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The McCanns


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Nope, no evidence of the kids being sedated, and no mention of the supposed admission by Kate McCann on the telly program you think you saw. Nadda. Nothing.


See Dunkield's post above.


This is an interesting read:




All this the McCanns were bad parents stuff - alright lets say they were 100%. Where does that get anyone?


There's a kidnapper and murderer out there still.... very little mention of that on these pages, just blame for the McCanns.


like it or not without the actions of the Mccanns we would not be debating this simple as.



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Mungler - little to disagree with - air comment.


Nial - don't lecture me on how I think. I think far more clearly than you can even aspire to do.


It's not to do with the odds of a car accident or a child being abducted. Ben Needham was abducted. A gamble under those circumstances is not one a smart person would take. That set alarm bells ringing for me and a few other parents, I would venture. If it didn't figure in your thinking, for whatever reason, that is what separates me from you.


You haven't answered a straight question. Perhaps it is a little difficult for you.


With what you now know, would you do the same as the MCanns? It doesn't take an evasive smart alec reply, it justs needs a yes or a no. Then we will all know what sort of person you are.

Edited by Gordon R
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Some well funny conspiracy theorists and keyboard warriors on here :lol:


As kids, my brother and I were often left in hotel rooms while our parents had a party downstairs in the hotel with friends. We spent everyday of the long summer school holidays out of the house on our BMXs from 8am until 6pm. We had no mobile phones, but as long as we were back on time our parents weren't worried.


Unfortunately, life is different today. The McCanns took a risk and their daughter was abducted. I cant imagine how bad I would feel if that happened to either of my boys.


I will say that I think they have overdone the PR to the point that people either don't like them, or have been de-sensitized to their cause. It is a fine balance and I guess that even if they aren't liked by some, everyone knows that their daughter is missing and what she looks like - and that's all that counts to them.

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The failure to use reasonable care. The doing of something which a reasonably prudent person would not do, or the failure to do something which a reasonably prudent person would do under like circumstances. A departure from what an ordinary reasonable member of the community would do in the same community.



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You may risk your kids when you take them in a car...but a good parent puts them in a child seat to lessen that risk , drives with care,doesn't use a phone etc ....bit like staying with them at night..it lessens the risk of anything bad happening...does not eliminate it..just lessens it to a more acceptable level ...which ain't a bad thing is it.

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There's a kidnapper and murderer out there still.... very little mention of that on these pages, just blame for the McCanns.


Having a go at two upper class people seems to be more important to some.


When the next little blonde girl is abducted, we'll have another police bashing thread for not catching the culprit. We'll give the McCann's a break, because we will have a new set of failure parents to have a go at! :yes:



I can't stand the "I never put my child at risk" comments.These posters should visit a childrens hospital where they can see how many children come to harm in daily life. Then ask themselves,"could that happen in my house?".

As Nail said statistically your child is more at risk in daily activities than being left alone for a while.

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PWD - well said that man. Short and to the point.


gsm 1968 -where does class come in to it?


I can't stand the "I never put my child at risk" comments.


Same question - would you now do what the McCanns did? Yes or no.

Edited by Gordon R
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My cousin and his missus were sat in their back garden having a glass of wine one evening when their little kids were asleep upstairs. When they went upstairs they found that someone had climbed through a window and burgled them. Stuff was taken from the room one of the kids was in.


What if the kids were gone? Would they have deserved it? Would they have been negligent? Where is the line?

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paul65 - The Mccanns were not in the garden, they were some distance away.


Did the event make your relatives more careful? I suspect it did.


When my kids were younger and we retired to the back garden, we locked the front door, all the windows were locked and we had three GSDs patrolling the drive.

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gsm 1968 -where does class come in to it?


Same question - would you now do what the McCanns did? Yes or no.


After 10 pages I'm loosing the will, but some posts did come accross as a dislike for the McCann's based on their upper class appearence.


And "NO", I would not leave my kids alone, as they did. However I will not persecute them for doing it, in an environment where they believed the kids to be safe in a locked flat.



I just don't like the idea of Madeline being kept in a room and only taken out when her "New Daddy" wants to play. Some how the McCann's are now the villains, and "New Daddy" isn't that much of a priority.

