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Royal Wedding

Fisherman Mike

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I must confess to watching the Royal Wedding Cerimony (and having 50 quid ew..at 4/1 on Royal Wedding at Fontwell 30 minutes ago. :lol: ) I must admit I rather enjoyed it...Question is...Do I need Therapy..?


Whether you are interested or not it illustrates that when Royal pageantry is involved the Brits are still the best in the World.


Theres no doubt that the event has been a huge morale booster for the public and I wouldnt be suprised a significant shot in the Arm for the UK economy.

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Mike, despite getting a bit grumpy about it (the OTT coverage on every channel, not the event itself) I did partially repent. I spent the day in the garage working on a motorcycle restoration project and listening to the Radio which happened to be tuned to radio 4 and.........


the wedding :blush:


Good luck to them, and I'm sure it hasn't done the economy any harm :good:

Edited by Blunderbuss
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Guest liaddardscorner

As ex service person I have to say it puts the GREAT back in britain somethink we are losing in GB is our identity and feeling pround of our history heritage thats being wiped away by others and ourselves .


Be proud of yourselfs and enjoy the moment I never felt better that swearing my services to our Queen and country.



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As ex service person I have to say it puts the GREAT back in britain somethink we are losing in GB is our identity and feeling pround of our history heritage thats being wiped away by others and ourselves .


Be proud of yourselfs and enjoy the moment I never felt better that swearing my services to our Queen and country.



thats 2 of us m8

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I also listened to it on Radio 4 and have watched the highlights on this evening's news.


It was a great event and went like clockwork.

Nice to see so many people on the streets peacefully enjoying themselves and causing nobody any harm. :good:


The "feel good factor" can only be good for Great Britain Ltd.

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Going: Good

5:30 | 1 Royal Wedding (L Treadwell, 4-1 ); 4 Take A Mile (Jimmy Derham, 6-1 ); 7 ran. 5 Psi (J E Moore, 5-2 fav);

Distances: 12 lengths; 9 lengths;

Winning trainer: N J Gifford.

Tote: £4.40; £1.70; £3.30; Exacta: £42.90; Swinger: £4.70; Swinger: £5.70; Swinger: £3.20; CSF: £28.87;


Note the winning distance, akin to stealing!!



Hopefully that flying machine Frankel will win the Guineas tomorrow! I'll be there.

Edited by Whitebridges
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As ex service person I have to say it puts the GREAT back in britain somethink we are losing in GB is our identity and feeling pround of our history heritage thats being wiped away by others and ourselves .


Be proud of yourselfs and enjoy the moment I never felt better that swearing my services to our Queen and country.




:good: :good: :good: :good:

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We went up there last night for a walkabout god it was buzzing even then. Thousands of people camped out, pop up tents everywhere and the drink was flowing big time. I can't imagine many people got much sleep but what an atmosphere. The party was well under way when we left about 10pm


The thing I was most amazed at was the number of Americans and Canadians lining the route*. You saw the flags and heard the accents everywhere. It was good. No trouble, no bad scenes just millions of happy people.



* And Germans, the Germans regard our Royal Family as their own. Which historically of course they are! More so than British really.


After the wedding the Lancaster flew over our house, that was great to see too.

Edited by Vince Green
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After the wedding the Lancaster flew over our house, that was great to see too.



:yes: what a plane that is.....when we have our airshow every year i make sure i go just to see the lancaster and the spitfire fly together.



call me old......(which im not) but i dont care. i love to see those 2 planes fly! :good:

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and her sis is very nice bet little harry has her on the throne tonight

He has better stay away, I have plans for my oldest son Matthew in that direction. But yes, lovely. The Middletons did a good job today. They just pitched it about perfectly given that they are commoners and anything they do will be subject to endless scrutiny. Not as easy call for them but they handled it beautifully. Credit where credit is due, they did well.

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Yes, it was lovely darts all round.


I was strangely drawn to Eugenie and Beatrice - I was fascinated by the daft head gear, panda eyes make up and their vacant expressions but was strangely drawn in - big knockers and not likely to say "no" will do for me any day.

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Yes, it was lovely darts all round.


I was strangely drawn to Eugenie and Beatrice - I was fascinated by the daft head gear, panda eyes make up and their vacant expressions but was strangely drawn in - big knockers and not likely to say "no" will do for me any day.

If they have any of their Aunty Margaret's genes they will be good for a quickie. Or two.

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Yes, it was lovely darts all round.


I was strangely drawn to Eugenie and Beatrice - I was fascinated by the daft head gear, panda eyes make up and their vacant expressions but was strangely drawn in - big knockers and not likely to say "no" will do for me any day.


Whenever anyone asks what I look for in a woman I always reply: "Availability"

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