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So much for the wind making the birds decoy more easily! Up intill Tuesday I have never shot on a windy day and the bags have been relatively small (although still enjoyable). On Tuesday it was blowing a gale. So much so that my brand new hide kept on blowing down, the rotary kept on getting the arms blown off (or the pigeons ripped off) and the shell decoys were blown off of their stands and blown half way across the field.


Ended up with 10 from 50 shots including my first right and left but it was hard work.


What are the tips when the wind is that strong?



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As you get more experienced and more accustomed to the land you shoot, you will get to know where and when to set up. Don't get me wrong, most pigeon shooters will have bad days me included, but when you have good days you will remember these and tend to focus on the fields that give you these good days and probably put your hide up in the same places, but sometimes it's good to experiment, and remember you can decoy pigeons without a hide, tuck yourself just inside a hedgerow or by a tree and learn to sit still.


When I go I tend to take everything with me (way more than I need), when I get there I then assess the situation and use only what I need to leave the rest in the car.


On your day I would have not used a hide even at the expense of not having so many birds by being in not best place, (I have never been a numbers shot person, enjoyment is the name of the game although it comes under pest control), put decoys close in, used cyl and 1/4 choke with No. 7 shot and give them extra lead.




True story - watch where they come in/leave the field, a couple of years ago went on a recce on a field of laid wheat, pigeons were feeding on a laid patch on the far side to where I was in a grass field but flighting over me, the wind was virtually gale force, by tucking myself into a little hawthorn hedge with no decoys I shot 5 birds for 12 shots, not a lot but very testing and good fun.


So in answer to your question, assess every situation and learn from your mistakes, but as long as you enjoy yourself your doing it right.

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Hi EssexJohn,


I don't shoot locally as I am pretty new to pigeon shooting and haven't attempted to get any permissions yet. I'd imagine it's quite difficult around here. I go up to North Norfolk quite reqularly to shoot with a guide there. Quite a treck and probbaly expensive but I am hooked on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
When I go I tend to take everything with me (way more than I need), when I get there I then assess the situation and use only what I need to leave the rest in the car.

Have u got a4x4 to get the kit across the fields?


I take all my kit every time out and its hard work lugging across thefields :*)


might have to get me a wheel barrow as part of the kit! :/


this is my first time on the site' i think its great can any one tell me how to get my pigeon shot status up on screen , beginer, good shot, great shot etc




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I hadn't really thought of Pigeon Shooting Clubs. I had heard of them but only in passing. I'll try the BASC as suggested. Does anybody in Herts/Essex know of any locally? Also how do they work?





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Haven't got a 4x4 yet, but working on it.


That's how I do it, i got one of those lightweight fold up wheelbarrows from the garden centre, fixed some metal pieces either side on the framework (to give rigidity when in use) with wingnuts so that they can be removed easily to fold when needed, and changed the hard tyre for a wheelbarrow pneumatic (had to make a shaft for it to run on though which has in it a grease nipple).


Some bungy ropes here and there to tie everything down while on the move and away to go. Have to watch when there is hedge cutting going on though not to have a puncture :lol:


Oh, nearly forgot made a shelf fixed to the frame over the wheel (so the weight is over the wheel and your not lifting it with your forearms) for the magnet 17 amp battery.


PS the car is a hatchback so with the seats folded everything just about fits in.

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Been that windy today i thought we were gonna lose our garden fence :thumbs:


Even the CARS are swerving over the road it's that windy.


If it were in Lincolnshire i would say thats normal :lol:


Not here though.


Hope the wind drops for Sunday as i am off clay shooting again :rolleyes:


Really the wind hasn't let off here for about 2 weeks :blink:


Today got real bad but it dont seem too bad at the mo.



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