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If I take my son on a plane and we get hijacked and flown into a skyscraper and killed, is his death my fault? I know there is a risk of that happening, it's happened before, am I to blame?


It's a straightforward question, yes or no?

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I can't be bothered commenting on most of the holier-than-thou gossip-mongering cak that's being posted on this thread.


I've been to loads of events in hotels with normal decent people from all kinds of backgrounds who have put their kids to bed and nipped down for dinner or back to the party. It was commonplace prior to the McCann case, though not anymore and people have a selective memory about it.


How likely is it that:

Parents would accidentally kill their child and then decide to dispose of the body

Parents would find their child dead and then decide to dispose of the body

Both parents would agree to dispose of their dead childs body

One parent would do it and successfully hide it from the other

One could dispose of a body unseen forever in a holiday resort in a foreign country

A group of parents would cover up the killing of one of their friends children

If you kill someone and hide the body, you make a fuss and draw attention to the case for years

Neither parent would crack


All of these things are being suggested as plausible. To me, not much of that seems reasonable at all and those willing to accept it are doing so based on a dislike of the McCanns for reasons of class or because they come across as unlikeable.

That`s a long "I can`t be bothered answer!!" :lol:

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It's not silly at all. I'm talking about risk management and reasonable expectation of what might happen. We do not base our decisions on the most extreme situation that could occur, we base it on what's likely to occur.


If I go on holiday to the Canaries with my wife and ask her to nip down to the Chinese supermarket to pick up some spring rolls, I don't consider that she might get her head chopped off by some nutter while she's there. I might tell her to watch her purse, that's reasonable. 'Make sure no-one chops off your head,' isn't. Am I to blame if that happens? I think not.

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The whole were the McCanns negligent or at fault is a red herring.


Lets just go with it and assume and all agree that they were. Now what?


Does that make them guity of the abduction and murder of their daughter? No.


There's a kidnapper, murderer and or paedo out there that wants catching and if the McCanns want to crack on and find him (or worse them) then that is the part of the cross they will bear...

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Ok if we all accept they were negligent for leaving their daughter on the fateful evening.

Can we expect them to donate the proceeds of the book, to scotland yard to investigate the case.

And when they come up with nothing that be the end of it. No of course not in another year or so when the money has run out, what they going to do next, a range off dolls to high light their plight

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Ok if we all accept they were negligent for leaving their daughter on the fateful evening.

Can we expect them to donate the proceeds of the book, to scotland yard to investigate the case.

And when they come up with nothing that be the end of it. No of course not in another year or so when the money has run out, what they going to do next, a range off dolls to high light their plight


Well, they are in catch-22 now, aren't they? If they continue the campaign 'they're in it for the money'. If their daughter is never found and they give up the campaign, the muttering will be that they've given up because they know 'what really happened to her.'

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paul65 - if you have children and take them to the Canaries - will you do as the McCanns did?


I know the concept of a straight answer to a sensible question might just be beyond you, but have a go.


Mungler - I honestly think I would be happy if there was a consensus that the McCanns were very stupid and now know better. I would be happier if people would stop pretending that they were anything other than very stupid.


If they had nothing to do with her disappearance - good luck to them in their search for her. They have to live with what they did for the rest of their lives. There has been no public acceptance from the McCanns of the enormity of what they did, but in their private moments do you honestly think they agree with posters who see no fault in their actions?

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The government should divert cash from housing illegals, and use it to investigate this to the end. Dave (Cammeron)is right in pumping tax payers money into this in my view, as we all want to know the truth.


It has gone on too long now, one of those niggling unsolved crimes that should be investigated by the professionals that this country has.


Another pedo/nutter off the street can only benefit all of us...


I think the Mc Canns know more, and are involved more than has been proved.


I, like many, want to know the truth.

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We do not base our decisions on the most extreme situation that could occur, we base it on what's likely to occur.


This is where your thought process is not aligned with GordonR, and I have to say this is NOT how we should assess risk.


Risk should be assessed on severity AND likelihood, not on likelihood alone as you seem to be suggesting. So, you might consider the likelihood too small to warrant attention, but when you add the severity into the equation you might change your mind, and take mitigation(s).

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