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Well what can i say, got my new car yesterday first brand new car i have ever owned, went to work in it last night, come out this morning and some slag has keyed it on both sides the full length.....gutted


Lots of jealous people out there mate, thats why I always have old rot boxes that arent worth a carrot.

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I really feel for you on this, because it is a real problem where I live.


I bought a new car (not brand new, but not far off) last year, and it has already had a bike handle all the way up one side and has been keyed right down to the primer across the boot.


To be honest, I would rather they took the car and sold it for scrap, because at least then you could say they did it for the money. As it is they are just ruining your stuff, that you worked hard for, because they are ***** :yes:

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There is state of the art cctv, only problem was it was pointing in the wrong direction at all the building entrances where i work, near Guildhall,London. Usually there are top of the range bmw's,mercs,lexus etc there and they never get touched...i park a brand new £24k car there and whallop some arsewipe keys it...i have run a touch up brush down it , it looks better than it was but still ****....back to work shortly for round two now that the bubble has burst...will give it another go in the week with the touch upbrush then try and cut it back with some compound.

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I really do feel for you, If I scratch my 5 year old Navara and touch it up/ polish it out I'm gutted and the car never looks the same in my opinion never mind your 'brand new car' there are some total scumbags out there that cant stand people having something nice

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There is state of the art cctv, only problem was it was pointing in the wrong direction at all the building entrances where i work, near Guildhall,London. Usually there are top of the range bmw's,mercs,lexus etc there and they never get touched...i park a brand new £24k car there and whallop some arsewipe keys it...i have run a touch up brush down it , it looks better than it was but still ****....back to work shortly for round two now that the bubble has burst...will give it another go in the week with the touch upbrush then try and cut it back with some compound.


Don't bother ******* about with touch up sticks on a key scratch as it'll always look rubbish. Get it down to a body shop and they'll respray it ASAP.


Is your insurance fully comp? Mine would cover this on a no fault-no blame basis :good:


Forget all about CCTV as it'll never be zoomed in enough on your car to see a key scratch being done.

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I have a car that I hardly drive because I don't want it ****** up. I bought it to drive everyday, but instead I drive around in a works truck because I just know that some ****** will open their door onto it or scratch it.


The car park planners don't help, I am sure they are getting bungs off the bodyshops. I have a large German saloon car too which always overfills the spaces lengthwise and widthwise. Car park spaces need to be bigger. :yes:

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I know someone who ran a bodyshop in London, he said it was in the early days he really enjoyed it but in the latter years about 75% of his work was fixing up vandalised cars :(

It's happened to me and it's even worse when it happens where you live, as you look at every 'yoof' that walks past wondering if they were the scumbag who did it.

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not going to waste my time with bodyshops or my insurance, whats the point, policy will go up, and it will only get done again....an update on the cctv is that i spent hours trawling through footage and i have found the culprit or should i say culprits which has come as a bit of a shock. i was thinking that it was some sick individual but i was wrong. At 04:54 hrs a van parked in front of my car, then a small looking car pulled along side of my car for a minute or two, when the car drove away someone got out of the van and walked past the car slowly and seemed to stop towards the rear of the car. The van had the word CAM on the side which i will have to scrutinise a bit later but it looks like it was targeted. Before you ask i have not cheesed anyone off, and it was only the second time taking it to work so no one was aware the car was actually mine. The other thing i have realised is that a few weeks back i noticed a similar car to the one i have bought parked out front of where i work and i reckon someone has targeted this car and got mine instead...just my luck.

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my dad caught 5 little ******* doing this to his girlfriends car they were aged between 16 and 18 they squared up to him and he ended up flooring one of them. he ended up getting 6 months for it, served 5. best bit about it was the one he hit was known for nicking cars he got £500 pounds compensation. my old man also lost his sgc.

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a further update, i now have the van registration and the police have been informed, just waiting for them to get in touch. i checked the security logs on the external patrols of the building and what a muppet.....this van was working in the building behind mine and once he did my motor he drove a few yards round the corner parked up and went inside 30 minutes later....the name of the company he works for i got wrong...its ***. Feeling a little better now that i have done most of the donkey work....lets see how the police handle it and hopefully some more cctv footage might appear from the surrounding buildings that will help nail this slag

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