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ste eibar

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Do i have to carry my SGC or FAC with me or will photocopy's do.

I take them with me now but am worried about losing or ruining them.

Thank's for any advice.


It isn't a legal requirement to carry them with you but it helps if you are stopped by the police and need to prove you are legal. Some people say that a simple computer check will tell all, but a pnc check will only tell the officer that you are a firearms holder, they have no access to the details of the guns you hold (outside office hours) if you are worried about loosing or damaging them just leave them in your car whilt you are out shooting for when you may need them.

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pasted from 1968 firearms act.. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27#



48 Production of certificates.E+W+S.

(1)A constable may demand, from any person whom he believes to be in possession of a firearm or ammunition to which section 1 of this Act applies, or of a shot gun, the production of his firearm certificate or, as the case may be, his shot gun certificate..




(2)If a person upon whom a demand is made under this section fails to produce the certificate or to permit the constable to read it, or to show that he is entitled by virtue of this Act to have the firearm, ammunition or shot gun in his possession without holding a certificate, the constable may seize and detain the firearm, ammunition or shot gun and may require the person to declare to him immediately his name and address..


(3)If under this section a person is required to declare to a consta ble his name and address, it is an offence for him to refuse to declare it or to fail to give his true name and address..


This question gets asked fairly regularly. You will normally get a mixture of replies. Many carry the originals, a reasonable number seem to carry photocopies, and some carry nothing.


You pays your money and you takes your choice... :good:

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So ok does that mean he can take my rifle if I can't prove I have the right to own that particular rifle even thow he does a pnc check and it comes up that I'm a FAC holder. most officers I've had dealings with all they have done is checked on the radio that i am a FAC holder and that I have permission slips to be on that land and that's it thankyou for your time goodbye. No problems.

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they have no access to the details of the guns you hold (outside office hours)



Normal police cannot get details of your guns owned the only access they get is that you are a firearms holder, This covers shotgun/FAC. The details of your guns are not available on a standard pnc check (so I was told by armed response who went through my guns like a dose of salt when pulled over one night) A beat copper pulled me over and then got armed response (who were waiting down the road as backup) to come and go through the details of my guns as all the info they could get was that Im a firearms holder. The area I was shooting that night was having a perge on poaching.

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So ok does that mean he can take my rifle if I can't prove I have the right to own that particular rifle even thow he does a pnc check and it comes up that I'm a FAC holder. most officers I've had dealings with all they have done is checked on the radio that i am a FAC holder and that I have permission slips to be on that land and that's it thankyou for your time goodbye. No problems.


If the police want they can confinscate your guns until YOU can prove you are legally entitled to have them ie; produce your current FAC/SGC.

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I have been stopped more than my fair share of times by plod whilst going to or coming from shooting ( hazard of being on the road at silly hours in the morning) I have also had a police helicopter armed rsponse the lot (armed response twice)whilst actually shooting (once with hawkeye) I HAVE in all honesty NEVER been asked to show my tickets, which is just as well as I never carry them, I have found a simple response to who are you and what are you doing has meant plod can wend his weary way back to the canteen.



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