saying I need to remove it so went down to pick it up and complain. Someone had ground halfway through re tube on the frame so I lost my rag and came out with a refund and a ban from buying bikes there. Complained to head office and they weren't interested.

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Go back to store one last time and ask again, take allnames of people you have spoken to times and dates . Get the coinciding fuel recipts with dates etc then send all in a letter to head office , prior to all of this phone customer service with the CEO name that you would have already found on google and simply ask for his contact address. They should rectify you there and then hopefully with a new washer, apology and compensation in voucher form. Make a point of the stand off ish unhelpful attitude of the manager and the fact he ate a sandwich when he should have been serving you.if that doesn't work send all the info to there correspondence address and go from there !

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Buy another one from a dififfernt branch, clean the old one up, put it in the new ones box and recipet take it back get a refund and if its back to £200 you will make £100 and you will have another :yes: or is that kind of thing not allowed :hmm: :yp:

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Buy another one from a dififfernt branch, clean the old one up, put it in the new ones box and recipet take it back get a refund and if its back to £200 you will make £100 and you will have another :yes: or is that kind of thing not allowed :hmm: :yp:


If they are not playing fair - that is exactly what I would do :good:

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I bought 5 Ltrs of semi synthetic from the Bletchly store about a month ago cos it was on offer-when i got to the till i asked the lady if she knew if the oil was o.k. to use for frying food being part synthetic (i like to have a laugh)-to my suprise she said that she would ask someone and ,before i could tell her it was a joke, she paged the manager!!!

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Buy another one from a dififfernt branch, clean the old one up, put it in the new ones box and recipet take it back get a refund and if its back to £200 you will make £100 and you will have another :yes: or is that kind of thing not allowed :hmm: :yp:


That's brilliant ........ Not that I would endorse it of course :) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I got a phone call from Halfrauds yesterday...thought the oik was going to say the jetwasher is ready...oh no:


He said it is being picked up by the repair geezer TODAY...its not even left the store yet! :angry::angry:


Then it will take about 2 weeks for them to repair, God knows how long to send it back to the store, I doubt I will ever see it again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update...I got my pressure washer back yesterday :lol:

The brain donor who rang me said that "they have had a couple of these back, they seem to have a fault" and that mine had indeed had a new motor fitted.

I went to the store to collect it and it was given to me in a new box, complete with jobsheet that says 'no parts or accessories' which is correct. I got home and unpacked it...inside was a brand new complete kit! On closer inspection, I noticed the lift up handle button was broken: it won't extend as it is supposed to. Looks like someone took it back without using it, noticed the broken handle so took it straight back and exchenged it. I also marked the case on mine and took pictures of them, so know this is a relacement.

I am just keeping this one, and my spare hose and lance, just feel sorry for whoever gets my old washer back minus all the parts :angry:

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Well yes, I've got a washer again, but its not the one I bought, and its not had a new motor fitted as the repair sheet stated :angry:

As the 'new' one looks brand new, albeit with a slightly faulty handle, I will keep it, but what if I got a washer that had been hammered until it broke? Mine had only done about 2 hours and it still died :no::lol:


LESSON....Buy a Karcher from somewhere else ! :good:

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