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Do you and your partners have joint hobbies ?

Salop Matt

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As above.....


I fully admitt that I eat breath and sleep shooting and field sports related things and am fortunate enough to be able to do most of what I wish and thats completely down to my Mrs being one in a million.

But she istn into the shooting at all, Her heart is in horse-riding and the horse world. But although we could just about afford for her have a horse we would then struggle time wise for her to be able to spend weekday time with one due to work committments. So she basically hobbieless and living with me whos happy as a pig in smelly stuff who eats sleeps and breaths shooting.


Then to night she said she wished we had something we could do together as a hobbie ! Which got me thinking ...... I dont really know anyone couple who have hobbies they do together, addmittedly you get do get some but they seem to be few and far between.


So what do you lot do as couples or dont you ?


Is it odd that me and the mrs dont have a joint hobbie so to speak ?


We both enjoy eating out together the cinema and seeing friends but what does everyone else do hobbie wise ?



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As above.....


I fully admitt that I eat breath and sleep shooting and field sports related things and am fortunate enough to be able to do most of what I wish and thats completely down to my Mrs being one in a million.

But she istn into the shooting at all, Her heart is in horse-riding and the horse world. But although we could just about afford for her have a horse we would then struggle time wise for her to be able to spend weekday time with one due to work committments. So she basically hobbieless and living with me whos happy as a pig in smelly stuff who eats sleeps and breaths shooting.


Then to night she said she wished we had something we could do together as a hobbie ! Which got me thinking ...... I dont really know anyone couple who have hobbies they do together, addmittedly you get do get some but they seem to be few and far between.


So what do you lot do as couples or dont you ?


Is it odd that me and the mrs dont have a joint hobbie so to speak ?


We both enjoy eating out together the cinema and seeing friends but what does everyone else do hobbie wise ?




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my mrs loves being the lamper , also plinking down farm .

she is a diamond to me and my passion of shooting , and only puts her parts on when the motor is muddy and bloody .


she enjoys the full freezer and thats about it . mainly because i dont do cross stich we dont do more together !



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My wife and I used to spend a lot of time sking together then I broke my shoulder :oops: and that put the mockers on that (advised not to ski anymore) :/ . Then I took up shooting and Ann got interested (after a couple of years) was doing really well but she had a stroke last June :sad1: and I dont think she will be shooting again, not due to any physical disability but just dont want to do it (lack of confidence I think). But we still do a lot of walking together.


We also have friends who have bowling as a hobby (green not ten pin)



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Me and the missus do a lot of stuff together, but not yer actual hobbies as such. We both like travelling, walking, pubs, cooking, eating out etc and love doing all that together. After a few years of trying I've got her into riding pillion on my bike for trips away and she really enjoys that, but not what I class as "hobbies". I sometimes think I'd love get to get her to take her bike test, come shooting or proper hill bashing, but it's just not her thing, which is fair enough. Just as I'm not into clothes shopping or chick flicks. It's healthy to have separate interests, and too much time in each others pockets probably isn't great for a relationship I reckon.

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yup my partner Linda spend a lot of time fishing together.. and she is bloody good at it .. too good sometimes :)


took her shark fishing in ireland a couple of years ago.. I got my first Blue of 30lb, Linda got her first.. 225lb



She cant beat me with the skate though, her best is only 186lb :) :)

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My wife really enjoys fly fishing. Never had any knowledge or interest in shooting / fishing before she met me, but has become a competent fly fisher and even pops out sometimes for some plinking with the hmr.


Remember once we were fishing, and she hooked 4 trout in quick succession - 2 at 4lb, 1 at 6lb and one at 7lb. Her in jeans and fleece and the 2 pro's with all the gear and no idea gradually edging closer to where we were both catching!!! How we laughed.



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Me and the Wife met through our hobbies, we were both into biking and met through that. We both also did Field Archery together for many years but due to a back problem last year I have had to give that up hence me starting shooting.


She is showing some interest in shooting but as she is bloody good at Field Archery she is going to concentrate on that for the time being.


Doing the same hobbies never really caused any issues and it still feels a bit odd at weekends when I go off to shoot and she goes off to archery - and whatever she might say I never gave up archery because she started to beat me :lol:

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Me and wife go carp fishing together and she loves it and has done for years, but she wont go shooting with me. She is well into her horse's and spends most of her time doing that when she aint at work which leaves me plenty of time for shooting !


Salop Sniper cant your wife find some one that needs a hand with horse's ie a bit of work, mucking out etc for rides. My wife is really lucky as a friend of the family has 2 horses and he is only really interested in one and the other is just for company and basically lets the wife take care of it but he pays for feed and shoes etc. His horse is a fresian and use's it for ride and drive (horse and cart) and does weddings etc and the wife helps alot with that aswell. He also employs her for house cleaning and washing/ironing etc as he lost his wife a couple years ago and struggles on his own at his age 72 i think ! My wife grew up with one of his daughters and is very good freinds today, so its nice for them as my wife is often there or down the yard incase anything happend to him as he has had a couple of falls of late !


Wife has just said that our local paper often has adverts for horse sharing or help wanted with horses might be worth checking out or advertise herself, wifes freinds have done that with success. Bit like trying to find permission i guess !


Anyway she wips my **** at fishing : 28lb common



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My wife has no interest in shooting (She used to shoot indoor air rifles at a club near hereford and was extremely good at it) but is very supportive towards me and my shooting, even though she does not want to hear any of the "gory details" when I get back, particularly if I have been out after foxes!

She, just like me, enjoys her photography and we get out together in the countryside for that when we can and we both have a passion for crown green bowling. We are both members of two league teams and bowl competitively twice a week throughout the season and we regularly play a "round robin" match every Saturday afternoon - If I arrange anything that clashes with our two bowls match days (Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon) or the Saturday afternoon and miss the our bowling time together my life isn't worth living. She classes that as our "prime time together"!

We used to do a lot of gardening when we had two garden allotments but since we moved to to this part of Lancashire there are no allotments available so that is out of the question.

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We ski and scuba dive together, she'll come to the clay ground with me if I ask her to and have a go, but mainly she just presses the buttons for me. She is in to horses so I go with her to horse-type events (Burghley horse trials mainly) and anything that is on while we are away camping - local polo matches can be entertaining! Lots of camping/ dog walking and mountain biking.


Best bit is she'll come off roading to pay and play sites with me, usually when organized through a club and she knows other wifes/women will be there. She gets involved too, and is willing to try and get my D3 up most slopes!


One day I'll learn to ride a horse so we can go out together :good:

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My mrs loves flyfishing as well but I'm fed up of paying over £20 to have her thrashing around like Indiana Jones at the other end of the boat and mess it up for me. Selfish? I don't go along to her arts and crafts classes and ruin them for her.

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