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google earth..


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Any ideas why it is that I can't get that quality of picture?


I can zoom in on Google Earth in urban areas quite well but can't get anything like the quality I've seen from other people where farms and farmland are concerned. It's the same with Maps as well I've just tried Marks link and put in Dishforth. Got a hazy Picasso-like painting type thing of fuzzy fields.


Is it because I haven't got broadband or is it something else I'm doing wrong?



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Unfortunately, you are not looking at the earth in real time. It is old photo's that you are looking at. If you look at New York or the Grand Canyon then the detail is terrific but if you put it on the middle of norfolk then the quality is dire.


Honestly, Yanks.



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You wanna see the Canadas in the field opposite Pugneys (t'other side of Asdale Road bottom left in the picture) now and again. I went past one day and there must have been a couple of hundred of the *******.


I don't have any probs with multimap at all, just the Googly stuff.



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Unfortunately, you are not looking at the earth in real time. It is old photo's that you are looking at. If you look at New York or the Grand Canyon then the detail is terrific but if you put it on the middle of norfolk then the quality is dire.


Honestly, Yanks.



its at least 4 years old cos i can see my old car in my drive and i got rid 4 yrs ago :lol:

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To Clarify...


It isn't in Google Earth at all, it is in Google Local UK which is something entirely different.


Hopefully that helps those who actually copied and pasted that address in and got nothing.


BUT if you zoom in on that field in Google Local UK you see what they are on about...




Here is the Google Earth image.


If you can find something amusing in this, I will buy you a a drink :lol:



Edited by stuartp
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